The Khajeel Mais Murder Trial :a Circus Of Collusion Against The Equitable Dispensation Of Justice.


Evolving democracies are constantly required to update it’s laws to keep up with the ever changing times.
With the rapid pace of technological advancement, the possibilities the internet offers for law breaking it is particularly important that laws are constantly updated and old outdated ones discarded.
Since Jamaica fancies itself an evolving democracy it is paramount that it comport itself as such . Whether it is doing enough to update it’s old archaic laws is a legitimate subject of debate. As we have seen even when lawmakers do decide to take legislative action , it is generally poorly thought through , devoid of critical empirical data and so the country ends up with bad laws which have devastating negative consequences for the country as has the INDECOM Act.
scales of justice


The tri­al of Patrick Powell has com­menced in a Kingston court­room . Powell is charged with the mur­der of Khajeel Mais a 17 year old Kingston College stu­dent who was rid­ing in a taxi-cab which hit Powell’s sport util­i­ty vehicle .
The infor­ma­tion alleges that Powell embarked from his vehi­cle fir­ing a weapon which killed Mais .
That is the case for the court. The case has been lan­guish­ing since young Mais was killed in 2011.
Thus far Patrick Powell who fled the juris­dic­tion after the shoot­ing is still out on bail.
To date accord­ing to the police, Powell a sup­posed legal firearm hold­er at the time, still has not hand­ed over the kill weapon to the police as is required by law.
Despite hav­ing board­ed a flight and left the coun­try after the shoot­ing ♦ Despite hav­ing stead­fast­ly refused to turn over the kill weapon to the police he was grant­ed bail.
The fam­i­ly was forced to resort to a social media cam­paign just to get the case heard. Of course a judge quick­ly ordered the fam­i­ly to cease and desist from any protest on social media because it may jeop­ar­dize Powell’s right to a fair trial .
You sim­ply can­not make these things up.

Patrick Powell the alleged killer of Khajeel Mais...
Patrick Powell the alleged killer of Khajeel Mais…

Now that the tri­al has final­ly start­ed, the chief wit­ness in the case Wayne Wright the dri­ver of the taxi­cab, has demon­strat­ed in the court­room exact­ly what the fam­i­ly has sus­pect­ed all along.
That despite the protes­ta­tions of Patrick Powell’s lawyers and the acqui­es­cence of the tri­al judge, it is they who are being denied a fair shake in that courtroom.
The chief pros­e­cu­tion wit­ness now absolute­ly con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed, has been open­ly hos­tile to the pros­e­cu­tion , deny­ing that he ever saw who fired into his cab.
Denying that he told the police that he knew the shoot­er Patrick Powell whom he said he knew as “Nigga” for eight years.
The Jamaican media will not say it but I will . Clearly this wit­ness who almost got killed in that shootout was paid off. By whom is the real question .

From my expe­ri­ence as an inves­ti­ga­tor, there is absolute­ly no way that the Police could know that the wit­ness Wayne Wright knew the defen­dant Powell . Subsequently as long as his writ­ten state­ment giv­en to the police is in evi­dence, he stands to be treat­ed as a hos­tile wit­ness by the pros­e­cu­tion. Which I am informed has been done .
Or charge him with per­jury since there is no way that the Police inves­ti­ga­tors could pull Powell’s name out of the 2.8 mil­lion oth­er Jamaicans ‚and name him in the wit­ness state­ment unless being told he was the shoot­er by the wit­ness Wayne Wright.

The jamaican crim­i­nal courts are wont to give aid and com­fort to crim­i­nals even giv­en the most bla­tant and egre­gious instances of wit­ness tam­per­ing. There is every rea­son to believe that once again the scales of jus­tice are being tipped against the fam­i­ly of Khajeel Mais .
There are reme­dies in law to deal with this wit­ness whom clear­ly has been tam­pered with by the defense, or actors act­ing on his behalf.
Clearly the strat­e­gy is to either tam­per with this wit­ness through finan­cial coer­cion, or through intim­i­da­tion and fear.
Either way it is an out­ra­geous assault on the sys­tem of Justice and an affront to the dig­ni­ty and sense of fair­ness for the bereaved family.

Shockingly , because Powell was allowed out on bail even though he refused to turn over his weapon to the police they see this as a way to beat this mur­der case.
This shock­ing yet all too com­mon mis­car­riage of jus­tice began with shod­dy police inves­ti­ga­tion. Undue delay in bring­ing the case. Ridiculous and unwar­rant­ed delays in com­menc­ing the tri­al. An uncon­sti­tu­tion­al gag order by the tri­al judge on the fam­i­ly. Defense coun­sel’s crim­i­nal­iz­ing of the vic­tim . And now a vital pros­e­cu­tion wit­ness lying under oath with impunity.
This is the result of a crim­i­nal­ly com­plic­it jus­tice sys­tem which favors the mur­der­ers and vicious killers over decent law-abid­ing citizens.
This whole fuck­ing apple cart need to be overturned.