Killers Of Ahmaud Arbery Still Not Arrested.

Under what cir­cum­stances would two black peo­ple kill a white jog­ger and an arrest was­n’t made?
Oh, scratch that, under what cir­cum­stances would a white per­son be killed with­out an entire police depart­ment out stop­ping every black per­son in sight, search­ing vehi­cles, bust­ing down doors look­ing for the killer/​s?
In fact, a com­mand post would have been set up and a spe­cial task force set up specif­i­cal­ly to find any n****r, and bring him in dead or alive.
If you can­not find the real killer bring any N****r, dead or alive, we don’t give a shit.

That is what happed to five black & brown boys after a white woman was vio­lent­ly sex­u­al­ly assault­ed and left for dead in New York City’s Central Park on April 19, 1989.
The NYPD and pros­e­cu­tors did not care that the group of boys hauled in by the cops were inno­cent. They want­ed blood and any n****r blood would suf­fice. The boys were con­vict­ed and impris­oned, some in high places even took out full-page adver­tise­ments demand­ing that they are giv­en the cap­i­tal punishment/​lynched.
Years lat­er they were all exon­er­at­ed as evi­dence sur­faced that they had noth­ing to do with the assault.

More than two months ago a young man was jog­ging in a Georgia neigh­bor­hood when he was set upon by an armed father & son lynch mob and mur­dered, while anoth­er pho­tographed the killing.
Their sto­ry, they [thought] he was bur­glar­iz­ing hous­es under con­struc­tion and so they chased him down and killed him.
That expla­na­tion was good for inves­ti­gat­ing police offi­cers and pros­e­cu­tors, who sim­ply shrugged and said: “ok, good enough, noth­ing to see here”.
And that was that!
A for­mer pros­e­cu­tor who had exam­ined Arbery’s case told police the McMichaels act­ed with­in the scope of Georgia’s cit­i­zen arrest statute and that Travis McMichael fired his weapon in self-defense.
Not sure what the crime was as the dece­dent was not found with any prop­er­ty belong­ing to any­one.
I’m also at a loss as to why the pair of Rambo-wannabes did not sim­ply pick up the phone and called police to relay their sus­pi­cions.
Although on sec­ond thought, that may have result­ed in the very same out­come for Ahmaud Arbery.

Twenty-five-year-old Ahmaud Arbery was gunned down on the streets of the Brunswick neigh­bor­hood on that Tuesday night by for­mer Brunswick District Attorney’s Office inves­ti­ga­tor Greg McMichael,& his son Travis McMichael on Feb. 23rd. Today is May 6th and nei­ther of the two has been arrest­ed for the mur­der of Arbury, much less charged crim­i­nal­ly.
This evokes the mem­o­ry of the small-time thug named George Zimmerman who mur­dered Trayvon Martin in Florida. Zimmerman attacked & mur­dered the teenag­er on February 26, 2012, in Sanford, Florida claim­ing he looked sus­pi­cious.
Zimmerman claimed a stand your ground defense, despite being the one with the gun who approached and appre­hend­ed the teenag­er.
In typ­i­cal American jus­tice, Zimmerman was not arrest­ed or charged until there was wide­spread world­wide con­dem­na­tion of the inci­dent and protests.
In the end, he was charged, a sham tri­al result­ed, the six jurors — all of them women — delib­er­at­ed for 16½ hours. Five of the women white; one a minor­i­ty, [not black], pos­si­bly a [Hispanic], (the race of Zimmerman), returned a ver­dict of not guilty.

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It is remark­able that the two vig­i­lantes could mur­der Arbury, despite not hav­ing broached their first oblig­a­tion, which was to call the police if they wit­nessed or sus­pect­ed him of com­mit­ting a crime, or may be about to com­mit a crime and not imme­di­ate­ly be arrest­ed.
Even if Ahmaud Arbery did com­mit a crime and was run­ning down the street, they had no legal right much less author­i­ty to arm them­selves and attempt to accost him under the guise of a *cit­i­zens arrest*, without(a) first hav­ing attempt­ed to call the police,(b) fol­low safe­ly behind, since they were deter­mined to accost him at all cost.

The actions of Greg McMichael,& his son Travis McMichael is a mod­ern-day lynch­ing that can­not stand.
The atten­dant trav­es­ty of police & pros­e­cu­tors in not imme­di­ate­ly tak­ing action to arrest the two, is anchored in slave-patrol laws and oth­ers which gave whites the pow­er to kill black peo­ple with­out legal con­se­quence.
As anoth­er nation­al elec­tion cycle begin to heat up this inci­dent is sure to suck up a lot of the oxy­gen and will cer­tain­ly dom­i­nate con­ver­sa­tions in the weeks and months to come.
None of that will bring Ahmaud Arbery back his fam­i­ly. The built-in prin­ci­ple that a black man has no right that a white man should respect is still an unspo­ken part of how black peo­ple are treat­ed in America.
This is so in the way whites respond to blacks and how police enforce the laws.
Black skin in America is the equiv­a­lent of guilt, white skin inno­cence.
That con­cept is so built into the DNA of white peo­ple and by exten­sion ‑the police, that a call to the police involv­ing a white offend­er and a black vic­tim will see the police arrive and almost always auto­mat­i­cal­ly go to the white offend­er to get an expla­na­tion of what happened?

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Racism is insid­i­ous, it is dan­ger­ous, it has always been so. Unfortunately, black peo­ple have not ful­ly mobi­lized to deal with this can­cer that has killed tens maybe hun­dreds of mil­lions of us over hun­dreds of years.
Whites on the right would sim­ply like to deny that it exists. Whites on the left would like these instances of out­right racist mur­ders to be seen as iso­lat­ed inci­dents, not a con­se­quence of Americans’ per­pet­u­al racist igno­rance.
Former Obama Vice President & Democratic pre­sump­tive nom­i­nee Joe Biden has called for the arrest of the two killers. So far this case though wide­ly report­ed in blogs and on social media, has cer­tain­ly not gar­nered the atten­tion it deserves nationally.

Mike Beckles is a for­mer Jamaican police Detective cor­po­ral, busi­ness­man, researcher, and blog­ger. 
He is a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog chatt​-​a​-box​.com. 
He’s also a con­trib­u­tor to sev­er­al web­sites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs free of charge, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est pod­cast all free to you of course.