President Barack Hussein Obama
President Barack Hussein Obama

We are the ones we have been wait­ing for ” a ral­ly­ing cry Barack Obama used in his quest to becom­ing America’s 44th President. All of us have a respon­si­bil­i­ty to leave the world a bet­ter place than we found it when we arrived. The ques­tion we must ask our­selves is,” are we doing any­thing, much less enough to change the things which we see are wrong”? Someone once asked ’ how can a sin­gle per­son make a dif­fer­ence”? The answer, ask a per­son being bugged by a mos­qui­to ! Everyone of us can make a dif­fer­ence, we make a dif­fer­ence in the way we cast our votes, respon­si­bly and not emo­tion­al­ly. We make a dif­fer­ence in the way we raise our chil­dren. We make a dif­fer­ence in the way we treat oth­ers. We make a dif­fer­ence in the way we present our­selves to the world. We fail as a specie to take respon­si­bil­i­ty for our actions. We fail in rec­og­niz­ing that we the peo­ple deter­mines our own des­tiny. Yes it begins in the homes, it con­tin­ues in how we dis­pense adult func­tions such as vot­ing. If we con­tin­ue to act emo­tion­al­ly when we vote , how will we ever have respon­si­ble, capa­ble and moral lead­ers? If we allow the par­ty we favor to be safe in the belief, that irre­spec­tive of the cor­rup­tion, graft, and incom­pe­tence it deliv­ers we will sim­ply put them back in office,why would they change?

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for” YES WE CAN!!


If when we vote we choose peo­ple with ques­tion­able morals how can we com­plain when they deliv­er immorality?When we elect lead­ers who have demon­strat­ed that they are inca­pable of deliv­er­ing on the most basic of require­ments, how can we be sur­prised when our stan­dard of liv­ing con­tin­ue to dete­ri­o­rate? How do we expect the Police to react to us when we offer them bribes to let us off when we break the laws, Aren’t we the ones cor­rupt­ing them?

How do we expect to end cor­rup­tion if we remain silent when pub­lic offi­cials demand pay-offs? How do we expect respect, when we hurl abuse and insults at those appoint­ed to enforce laws which are in place for our own pro­tec­tion? How do so many peo­ple move to live in coun­tries where the fun­da­men­tals of a civ­i­lized soci­ety are prac­ticed, yet cheer-lead and sup­port anar­chy in the coun­try of their births? Isn’t it self­ish and hyp­o­crit­i­cal when we reap the fruits of order, yet we sow the seeds of anar­chy? Just asking ?