Kartel Juror Maintains Innocence

Livingston Cain and Attorney Dian Watson
Livingston Cain and Attorney Dian Watson

Livingston Cain, the juror accused of attempt­ing to bribe fel­low jurors in the Vybz Kartel mur­der tri­al, leaves the Corporate Area Resident Magistrate’s Court with his lawyer Dian Watson, yes­ter­day. (PHOTO: LIONEL ROOKWOOD)

LIVINGSTON CAIN, the juror accused of attempt­ing to bribe fel­low jurors to return not-guilty ver­dicts in the Vybz Kartel mur­der tri­al is still main­tain­ing his inno­cence in the mat­ter. “We can’t reveal [what the defence] is at this time but he’s main­tain­ing his inno­cence of course, Dian Watson, Cain’s attor­ney, told reporters yes­ter­day after the mat­ter was men­tioned in the Corporate Area Resident Magistrate’s Court in Half-Way-Tree. Cain’s $750,000 bail was extend­ed until April 24, by which time the pros­e­cu­tion is expect­ed to pro­vide the defence with tran­script from an in-cham­bers meet­ing where the attempt­ed bribery was dis­cussed in the High Court after it was report­ed. The pros­e­cu­tion is also to turn over a cell­phone alleged­ly used by the jury fore­man to record her con­ver­sa­tion with Cain. The items were request­ed by Watson, who told the court that the defence wish­es to have its own expert exam­ine the phone. Cain is charged with five counts of attempt­ing to per­vert the course of jus­tice and one count of con­spir­a­cy to per­vert the course of justice.


He is accused of offer­ing the jury fore­man in the Kartel mur­der tri­al $500,000 for a not-guilty ver­dict. It is also alleged that Cain told anoth­er juror that he would “take care of him” if he returned a not-guilty ver­dict as well. He is also alleged to have approached oth­er jurors. Cain was the only juror to vote not guilty in the con­vic­tion of Vybz Kartel, Shaw ‘Shawn Storm’ Campbell, Andre St John, and Kahira Jones. A fifth man, Shane Williams, was acquit­ted. The men were con­vict­ed for the August 16, 2011 mur­der of Clive ‘Lizard’ Williams over the dis­ap­pear­ance of two ille­gal guns. http://​www​.jamaicaob​serv​er​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​K​a​r​t​e​l​-​j​u​r​o​r​-​m​a​i​n​t​a​i​n​s​-​i​n​n​o​c​e​n​c​e​_​1​6​3​7​1​754

— Paul Henry