Kanye West’ Wealth Literally Evaporated With Hateful Comments…

The pub­li­ca­tion Complex is report­ing that Ye, the artist for­mer­ly known as Kanye West, is no longer a bil­lion­aire, accord­ing to Forbes.
According to the hot-off-the-press report­ing, Ye’s net worth plum­met­ed to a mere $400M.
Now $400M is a lot of mon­ey for peo­ple like me who have none of it, but for pow­er play­ers like Ye, ouch.…. that got­ta hurt.
According to the report, the lion’s share of Ye’s wealth was from his deal with the German sports appar­el com­pa­ny Adidas, val­ued at $1.5 billion.


The artist has been mired in con­tro­ver­sy after he appeared with Candace Owens, a racial provo­ca­teur wear­ing gar­ments embla­zoned with the words “white lives matter.”
He has also been accused of mak­ing a string of anti-Semitic com­ments against Jewish peo­ple and even claimed that the slav­ery of Black peo­ple was a choice.
Several com­pa­nies that did busi­ness with the artiste have since dis­tanced them­selves from him; how­ev­er, Adidas’ deci­sion to cut ties with him has got to hurt the most financially.
According to the report, Ye told an inter­view­er that he had about $120 mil­lion in his account.

Meanwhile, hate mon­gers in LA, California, unfurl a racist ban­ner in sup­port of Kanye at an over­pass. The only time these despi­ca­ble cretins would sup­port a black per­son is if he is stu­pid enough to par­rot their hate­ful message.

Actions have con­se­quences, as they should. One is free to say what­ev­er one wants, but there is a price to pay for say­ing what­ev­er comes to one’s mouth unless you are Donald Trump or FOX misinformation.
Kanye West has tried to align him­self with Donald Trump and the Fox dis­in­for­ma­tion net­work and has made out­landish com­ments that have come back to bite him in the ass.
His com­ments got him kicked off Twitter and Instagram, upon which he expressed an inter­est in acquir­ing the hate plat­form Parler.

Whether or not Kanye, Ye, or what­ev­er he calls him­self is hav­ing a men­tal break­down, it is impor­tant that he try to remem­ber that regard­less of who he tries to be friends with, when the rub­ber meets the road, he is still a black man with some mon­ey. They gave it, and they can take it away.




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Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.