If orga­ni­za­tion, stage-craft, ener­gy and effects were votes, pres­i­dent Obama would have been assured a sec­ond term.

We were treat­ed to a busi­ness meet­ing in Tampa, where it seemed the work­ers were forced to turn out to hear the boss talk about him­self. Delegates it seemed would all rather be some-place else. The gloom-and-doom fest was appro­pri­ate­ly summed up by their school-yard bul­ly of a keynote speak­er, Chris Christie, who lament­ed the lack of enthu­si­asm in their con­ven­tion. The Democrats by con­trast, showed repub­li­cans what diver­si­ty was, they showed them what America real­ly looked like. Democrats did not need to place indige­nous peo­ple in the front of the Arena to cre­ate a false impres­sion of diver­si­ty, the Democratic Party is diver­si­ty, it is America.

There was no hatred direct­ed at Romney or Ryan, Democrats cri­tiqued Mitt Romney, and Paul Ryan and they lam­pooned them for their fail­ings, lies and flip-flops, no one hates Mitt Romney, no one hates Paul Ryan, even though They have proven them­selves to be patho­log­i­cal liars. Republicans on the oth­er hand were most­ly there because of their hatred for Barack Obama. From the Chairman of their Party who refus­es to acknowl­edge that President Obama is the pres­i­dent, to the new leader of the Party Mitt Romney, who con­tin­ues to run despi­ca­ble racist, lying wel­fare Ads against the pres­i­dent, they have lit­tle to talk about except about how bad Obama is, which of course they have told them­selves untill now they believe it.

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are bet­ting on one thing only, that a slug­gish econ­o­my will pro­pel them into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.The choice for vot­ers could not be clear­er, and the stakes could not be high­er. Not always do we get the oppor­tu­ni­ty to see train wreck before it hap­pens. In 2010 vot­ers reward­ed the Republican Party with sweep­ing vic­to­ries in the United States House of Representatives, tak­ing the gav­el from Nancy Pelosi and hand­ed it to John Boehner. Some argued that appro­pri­ate­ly so, as Democrats had argued amongst them­selves instead of pass­ing the agen­da the vot­ers sent them to enact.

There is a lot of legit­i­ma­cy to that argu­ment, how­ev­er I am not sure that many who vot­ed against the Democrats were all Republicans, some were Independents and some were Democrats. But did the vot­ers real­ly know what they were get­ting into, did they under­stand that behind what appeared to be a legit­i­mate grass-root move­ment were sin­is­ter big angry mon­ey at play? Did they tru­ly appre­ci­ate the mag­ni­tude of their vote when they elect­ed a fresh­man class of far right-wing zealots that would take the Republican Party so far to the right Ronald Reagan would not be wel­come in it.


Question :What does Romney want for America oth­er than his desire to be president?

Mitt Romney has no stat­ed goal or ambi­tion to lift the morale of the coun­try, beyond his and his wife’s claim that it’s their time now.

Question: What is Romney’s plan for the troops in Afghanistan?

Since Romney did not men­tion them at the repub­li­can con­ven­tion, (unheard of before) we are forced to con­clude that he has no clue what he should say,as the neo-cons have not yet devel­oped a strat­e­gy that is any dif­fer­ent from Obama’s so Romney remained silent. Take into account that Romney has noth­ing to say for his can­di­da­cy, oth­er than cri­tique what pres­i­dent Obama does.

Question: What is Romney’s plan for our del­i­cate eco sys­tem and our environment?

If we are to believe Mitt Romney, quote: President Obama says he wants to slow the rise of the oceans, and heal the world , I want to help you and your fam­i­ly>(to laugh­ter), clear­ly he does­n’t under­stand the pow­er of the pres­i­den­cy nei­ther does he under­stand the dan­gers of cli­mate change. Either way we are screwed because Romney will do noth­ing. What we do know, is that Romney once embraced Global Warming as some­thing humans have con­tributed to.

Romney can­not now embrace glob­al warm­ing, cli­mate change or the stew­ard­ship of our del­i­cate planet,big mon­ey cor­po­rate oil indus­tri­al barons will not allow it.

Question: What is Romney’s for­eign policy?

