Justice Ministry To Renew Discussions With Police Over Improving Security For Prosecutors

Justice Minister, Senator Mark Golding is asserting that his ministry will have to redouble efforts to find a solution to meet the security needs of prosecutors, in collaboration with the police force.
Justice Minister, Senator Mark Golding is assert­ing that his min­istry will have to redou­ble efforts to find a solu­tion to meet the secu­ri­ty needs of pros­e­cu­tors, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the police force.

Justice Minister, Senator Mark Golding, says his min­istry is to renew dis­cus­sions with the Jamaica Constabulary (JCF) aimed at improv­ing the secu­ri­ty of judi­cial offi­cers includ­ing prosecutors. 

He gave the update in a state­ment yes­ter­day in which he con­demned Wednesday’s attack on a deputy direc­tor of pub­lic pros­e­cu­tions as she arrived at the Spanish Town Courthouse in St Catherine.

Arising from the inci­dent, DPP Paula Llewellyn, called for greater secu­ri­ty to be put in place to pro­tect pros­e­cu­tors and sup­port staff.

The Justice Minister says the gov­ern­ment owes it to pros­e­cu­tors to ensure they are able to do their work with­out being exposed to unac­cept­able risks.

As a result, he said Permanent Secretary in the Justice Ministry, Carol Palmer, has been tasked to renew dis­cus­sions with the Police High Command to see what else can be done to improve security.

Palmer said the issue of secu­ri­ty for pros­e­cu­tors remains a con­cern and she will con­tin­ue dia­logue with the Police High Command in an attempt to find a last­ing solution.

Senator Golding is assert­ing that his min­istry will have to redou­ble efforts to find a solu­tion to meet the secu­ri­ty needs of pros­e­cu­tors, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the police force.

Meanwhile, the Permanent Secretary said every effort is being made to relo­cate a num­ber of cour­t­hous­es and the Spanish Town cour­t­house is high on the list.

Palmer indi­cat­ed that the Ministry has already iden­ti­fied prop­er­ty in Central Village on the out­skirts of Spanish Town, St Catherine, for the relo­ca­tion of the Spanish Town Courthouse.

However, she says the min­istry is await­ing fund­ing to pro­ceed with the con­struc­tion of the new facility.

It is report­ed that the female Deputy DPP was in the process of remov­ing files from her car out­side the cour­t­house when a man approached and demand­ed money.

She com­plied and the man left.Story orig­i­nat­ed here :Justice Ministry To Renew Discussions With Police Over Improving Security For Prosecutors