I write about the coun­try we know as Israel from time to time in crit­i­cal terms.
The main rea­son I have been crit­i­cal of this 68-year-old state, is that it’s lead­ers, spon­sors, and some of it’s peo­ple claim divine author­i­ty for the estab­lish­ment and exis­tence of that enti­ty, not just in being but it’s geo­graph­i­cal placement.
Having read and seen a tiny bit of the atro­cious heavy-hand­ed­ness and cal­lous dis­re­gard Israel dis­plays for human life, while pur­port­ing to be God’s cho­sen peo­ple, I can­not remain silent.

If the God of Israel is that venge­ful and uncar­ing I do not want any part of that unjust dis­crim­i­na­to­ry God.
Because I know that the God of my chris­t­ian faith , the God of for­give­ness is a just God> I must speak out, not just against the bill of Goods which has been sold the world about this ille­git­i­mate state, but against Ministers of the Christian Gospel here in the west­ern world who con­tin­ue to mis­lead the faith­ful with false teach­ings about God’s demands, as it relates to sup­port for Israel.

Israeli’s”, The name they call them­selves, are a sig­nif­i­cant­ly dif­fer­ent peo­ple than Jews of the Bible and yes, the Torah.
Scholars and oth­er thinkers won­der how a peo­ple who claim to have their Genesis in the mid­dle East could be exiled to Europe and return as Caucasians?
Did they under­go a change in their skin tone due to the pas­sage of time or, are they just peo­ple who adopt­ed a faith as their own and now claim to be God’s cho­sen people?

Many also won­der whether being a Jew is mere­ly accept­ing the faith which then auto­mat­i­cal­ly makes one God’s cho­sen people,entitled to a prophet­ic home­land, on land occu­pied by oth­ers for thou­sands of years?
If you find your­self ask­ing these ques­tions, you must be pre­pared for a blow-back of epic pro­por­tion which may result in you los­ing your abil­i­ty to work or worse.
No one is sup­posed to ques­tion the authen­tic­i­ty of the bill of goods. Do and you are brand­ed an anti-semite.

The very idea of a Jewish home­land, that which mate­ri­al­ized in the actu­al cre­ation of the so-called Jewish state in 1947, is based sole­ly on reli­gious inter­pre­ta­tion of peo­ple prac­tic­ing the faith.
If I decide to accept Islam as my reli­gion of choice does that give me the right to claim Saudi Arabia as my homeland?
You get my point!
So how does Caucasians prac­tic­ing the Jewish faith claim Palestine as their home­land then force the real indige­nous Jewish peo­ple into con­cen­tra­tion camps? 

I digress though.
You see, most peo­ple here in the west­ern world are unaware that the Zionist state of Israel round up and place African Jews(real jews)into con­cen­tra­tion camps.
The very foun­da­tion on which the state was for­mu­lat­ed is flawed and at best fraudulent.

Christian min­is­ters of the Gospel con­tin­ue to mis­lead con­gre­ga­tions on this sub­ject because they lack intel­lec­tu­al inquisitiveness. 
Others sim­ply do not know so the lead their flock in blind sub­mis­sion to a lie.
You don’t have to take my word for it take a look at what (Neturei Karta) Jews against Zionism has to say.


We would like to take a few min­utes of your time to pre­vent you from mak­ing a ter­ri­ble mis­take that may have dis­as­trous results for many.

You have always with­out a doubt heard and read much about the polit­i­cal crises in the Middle East in which the State of Israel plays a cen­tral role. This is, in fact, an ongo­ing series of crises with poten­tial to bring the great­est mis­for­tune on the entire world. Tragically many believe that Zionism and Judaism are iden­ti­cal. Thus they con­clude that the entire Jewish peo­ple is respon­si­ble for the actions of the Zionist gov­ern­ment and the world crises which emanates from it. This is a Grave Error!

The truth is that the Jewish faith and Zionism are two very dif­fer­ent philoso­phies. They are as oppo­site as day and night. The Jewish peo­ple have exist­ed for thou­sands of years. In their two thou­sand years of Divinely decreed exile no Jew ever sought to end this exile and estab­lish inde­pen­dent polit­i­cal sov­er­eign­ty any­where. The peo­ple’s sole pur­pose was the study and ful­fill­ment of the Divine com­mand­ments of the Torah.

The Zionist move­ment cre­at­ed the Israeli state. The lat­ter is a per­sua­sion less than one hun­dred years old. Its essen­tial goal was and is to change the nature of the Jewish peo­ple from that of a reli­gious enti­ty to a polit­i­cal move­ment. From Zionism’s incep­tion the spir­i­tu­al lead­ers of the Jewish peo­ple stood in staunch oppo­si­tion to it.

To this day Torah Jewry remains for­ev­er loy­al to its faith. Zionists want the world to believe that they are the rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the entire Jewish peo­ple. This is false! The Jewish peo­ple nev­er chose them as their leaders.

The Zionists have deceived many well mean­ing Jewish peo­ple via ter­ror, trick­ery and false pro­pa­gan­da. They have at their dis­pos­al the use of a near­ly uni­ver­sal­ly sub­servient media. Whoever attempts to crit­i­cize them puts his liveli­hood and, at times, his very life in danger.

However, despite the media black­out and easy resort to ter­ror the sim­ple truth remains unre­fut­ed and irrefutable: ACCORDING TO THE JEWISH FAITH AND TORAH LAW THE JEWISH PEOPLE ARE FORBIDDEN TO HAVE THEIR OWN STATE WHILE AWAITING THE MESSIANIC ERA!

The Creator gave us the Holy Land thou­sands of years ago. Yet, when we sinned, He took it away and sent us into exile. Since that time our task is to wait for Him to send the Messiah. At that time, the Creator alone, with­out any human being lift­ing a hand or say­ing a word, will bring us togeth­er and take us out of exile. He will like­wise estab­lish uni­ver­sal peace among all mankind and all will serve Him in good will.

Some reli­gious Jews, con­fused by Zionist pro­pa­gan­da quote Biblical vers­es that state that G‑d gave the chil­dren of Israel the Holy Land. They over­look, unfor­tu­nate­ly, those vers­es which say that He took it away due to our sins. They fur­ther ignore those prophe­cies which explic­it­ly describe the last exile’s con­clu­sion as a Divine, not a human process.

The Creator has com­mand­ed every Jew to fol­low the ways of peace and to be loy­al to the coun­try where he lives.

Torah true Jewry waits patient­ly for the Messianic redemp­tion. They have noth­ing to do with any kind of pseu­do “Jewish State” and its aggres­sions against oth­er peo­ples. They have a deep sym­pa­thy for the plight of the Palestinians who have suf­fered the most from Zionism’s false teach­ings and bar­bar­ic actions. The Zionist state is not a Jewish state. The Zionists alone are the only ones respon­si­ble for their actions. Authentic Jewry has and will con­tin­ue to oppose the very exis­tence of this blas­phe­mous state.

May all mankind wit­ness the true redemp­tion. http://​www​.nkusa​.org/​A​b​o​u​t​U​s​/​Z​i​o​n​i​s​m​/​j​u​d​a​i​s​m​_​i​s​n​o​t​_​z​i​o​n​i​s​m​.​cfm

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