Napolitano: Garner’s Death Negligent Homicide

Judge Napolitano
Judge Napolitano

Judge Andrew Napolitano, the senior judi­cial ana­lyst for Fox News, said Wednesday that he was shocked by a grand jury’s deci­sion not to indict a New York City police offi­cer in the choke­hold death of Eric Garner, describ­ing Garner’s death as “crim­i­nal­ly neg­li­gent homicide.”

I think it is clear­ly a case for crim­i­nal­ly neg­li­gent homi­cide,” Napolitano said dur­ing a Wednesday seg­ment of “The Hugh Hewitt Show.”

This is not Ferguson, Missouri,” Napolitano con­tin­ued. “This is not some­body wrestling for your gun, this is not where you shoot or be shot at. This is chok­ing to death a men­tal­ly impaired, gross­ly obese per­son whose only crime was sell­ing cig­a­rettes with­out col­lect­ing tax­es on them. This does not call for dead­ly force by any stretch of the imag­i­na­tion.” (It was not clear why Napolitano described Garner as “men­tal­ly impaired.”)

Napolitano said he was tak­en aback by the grand jury’s deci­sion, which was made pub­lic on Wednesday. He added that the deci­sion sug­gests Staten Island District Attorney Daniel Donovan nev­er want­ed an indict­ment to happen.

If any DA wants an indict­ment, he can get one,” Napolitano said. “The cliché is that a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich.”

Garner, 43, died July 17 in Staten Island, New York while he was being arrest­ed for sell­ing untaxed cig­a­rettes. A bystander’s video of the arrest shows New York City police Officer Daniel Pantaleo appear­ing to put Garner in a choke­hold, a move that ispro­hib­it­ed under NYPD pol­i­cy. In the video, Garner screams “I can’t breathe!” mul­ti­ple times before his body goes limp. A med­ical exam­in­er lat­er ruled his death a homicide.

This is the sec­ond recent high-pro­file case in which a grand jury declined to indict a white police offi­cer in the killing of an unarmed black civil­ian, fol­low­ing last week’s deci­sion in the case of 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.

A nation­wide series of protests erupt­ed imme­di­ate­ly fol­low­ing the grand jury’s deci­sion not to indict Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson, who fatal­ly shot an unarmed Brown on Aug. 9. New York offi­cials braced for sim­i­lar protests on Wednesday.

While the reac­tion to the Ferguson grand jury deci­sion large­ly broke down along par­ty lines, with many con­ser­v­a­tives agree­ing that Wilson should not have faced tri­al, Napolitano, a lib­er­tar­i­an, is one of a num­ber of con­ser­v­a­tives who have expressed out­rage at the grand jury’s deci­sion in the Garner case, The Huffington Post’s Ryan Reilly reports.

Garner’s fam­i­ly plans to file a wrong­ful death law­suit against the city seek­ing $75 mil­lion in dam­ages.