Judges Who Sign Off On No-knock Warrants Are Equally As Guilty…

Judges, Prosecutors, and Police are all part of the con­spir­a­cy to erad­i­cate Black peo­ple using the Nixon/​Reagan/​Bush drug wars.
The judges who sign off on no-knock war­rants are equal­ly as guilty and com­plic­it as the stu­pid, une­d­u­cat­ed, dumb cops who break down the doors of inno­cent cit­i­zens’ homes. So are the pros­e­cu­tors who press ahead with encour­ag­ing these actions and mov­ing ahead with pros­e­cut­ing peo­ple even when they know that many police offi­cers oper­ate out­side the bounds of the laws.
For exam­ple, in Chicago, Illinois, it is com­mon for police to break down the door of inno­cent cit­i­zens, guns to the head of minor chil­dren, trau­ma­tiz­ing them arguably for life.
There is no out­cry; no judge who signs off on the no-knock war­rants is held account­able. After all, unelect­ed, they hold incred­i­ble sway over the lives of cit­i­zens and are not account­able to the citizens.
In instances where the judges are elect­ed, they rely heav­i­ly on cor­rupt police unions for finan­cial sup­port and drum­ming up sup­port among their members.

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Young black men who sell drugs at the street lev­el in the United States do not have the means to bring cocaine, hero­in, or oth­er dan­ger­ous drugs into the country.
If the young black men who are the end sell­ers are not bring­ing in the tons of cocaine and hero­in com­ing into the United States each year, who is?
In an overview, the National Drug Threat Assessment (NDTA) report­ed the fol­low­ing; Nearly 70 per­cent of all drug over­dose deaths in the United States in 2018 involved an opi­oid. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), deaths involv­ing syn­thet­ic opi­oids oth­er than methadone — the cat­e­go­ry includes fen­tanyl — increased by 10 per­cent, accord­ing to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). While deaths involv­ing hero­in decreased by four per­cent, hero­in con­tin­ues to pose a seri­ous pub­lic health and safe­ty threat. The domes­tic mar­kets for hero­in, fen­tanyl, and oth­er illic­it syn­thet­ic opi­oids over­lap, as these sub­stances dis­pro­por­tion­ate­ly affect the Great Lakes and Northeast regions of the United States. Mexican TCOs have estab­lished clan­des­tine lab­o­ra­to­ries in Mexico to syn­the­size fen­tanyl, and Mexican author­i­ties have encoun­tered a rise in ille­gal fen­tanyl pill press and tablet­ing oper­a­tions. Likewise, Mexican TCOs are respon­si­ble for the pro­duc­tion and traf­fick­ing across the Southwest Border (SWB) of the over­whelm­ing major­i­ty of the hero­in avail­able in the United States.

https://​www​.dea​.gov/​s​i​t​e​s​/​d​e​f​a​u​l​t​/​f​i​l​e​s​/​2​021 – 02/DIR-008 – 21%202020%20National%20Drug%20Threat%20Assessment_WEB.pdf

The fight being waged against street-lev­el hus­tlers is a fraud­u­lent fight. While the police and Sheriff’s depart­ments wage their brava­do cam­paign against poor African-American com­mu­ni­ties with dis­as­trous con­se­quences, the large drug king­pins, who are mov­ing tons of illic­it nar­cotics into the United States, large­ly go untouched.
You don’t stop flood­ing from a bro­ken pipe by try­ing to pre­vent the water from escap­ing through your fin­gers at the break­point; you turn off the water at the valve.
Events in Chicago where the police raid the wrong homes, ter­ror­iz­ing young chil­dren at gun­point and humil­i­at­ing the inno­cent, includ­ing dis­re­spect­ing a naked woman after they invad­ed her home wrong­ful­ly, can­not be passed off as a mere mistake.
Having served in law enforce­ment, I can­not imag­ine any sce­nario in which any mem­ber or myself would not instant­ly cov­er up a naked per­son, let alone a female, once we enter the premis­es by force.
These grave instances of police abuse are intend­ed to embar­rass, humil­i­ate, and disrespect.
The sad part about it is that Chicago has a Black skin Mayor, and the Superintendent in charge of the Department is also an old black skin folk.
Combined, the two are lit­tle more than place­hold­ers, unable to effec­tu­ate real and mean­ing­ful change to a crim­i­nal enter­prise known as the Chicago Police Department, which has a his­to­ry of cor­rup­tion as old as the NYPD’s.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.