Killing The Father Then Laughing At The Fatherless Children As A Strategy…

Baltimore Police officers arrest a man following the funeral of Freddie Gray near Mowdamin Mall
Baltimore Police offi­cers arrest a man fol­low­ing the funer­al of Freddie Gray near Mowdamin Mall

How about that?
You kill my father then deride me for being fatherless !!!
Such has been the strat­e­gy of Legislatures all across America in their con­tin­ued march to mar­gin­al­ize and side­line African-American people.

African-Americans could have, and can do a bet­ter job of pro­tect­ing them­selves against the sys­tem but that is a dif­fer­ent con­ver­sa­tion than the one I want to have today.
Systematically design­ing laws which tar­gets Black Americans, then Militarizing Police depart­ments and plac­ing them in com­mu­ni­ties of col­or with strict codes of aggres­sive polic­ing is only one way in which large­ly white leg­is­la­tures have designed the sys­tem to solve their Black problem.

Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton is now forced to put dis­tance between her­self and the oner­ous crime bill her hus­band Bill Clinton a Democrat signed on the backs of poor blacks.
The United States Supreme Court recent­ly stripped away part of the vot­ing Rights Act.
The Argument the Court used in jus­ti­fy­ing it’s deci­sion was that the law was no longer nec­es­sary because the South is not as Racist as it once was.
In oth­er words the court’s argu­ment is that it struck down parts of the law because it worked too well.
Of course, based on the rhetoric and leg­isla­tive actions across the coun­try , the new stan­dard of Democracy from the polit­i­cal right is to keep from the polls the peo­ple who are like­ly to vote for the opposition.

The Goal of the white pow­er struc­ture was always to keep Blacks out of posi­tions of power.
This means black men in par­tic­u­lar must be giv­en a record as ear­ly as possible.
The idea is to ensure that the most aggres­sive forms of polic­ing are employed, irre­spec­tive of legal­i­ty or constitutionality.
Making sure young black men get a crim­i­nal record is mar­ried to laws which says if you have a crim­i­nal record you can­not become a Lawyer or a Judge. You can­not get a job in any sen­si­tive area of Government. Oh and you can­not become a cop either.
It is imper­a­tive that Blacks are kept off police depart­ments if the plan is to work effectively.
As if that was not enough, blacks com­ing out of the prison indus­tri­al com­plex have had their vot­ing rights stripped away.

'We have a significant population gap among African-American males because so many of them have spent time in jail and, as such, we can't hire them,' Police Commissioner Bill Bratton said in an interview.
‘We have a sig­nif­i­cant pop­u­la­tion gap among African-American males because so many of them have spent time in jail and, as such, we can’t hire them,’ Police Commissioner Bill Bratton said in an interview.

If you ask any Legislator what is the rea­son for strip­ping vot­ing rights away from peo­ple with crim­i­nal records ? They tell you sim­ply , that they don’t deserve the right to vote.
That was the answer Presidential wannabes like Mitt Romney and oth­ers gave when asked.
Paying one’s debt to soci­ety is not enough as far as they are con­cerned. Those the sys­tem choos­es to give a crim­i­nal record must also wear a scar­let let­ter for the remain­der of their lives.
That has always been America’s answer to it’s ongo­ing cru­sade to tram­ple and sup­press it’s black population.

So when William Bratton, New York City’s Police Commissioner stat­ed recent­ly that his depart­ment can­not hire blacks because too many have crim­i­nal records,Bratton was essen­tial­ly laugh­ing at the father­less chil­dren he and oth­ers like him cre­at­ed after killing their fathers.
Bratton claimed his com­ments were tak­en out of con­text in an inter­view he gave to British Publication, the Guardian.
In the Interview Bratton said quote: “That’s well known. It’s an unfor­tu­nate fact that in the male black pop­u­la­tion, a very sig­nif­i­cant per­cent­age of them, more so than whites or oth­er minor­i­ty can­di­dates, because of con­vic­tions, prison records, are nev­er going to be hired by a police depart­ment. That’s a real­i­ty. That’s not a byprod­uct of stop-and-frisk,”

NYPD cops surround Eric Garner moments before choking him to death. No cop was held responsible for mister Garner's death.
NYPD cops sur­round Eric Garner moments before chok­ing him to death.
No cop was held respon­si­ble for mis­ter Garner’s death.

Bratton has stri­dent­ly made the case for New York City’s stop-and-frisk laws , dubbed bro­ken-win­dows, argu­ing they are nec­es­sary to remove guns from the streets.
As a for­mer police offi­cer I see ben­e­fits to police hav­ing that tool to stop and search some­one whom they believe may have an ille­gal weapon.
I also agree that when crim­i­nals know they will not be stopped and searched for ille­gal weapons, they are more like­ly to car­ry weapons and use them.

The prob­lem is not that the laws are par­tic­u­lar­ly bad. The prob­lem rests with those empow­ered to enforce them.
When cops uses those very laws to harass , intim­i­date, abuse and humil­i­ate, the laws become a problem.
Bratton like so many oth­ers, fail to see that the very med­i­cine he has been giv­ing the patient is killing him because he stub­born­ly fails to heed the side effects warn­ings in the disclaimer.
As always, when­ev­er I talk about police vio­lence, I try to point out that the police are mere­ly mir­ror­ing the intent behind the devi­ous laws craft­ed and passed by big­ots with­in state leg­is­la­tures across the country.
These laws are designed and passed in state and munic­i­pal leg­is­la­tures, the fight to erad­i­cate police aggres­sion should begin there.
Not in front of Police Headquarters.….