Julia Pierson Out

Pierson being sworn in by Obama
Pierson being sworn in by Obama

Head of the Secret Service Julia Pierson has resigned. Just yes­ter­day White House Spokesman Josh Earnest mouthed the lines “The President has con­fi­dence in Julia Pierson to do the job” less than a day lat­er Pierson was done.

Obama accept­ed her res­ig­na­tion. So much for con­fi­dence! We applaud the deci­sion of the President to accept her res­ig­na­tion, it is one thing to give some­one a chance to do a job . It is anoth­er thing when seri­ous breach­es as the ones doc­u­ment­ed ‚hap­pen over and over again.

This is not about whether one likes the President or not . It isn’t even a mat­ter of who the President is at a giv­en time. The President of the United States and his fam­i­ly deserves the high­est lev­el of secu­ri­ty. What hap­pened under Julia Pierson was unten­able. Had she remained it would have been impos­si­ble to rebuild trust in the Agency.

On the appoint­ment of Julia Pierson, many includ­ing Major Media Houses crowed that Piersons ele­va­tion meant a break­ing up of the old boys club. th (32)Frankly I am not sure what that means. People should be hired to do the job they are qual­i­fied for and which they are able to do do. It does­n’t mat­ter what gen­der that per­son is.

Despite the crow­ing she was not up to the job, lets hope the next per­son who takes on that seri­ous role, male or female will do a bet­ter job than what occurred on Pierson’s watch.