Judges In Western Jamaica Clearly On The Take…

There have long been whis­pers that judges in the west­ern parts of Jamaica are on the take.
Several gang­sters have bragged about pay­ing off judges and being able to walk free.
Over the years the police have been extreme­ly vocal about the rather light sen­tences being met­ed out to crim­i­nal gun­men across the Island, but by judges in Saint James in par­tic­u­lar.
In the most recent exam­ple of this cri­sis, the police issued a state­ment which did not address the seri­ous­ness of the issue, but left lit­tle doubt they were as pissed as I and count­less oth­ers are about this.
The police remains com­mit­ted in cre­at­ing safer com­mu­ni­ties for our cit­i­zens to enjoy and will con­tin­ue to put for­ward good crim­i­nal cas­es before the courts”, said the police.

The crim­i­nal lov­ing jus­tice min­is­ter, Delroy Chuck has been a staunch defend­er of the crim­i­nal sup­port­ing cor­rupt frauds on the bench who con­tin­ue to make a mock­ery of the work of the police by turn­ing loose crim­i­nals who are arrest­ed with ille­gal weapons.

Why would any­one have an ille­gal weapon, unless they intend to com­mit crimes with that weapon?
Even as the coun­try is awash in guns and ammu­ni­tion and peo­ple are afraid to walk the streets of the tiny Island, judges con­tin­ue to dis­hon­or their oaths by accept­ing pay­ments and turn­ing dan­ger­ous crim­i­nals back onto the streets, fur­ther frus­trat­ing the efforts of the police.
How much longer will the jus­tice min­is­ter allow him­self and the peo­ple’s min­istry to be a shill and a mouth­piece for these cor­rupt judges who are destroy­ing the jus­tice sys­tem?
Where is Horace Chang the Minister of National Security , he should be a strong advo­cate for the peo­ple of Jamaica who pay his salary?
Or, is he too chick­en shit a cow­ard to speak out at these sacred cows that con­tin­ue to make a mock­ery of our jus­tice system?

The most recent iter­a­tion of this abuse of our jus­tice sys­tem by these crim­i­nals, pos­ing as jurists.

(1) Michael Scott, a 29-year-old secu­ri­ty guard, was charged with two counts of ille­gal pos­ses­sion of a firearm and ille­gal pos­ses­sion of ammu­ni­tion. He was sen­tenced to a fine of $200,000 or 18 months for each firearm and 3 years pro­ba­tion for the ammu­ni­tion, the police said.

(2)Cardell Spence, oth­er­wise called ‘Bredda’, a 19-year-old car­pen­ter, was sen­tenced to three years pro­ba­tion on each count for ille­gal pos­ses­sion of firearm and ammunition.

(3) Dantae Thorpe, 19, was sen­tenced to a fine of $400,000 or two years in prison for ille­gal pos­ses­sion of firearm and three years pro­ba­tion for ille­gal pos­ses­sion of ammunition.

(4) Kirk Russell, 43, was also con­vict­ed rob­bery with aggra­va­tion. He was sen­tenced to 18 months at hard labor, each for ille­gal pos­ses­sion of firearm and rob­bery with aggravation.

The only way to stop this gross abuse of the sys­tem by these cor­rupt, on the take judges is truth in sen­tenc­ing.
We always knew there was cor­rup­tion in the sys­tem, some of us who have served in law enforce­ment knew that some of these judges were throw­ing cas­es and col­lect­ing cash from the equal­ly crim­i­nal­ly com­plic­it defense attor­neys.
It is impor­tant to under­stand that we tend to look at cor­rup­tion when we look at dirty cops, as police offi­cers tend to be the face of gov­ern­ment.
However the real cor­rup­tion which is mak­ing an equal mock­ery of the sys­tem and dri­ving crime is the cor­rup­tion behind those long robes.

Having seen first hand how can­cer­ous these immoral acts by the judi­cia­ry can be, I have called for truth in sen­tenc­ing laws.
It is time for the morons in the leg­is­la­ture to stop bang­ing on the damn desks and pass manda­to­ry min­i­mum sen­tences for cer­tain cat­e­go­ry of crimes.
Since we can no longer trust the judges the leg­is­la­ture must move to take out of their hands the abil­i­ty to return armed vio­lent offend­ers to the streets as they see fit.
This is no joke, these left wing judges are wreck­ing hav­oc on our coun­try, by impos­ing their ide­al­is­tic left-wing pol­i­tics rather than fol­low the laws.

There are states of emer­gency in the west­ern parish­es of Hanover Westmoreland and St James.
On Thursday morn­ing the Prime Minister Andrew Holness declared two more states of emer­gen­cies across the parish­es of Saint Catherine and Clarendon.
Where are the addi­tion­al secu­ri­ty force bod­ies sup­posed to come from?
As this writer, and this pub­li­ca­tion has main­tained, states of emer­gen­cies and zones of spe­cial oper­a­tions are not real solu­tions to the Island’s crime prob­lem.
The soft nature of the Island’s crime strat­e­gy is itself an accel­er­ant to crime.

The police and sol­diers who place their lives on the line to remove these dan­ger­ous weapons and crim­i­nals from the streets, damn sure deserve bet­ter than these judges kick­ing over the milk of their efforts.
The Government lit­er­al­ly have the hands of the secu­ri­ty forces tied behind their backs.
The judges return the killers back onto the streets as soon as they are arrest­ed.
The spread of crime across the coun­try may be traced back to the direct actions of the lead­er­ship of the coun­try at the time, when they warned gang­sters in Tivoli Gardens, that the secu­ri­ty forces were com­ing.
The pro­lif­er­a­tion of guns and ammu­ni­tion in the coun­try has made the lives of ordi­nary Jamaicans a liv­ing hell.
It is uncon­scionable that a few un-elect­ed bureau­crats can cir­cum­vent the will of the Jamaican peo­ple, who are over­whelm­ing­ly demand­ing that these crim­i­nals either face the hang­man or stay in prison.
These gun­men who are being fined, nev­er mind the pal­try sums they are being fined) are mur­der­ers, that is the rea­son their lawyers are pay­ing judges to release them back onto the streets.
Where is Chief Justice Byron Sykes, a man of char­ac­ter in this?

Mike Beckles is a for­mer Jamaican police Detective cor­po­ral, a busi­ness own­er, avid researcher, and blog­ger. 
He is a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.