Mitt Romney has no for­eign pol­i­cy strat­e­gy ‚except what the neo-cons on the right fringe wants. That pol­i­cy in a nut­shell is anoth­er war of choice, this time with Iran. They have already start­ed the drum-beat toward that end. What’s wor­thy of note, is that they have not shown them­selves yet of course, with the excep­tion of Don Señor, the likes of John Bolton, for­mer US ambas­sador to the United Nation under Bush, and the oth­er war mon­gers have pret­ty much stayed in the shad­ows , wait­ing to see how the elec­tions turn out. Make no mis­take about it they are primed and ready, this time for a war of choice with Iran, under the guise that Iran is about to set off a mush­room cloud.

According to Romney, Russia is America’s great­est geo-polit­i­cal foe. Conversely, accord­ing to for­mer Secretary of State Madeline Albright ‚when asked whether this was so , she said ‚quote: “Romney is still liv­ing in the 20th cen­tu­ry”,either Mitt Romney is still liv­ing in the 20th cen­tu­ry or he is wil­ful­ly stir­ring up trou­ble at the insis­tence of the neo-cons, as part of a larg­er strat­e­gy to fight a proxy war with Iran.

Question: What is Romney’s strat­e­gy to deal with the poor and dispossessed?

Well, we are all aware of mis­ter Romney’s state­ment of not being wor­ried about the poor,I will not accuse him of what the democ­rats did in those AD’s, I do not believe he was say­ing he did­n’t care about the poor. With that said, what he actu­al­ly meant was even worse.

What Romney said was quote:“I’m not wor­ried about the poor,they have a safe­ty net if it’s bro­ken I will fix it”

Coming from a pres­i­den­tial can­di­date, that is an even more atro­cious state­ment, than the con­text in which the democ­rats attempt­ed to cast it. The repub­li­can can­di­date for pres­i­dent sim­ply con­firmed to the world that he was com­fort­able with peo­ple being poor and depen­dent, and has affirmed that he would do what it took to keep them in their state of pover­ty, not cre­ate ways to lift them into the mid­dle class.

Question: What is Romney’s strat­e­gy for the economy?

As the pres­i­dent said tax cuts for the wealthy, stick it to every­one else ! As for­mer Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm said at the con­ven­tion, if it was up to Mitt Romney he would give the cars to his rich friends and give the shaft to the people.

It is shock­ing the way repub­li­cans hold vot­ers in con­tempt, old relics like Newt Gingrich who allud­ed to the fact that Mitt Romney is a patho­log­i­cal liar dur­ing the pri­maries, now nev­er miss­es an oppor­tu­ni­ty to pros­ti­tute him­self polit­i­cal­ly, for the same per­son he acknowl­edges is a sor­ry liar.

Racial poloriz­er Newt Gingrich is the pro­to­type of exact­ly whats wrong with America. Gingrich was one of the archi­tects of that infa­mous meet­ing which took place in Washington DC , that his­toric night Barack Obama was being sworn as a America’s 44 th President. At that meet­ing which includ­ed Gingrich and Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan and Eric Cantor, repub­li­cans were not dis­cussing how to help the new pres­i­dent save the cra­ter­ing US econ­o­my. They were trea­so­nous in plot­ting how to thwart the will of the American vot­ers who had just unan­i­mous­ly elect­ed the pres­i­dent of their choice and they were doing it as a way back to polit­i­cal power.

Gingrich like Romney/​Ryan have sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly tried to dri­ve a wedge between pres­i­dent Obama and for­mer pres­i­dent Clinton, they have gone to great lengths to paint Clinton as the real demo­c­rat and Obama as the wild-eyed lib­er­al Klingon[sic].

Gingrich said Sunday September 9th on CNN in a con­ver­sa­tion with Candy Crowley, quote on one hand you have a real pres­i­dent, (ref­er­enc­ing Clinton,) and on the oth­er you have anoth­er guy who is a pretender”.

Obviously this old washed up tub of lard did not spend his time judi­cious­ly lis­ten­ing to the pres­i­den­t’s speech,or he cer­tain­ly would have heard the pres­i­dent say “I am the President” he may have missed that part on one of his many trips to the refrigerator.

