Just As Oversight Was Warranted For The Police It Is Warranted For INDECOM.…


It can eas­i­ly be argued the Jamaica Constabulary Force cre­at­ed (INDECOM),the inde­pen­dent Commission of Investigations. Those mak­ing that claim would not be too far off.
It is not out of the ordi­nary to have over­sight of police depart­ments, in fact it is high­ly advis­able in a Democratic soci­ety that no one body oper­ate with­out oversight.

INDECOM came into exis­tence under the Bruce Golding Administration as a result of tremen­dous pub­lic demand for over­sight of the police depart­ment. The Government was respon­sive to those calls and INDECOM was born.
Naturally police depart­ments are nev­er hap­py about oversight.
Surprisingly many mem­bers of the force I spoke to are un-opposed to what they call “Pressure groups”. What they are opposed to is that their con­cerns are not con­sid­ered in the mix as it relates to the dif­fi­cul­ties inher­ent in their job.
The actions of many offi­cers of the (JCF) made the cre­ation of INDECOM an absolute neces­si­ty . The year was 1991 I was sit­ting in a class room at the Jamaica Police Academy on an in-ser­vice course. The instruc­tor asked what offence in our mind did we feel police offi­cers had not been engaged in committing?
The class­room was silent for sev­er­al min­utes as we all tried to think of any crime mem­bers of the depart­ment had not been accused of .
No one answered.
No one could.
Peter Bunting

That was 24 years ago, since then mem­bers of the (JCF) has done almost irrepara­ble harm to the depart­ment , prompt­ing many to call for it’s disbandment.
The Jamaican Parliament debat­ed and passed the INDECOM Act.
Like every­thing that they engage in they did a ter­ri­ble job of for­mu­lat­ing the Act.
The law was draft­ed with­out ade­quate con­sid­er­a­tion giv­en to the con­cerns of police and mem­bers of the (JDF) Jamaica Defense Force. Conversely the Act. was large­ly influ­enced with taint­ed rhetoric from forces with­ing the Jamaican soci­ety which were large­ly hos­tile to police for per­son­al and oth­er reasons.
Entities like (JFJ) and it’s head Carolyn Gomes. Families against state terrorism[sic] (FAST) . The Norman Manley Law School and oth­er far left spe­cial inter­ests groups were allowed to taint the process with cor­ro­sive ant-police influences.

No-one in their right mind would conclude that either Golding or Bunting are supporters of the police
No-one in their right mind would con­clude that either Golding or Bunting are sup­port­ers of the police

The result is a bad law. Not bad in intent , bad in content.
There is no need to to inves­ti­gate every instance where police use force.
There is no need to give INDECOM Agents pow­er of arrest, we have a Director of Public Prosecution.
When police offi­cers are to be charged they are duly charged and face the courts like every­one else as it should be.
Many are quick to point to the American Federal Bureau Of Investigations as a template.
The FBI does not have pow­er to arrest offi­cers. They inves­ti­gate and sub­mit their find­ings to the pros­e­cu­tor. Congress was smart to under­stand the impor­tance of morale, as well as the need to reduce the like­li­hood of conflict.
They also under­stood the need for a del­i­cate bal­ance between sup­port­ing local law-enforce­ment and hav­ing oversight.
Some Jamaican “Joe-Blows” have likened INDECOM to the FBI. That par­al­lel could not be any more wrong as the role of the FBI is not to inves­ti­gate Police Abuse , it is to inves­ti­gate and enforce Federal Laws.
Some American law enforce­ment Agencies have active over­sight , some do not.

Many with­ing the Jamaican soci­ety have vary­ing opin­ions on the role and even the rel­e­vance of INDECOM.
On Wednesday Raulston Nembhard a priest and social com­men­ta­tor, jumped into the fray in a lengthy Article for the Jamaica Observer in which he assailed the Ministers of Justice and National Security for dar­ing to want to add some degree of over­sight to INDECOM. Said Raulston Nembhard . INDECOM exists to restrain the heart­less, wicked and cor­rupt cop who will harass the ordi­nary cit­i­zen or even kill with impuni­ty. It exists to restrain those who would kick down the poor man’s door and use obscen­i­ty in the pur­suance of their duties. Bunting and Golding, why would you want to place any hand­cuff on such a body”?

I extract­ed this one state­ment because I believe it offers a poignant syn­op­sis of the self right­eous hyp­ocrites in Jamaica.
On the one hand he makes an impas­sioned argu­ment for over­sight of the police, while on the oth­er he does the exact oppo­site when it relat­ed to the Agency he is in favor of.
What a hypocrite.
INDECOM has at it’s head a pow­er-hun­gry Napoleonic nar­cis­sist , at every turn he demands more and more pow­er yet he is opposed to over­sight of his agency argu­ing that the agency is already answer­able to Parliament.
This is exact­ly the rea­son why there ought to be over­sight of INDECOM as there is a need for over­sight of the JCF .
As we march to a more trans­par­ent soci­ety, one in which we adhere to the dic­tates of laws, let us nev­er put pow­er into the hands of a few with­out the nec­es­sary checks and balances.


We should nev­er allow our Country’s laws to be dic­tat­ed by the few who live above Cross Roads. For too long we have allowed the self right­eous grandios­i­ty of the prover­bial” big man” to hold sway, we must not allow it anymore.
Lets have over­sight of INDECOM.
Lets not shack­le our police with threats of arrest when they place their lives at risk for us.
Hypocrites like Raulston Nembhard are blessed to live in soci­eties where the sac­ri­fice of police offi­cers are ignored and demeaned with­out pay­ing a price for it and that should change.

See Observer sto­ry here: Do not strait­jack­et, hand­cuff INDECOM

4 thoughts on “Just As Oversight Was Warranted For The Police It Is Warranted For INDECOM.…

  1. Terrence must go we’ve too of Terrence defend­ing crim­mals and also the human wrongs need to go because they don’t care about the law abid­ing peo­ple of jamaica all they care about is bat­ty man,so am in sup­port get reed of indendum .

  2. We need a safer envi­ron­ment for our wife chil­dren and love ones since inde­com came in crim­mals are on holiday,and the thing that hurt me the most when inno­cent peo­ple die by the hands of crim­mals inde­com and human wrongs don’t say anything.but make a police shoot a crim­mal they come out and talk all this fool­ish­ness .so inden­dum need to put under con­trol and am not say­ing we don’t have cor­rupt cops but those cops need to deal with individual,we can’t have a group like inde­com gen­er­al­iz­ing the whole police force and treat­ing every one the same it dont right none at all.

  3. Indecom goes around and find police offi­cers offer dem mon­ey to turn against each oth­er tell u they can send u over seas if u dont work with wat they request they then tell de oth­er par­ty wat de oth­er offi­cers said they even do it to senior officers,they are no bet­ter dan de gun men.they use their pow­er of arrest to abuse mem­bers of de police force all dat which as been said will be proven soon .they tell peo­ple dem can pro­tec dem and

  4. They also caused police offi­cers charge and are before de court,to change their lawyer they con­tact de lawyer and put some deal to dem for de lawyer to put it to their clients dats is why dem want a over sight body,they are out of con­trol with their pow­er of arrest.not only mem­bers of de secu­ri­ty forces need help from inde­com and its jlp lead orga­ni­za­tion de pub­lic also our Jamaican cit­i­zens are being killed every day.

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