Karens And Their Vile Continuation Of Weaponizing Americas Killer Kkkops

Alonzo Harmon, a Black man who works as an HVAC tech­ni­cian in Golden Valley, Minnesota, is out­raged after his client called the police on him, sobbed hys­ter­i­cal­ly while speak­ing with the oper­a­tor and claimed that he’s threat­en­ing her. Harmon record­ed the woman as she was cry­ing on the phone, then post­ed the video on TikTok.

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Standing out­side the garage as the woman was call­ing 911, Harmon lis­tened to her claims and strug­gled to believe what was hap­pen­ing to him.

He says I’m rude, and he just threat­ened me right now,” the woman said on her call. ”

While he con­tin­ues to record the video, Harmon asks the woman to tell him what threat he made. But she ignores his ques­tion and pro­ceeds to talk on the phone.

Please, please, please! I’m so scared right now!” the woman yells on the call. “I’m shak­ing right now! Please, please! …I’m so scared!”

Harmon chuck­led briefly as he remained in disbelief.

I’ve nev­er in my life had to deal with no bull­shit like this,” he said before walk­ing away from the garage.

According to The Daily Beast, a police spokesper­son said offi­cers respond­ed to the call and “spoke with the gen­tle­man record­ing the video.”

He left with no fur­ther inves­ti­ga­tion tak­ing place involv­ing the inci­dent that was called in,” the spokesper­son said accord­ing to The Daily Beast.

Harmon, who went to the client’s home to per­form an air-duct clean­ing, said the woman was rude to him from the moment he got there.

Just the way she cut me off when I tried to explain things,” he told The Daily Beast. “When I entered the home, the first thing she says to me is, ‘They let you do a job like this?’”

Once he actu­al­ly start­ed to try to do his job, Harmon said she “was over my back.”

Basically, [con­tin­u­ous­ly] ask­ing me the same ques­tion on how I got the job,” he said. “What was my inter­est in the job, do I actu­al­ly know what I’m doing. Like, do I actu­al­ly know what I’m doing in the home and stuff like that.”

When the woman insist­ed that the com­pa­ny must have sent the wrong per­son, Harmon said he packed up his things and left. That’s when the woman called police.

She basi­cal­ly was putting my life in dan­ger, just because of what’s going on in the world with Black men and police obvi­ous­ly, police bru­tal­i­ty, stuff like that, and just the way that she tried to por­tray what was going on,” Harmon said.

Although the woman isn’t iden­ti­fied by any par­tic­u­lar race, Harmon said there was a lan­guage bar­ri­er between them.