Crowley did not rebut, of course this was not sur­pris­ing to me , the lame stream media is pop­u­lat­ed large­ly with repub­li­can oper­a­tives parad­ing as real jour­nal­ists, many secret­ly have spous­es work­ing with­in the repub­li­can estab­lish­ment as well as the Romney Campaign.

People with short mem­o­ry will for­get that it was Gingrich who shut down the coun­try twice because Clinton did not let him ride in the front of Air Force One , or some child­ish incon­se­quen­tial thing like that. They would have for­got­ten that it was Gingrich who impeached Clinton, it was Gingrich who cre­at­ed Ken Starr the dogged repub­li­can oper­a­tive who parad­ed as a spe­cial pros­e­cu­tor wast­ing tens of mil­lions of tax pay­ers dol­lars but pro­duced noth­ing to show for it.

They would have for­got­ten that it was Gingrich and his repub­li­can cronies who did not sup­port a sin­gle part of Clinton’s agen­da, except wel­fare, which they lat­er dis­cov­ered was large­ly being exploit­ed and abused by whites, not blacks as they had pre­vi­ous­ly conned some low infor­ma­tion con­stituents into believing.

Republicans did not mince words when they told Obama’s vice pres­i­dent Joe Biden, that they would not help with gov­ern­ing, they were not going to coöper­ate, even with Joe Biden who had been in the Senate for decades, they were pre­pared to take Joe Biden down in their hatred for Barack Obama. Never mind that Obama had not yet imple­ment­ed a sin­gle policy.

It was race.

How hyp­o­crit­i­cal of these lying degen­er­ates, to now sug­gest that Barack Obama has not tried to work with them, when their stat­ed goal was for him to fail, we have it as part of his­tor­i­cal record from their inspi­ra­tional and intel­lec­tu­al leader Rush Limbaugh, we have it as a mat­ter of record from their leader in the Senate. Many Liberals desert­ed Obama because they felt he was mak­ing too many over­tures to republicans.

Republicans ran away from pol­i­cy posi­tions they embraced, poli­cies they pro­posed, poli­cies which came out of the right-wing Heritage Foundation, sim­ply because Obama adopt­ed those poli­cies. Mitt Romney now runs away from Romney-care, the blue-print for Obama ‑care, sim­ply because Obama embraced it.

So what we have is a mov­ing of the goal-post, a con­tin­u­ous slap­ping away of the hand, as Deval Patrick said “Democrats must now stand up for what they believe in”, they must now stand up and push back hard against this misog­y­nis­tic wave of right-wing reac­tionary garbage, and show what this pres­i­dent and this par­ty has done for this coun­try, cow­er­ing in fear no more, as these unpa­tri­ot­ic spe­cial inter­est tools wrap them­selves in the American Flag ‚while at the same time wish­ing for the coun­try’s demise, as a way back to polit­i­cal power.

What pious baloney com­ing from the mouth of Mitt Romney,” I wish pres­i­dent Obama had suc­ceed­ed” I have news for you Mitt Romney, the pres­i­dent have suc­ceed­ed, despite your friends and sur­ro­gates rabid obstructionism.

Ask your­selves this ques­tion, “what was the basis for this bel­li­cose posi­tion toward the new pres­i­dent who had not yet insti­tut­ed a sin­gle policy”?

I’ll tell you what the basis was,“RACE”.

Republicans want you to believe the world start­ed the day Barack Obama took the oath of office, they take every oppor­tu­ni­ty to point out what they want you to believe is wrong with the coun­try, the econ­o­my, and the Obama Administration.

Absent their argu­ments, are any acknowl­edge­ments that it was under their watch ‚just four years ago, that this coun­try’s econ­o­my was destroyed, the econ­o­my cratered and kept falling even as the new pres­i­dent was being sworn into office, today the econ­o­my has been sta­bi­lized, over four mil­lion new jobs have been cre­at­ed over the last 4 years under Obama.

As Bill Clinton allud­ed, repub­li­cans want to tell you the pres­i­dent have not fixed the mess they cre­at­ed fast enough, so you should fire him and put them back in charge.

Just how stu­pid do they think you are?

You decide !