Jordan Peele Says Tiger Woods Is ‘In The Sunken Place’

By Angela Helm

My ques­tion is – has Tiger Woods ever not been in the sunken place?

This is the man who was so non-black iden­ti­fied that he made up his own race (includ­ing giv­ing Caucasian and American Indian equal foot­ing to black and Asian with an African-American father from Kansas and a moth­er from Thailand.) Then he turned out to be just nasty with his pro­lif­ic dick slang­ing in his now-defunct mar­riage to a nan­ny. And now, the 41-year-old who has a mug shot float­ing around with a face and hair­line that makes him look like a baby boomer is going to play golf with Donald Trump, the pres­i­dent who loves to malign black athletes.