The Killing of Police Officers have restarted in earnest in Jamaica. Last week retired SSP Anthony Hewitt was slaughtered, last night a young detective Corporal was gunned down close to his home in yet another attack on the fabric of the society.

In yet anoth­er assault on the Jamaican psy­che and the exis­tence of the Jamaican Nation not to be seen as a failed State Jamaica’s crim­i­nals are once again unleashed onto Law Enforcement Officers, in brazen fusil­lade of dead­ly attacks.

This Government is prob­a­bly the most incom­pe­tent this coun­try has had, this real­ly does not bode well for our coun­try, which has bounced from one incom­pe­tent Administration to another.

The top lead­er­ship of the Country is bereft of a coher­ent pol­i­cy to Governing. It came to office after just 4 years in oppo­si­tion after being in pow­er for 1812 con­tin­u­ous years.

When the PNP was removed from Office it was clear that they were exhaust­ed, out of ideas and had wrecked the coun­try immea­sur­ably. It could rea­son­ably be argued they were relieved to be out of office on the one hand, but when Jamaican pol­i­tics are con­sid­ered contextually,where polit­i­cal pow­er means raid­ing the pub­lic purse for their own ends, we would hold off on that notion.

Detective Corporal Warren Campbell

The People’s National Party was returned to pow­er with­out a plan,they were stunned when they were once again giv­en the reins of pow­er on December 29th last year. As such they did not table one sin­gle piece of Legislation in the House which would ben­e­fit the Jamaican peo­ple in 100 days, not one!

Crime is the sin­gle largest imped­i­ment to pros­per­i­ty in Jamaica. Contract killings are on the rise, just today Friday the Jamaica Daily Gleaner report­ed that the killing of Senior Superintendent Anthony Hewitt was a con­tract Killing.

We have no evi­dence beyond what that medi­um report­ed but it is com­mon knowl­edge that for a cou­ple of thou­sand Jamaican dol­lars, on any street cor­ner one may con­tract an assassin.

The killing of this young 26-year-old detec­tive is yet anoth­er, in a long line in the nar­ra­tive that Jamaica is fast becom­ing a failed state, char­ac­ter­ized by con­tract killings and wan­ton slaugh­ter even of law enforce­ment officers.

Detective Corporal Campbell was report­ed­ly shot 7 times, Anthony Hewitt was report­ed­ly shot 4 times, my expe­ri­ence in law enforce­ment tells me these are not just reg­u­lar killings. These char­ac­ter­is­tics lend them­selves to the modus operan­di of con­tract killers , or rage killings.

Jamaica was hand­ed over to crim­i­nal rights dur­ing the failed admin­is­tra­tion of Percival Patterson when our coun­try was reduced to lit­tle more than a dump heap, when most coun­tries record­ed tremen­dous growth fol­low­ing the American eco­nom­ic explosion.

Criminal sup­port­ing groups like the so-called Jamaican s for Justice has been giv­en carte-blanche in National Security and crime. Noticeably there are no com­ments com­ing from them when Police offi­cers or ordi­nary Jamaicans are killed. Their sur­ro­ga­cy have embold­ened Jamaica’s urban ter­ror­ists who now feel that they have a gov­ern­ment that is tru­ly com­mit­ted to let­ting them do as they please.

The fact of the mat­ter is that Jamaica as a coun­try ‚is still pre­tend­ing that (Jamaica nice). Everyone has an opin­ion on every­thing, there are no hard rules which must be obeyed that may not be altered by some­one in power.

The recent trans­porta­tion of an entire class of boys to the Police Station in Montego Bay over the theft of a back pack was rather reveal­ing. School offi­cials did what they could to deal with the theft with­out involv­ing the Police , with­out success.

On engag­ing the police, the offend­er revealed to offi­cers that he was respon­si­ble, the oth­er boys were turned over to their par­ents , of course, the vil­lage lawyers from top to bot­tom were out con­demn­ing school offi­cials for doing exact­ly what they ought to have done, which result­ed in the exact cor­rect result.

Is it any won­der that these young mis­fits who some­times lack parental super­vi­sion, turn out to be assas­sins, killing for a cou­ple of pennies?

That is what crim­i­nal rights and immoral pathet­ic gov­er­nance has brought on Jamaica.