“We are the ones we have been waiting for ” a rallying cry Barack Obama used in his quest to becoming America’s 44th President. All of us have a responsibility to leave the world a better place than we found it when we arrived. The question we must ask ourselves is,” are we doing anything, much less enough to change the things which we see are wrong”? Someone once asked ’ how can a single person make a difference”? The answer, ask a person being bugged by a mosquito ! Everyone of us can make a difference, we make a difference in the way we cast our votes, responsibly and not emotionally. We make a difference in the way we raise our children. We make a difference in the way we treat others. We make a difference in the way we present ourselves to the world. We fail as a specie to take responsibility for our actions. We fail in recognizing that we the people determines our own destiny. Yes it begins in the homes, it continues in how we dispense adult functions such as voting. If we continue to act emotionally when we vote , how will we ever have responsible, capable and moral leaders? If we allow the party we favor to be safe in the belief, that irrespective of the corruption, graft, and incompetence it delivers we will simply put them back in office,why would they change?
“We are the ones we’ve been waiting for” YES WE CAN!!
If when we vote we choose people with questionable morals how can we complain when they deliver immorality?When we elect leaders who have demonstrated that they are incapable of delivering on the most basic of requirements, how can we be surprised when our standard of living continue to deteriorate? How do we expect the Police to react to us when we offer them bribes to let us off when we break the laws, Aren’t we the ones corrupting them?
How do we expect to end corruption if we remain silent when public officials demand pay-offs? How do we expect respect, when we hurl abuse and insults at those appointed to enforce laws which are in place for our own protection? How do so many people move to live in countries where the fundamentals of a civilized society are practiced, yet cheer-lead and support anarchy in the country of their births? Isn’t it selfish and hypocritical when we reap the fruits of order, yet we sow the seeds of anarchy? Just asking ?