Joint Select Committee Of Parliament Looks At Jamaica’s Buggery Law

Prime Minister  Portia Simpson Miller
Prime Minister
Portia Simpson Miller

A Joint Select com­mit­tee of the Jamaican Parliament is present­ly look­ing at the Nation’s Buggery Law . Jamaica main­tains crim­i­nal penal­ty for men who engage in male to male sex­u­al Intercourse.

Former Prime Minister Bruce Golding was hound­ed out of Office after telling a British Journalist in 2008 that there would be no Gays serv­ing in his Cabinet. The state­ment drew strong con­dem­na­tion from Homosexual groups around the World. One Canadian group Egale Canada threat­ened that if the Bruce Golding-led admin­is­tra­tion did not announce plans to abol­ish the country’s laws on homo­sex­u­al­i­ty , it would launch a cam­paign to ban Jamaican goods in the inter­na­tion­al mar­ket­place as well as a boy­cott of tourism”. In essence they threat­ened Economic Terrorism of the Jamaica Economy if the Jamaican peo­ple did not bow to Homosexuality. Not to be out­done David Cameron the British Prime Minister announced Britain would begin with­hold­ing aid from gov­ern­ments that do not reform leg­is­la­tion ban­ning homo­sex­u­al­i­ty;. Yes, Economic Blackmail if Jamaica and some Aftican Nations refused to sur­ren­der their prin­ci­ples on the demon­ic Alatr of Homosexuality.

August 27th 2009 Jamaica’s Foreign Affairs Minister Kenneth Baugh con­firmed that the US Government had for­mal­ly request­ed the extra­di­tion of influ­en­tial Tivoli Gardens don and busi­ness­man, Christopher ‘Dudus’ Coke. Conspiracy or coin­ci­dence? You decide. Regardless of your deci­sion , Bruce Golding was done as Jamaica’s Prime Minister. Done in, not by the Coke issue, but Homosexual pow­er and money.

Elections were Constitutionally due by the end of December 2011. During a Televised Debate with Prime Minister Andrew Holness Opposition Leader Portia Simpson Miller affirmed that a Miller Administration would revis­it the Country’s Bugger Laws. Money and much more poured into Jamaica for the jad­ed People’s National Party and it’s Leader Simpson Miller.

December 29th 2011 the PNP was returned to pow­er by a land-slide.

The PNP which was out of office a mere 4 years after an unprece­dent­ed 18 12 years ‚jad­ed and out of ideas, was back in office much to even their surprise.

TIME MAGAZINE declared Jamaica’s Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller“one of the 100 most influ­en­tial peo­ple in the World”. Don’t look at me, it’s a real­ly small World.

We have now come full cir­cle . Simpson Miller for the first time finds her­self upside down in the Polls. The much pop­u­lar, mod­est­ly tal­ent­ed Simpson Miller have always enjoyed a tremen­dous degree of good­will from the Jamaican pub­lic. In part because of her Party’s suc­cess­es at the polls, in part because of her gen­der, and part because of her per­sona as a daugh­ter of the soil . Miller did not come from the Mulatto upper caste.

The Jamaican peo­ple are now dis­gust­ed with her lead­er­ship, if the lat­est GLEANER com­mis­sioned Bill Johnson’s Polls are to be believed,. For the first time in her Career, her unfa­vor­ables out­weigh her favor­ables. This is very seri­ous for the Ruling PNP ‚which has ruled Jamaica for 28 of the last 40 years. Simpson Miller’s pop­u­lar­i­ty is the only Horse to which they can hitch their Wagon.

Opposition Leader Andrew Holness enjoys 43 per cent sup­port, while Simpson Miller’s sup­port stands at 35 per­cent. A 8 per­cent­age point lead can be be a wipe out if Elections were held today. Elections are not Constitutionally due until September 2015,but the Prime Minister can call an Election if she feels it is in her Party’s inter­est to do so. In light of her stand­ings in the polls ‚we do not expect an elec­tion any­time soon.


The PNP are mas­ter strate­gists, they have beat­en the JLP at the Election game because they take noth­ing for grant­ed. They take full advan­tage of every pos­si­ble open­ing. Could this Committee hear­ing, at this time, be a cyn­i­cal ploy to muster sup­port and resources from the Homosexual com­mu­ni­ty ? The PNP know full well the vast major­i­ty of Jamaicans oppose chang­ing the Buggery Laws. Why would they be hold­ing hear­ings when they know how the pub­lic feel on the issue?

Jamaica is a Sovereign Nation . Our Country has a right to deter­mine that it does not want Homosexual Marriage. We reserve the Right not to accept that it is nor­mal for two men or two women to be mar­ried. We reserve the right to main­tain our Christian prin­ci­ples enshrined in the holy Gospel of Jesus Christ, that Marriage is between a man and a woman. We reserve the right to main­tain those rights and prin­ci­ples with­out coer­cion, threats and intim­i­da­tion. Without sab­o­tage or subterfuge. th (41)

We reserve the right to main­tain what the major­i­ty of Jamaicans believe. That we want to main­tain crim­i­nal sanc­tion for homo­sex­u­al sex. We do not hate peo­ple who prac­tice homo­sex­u­al­i­ty. We sim­ply believe it is wrong , we believe it is un-Godly. We do not sur­ren­der the rights to our beliefs, so that homo­sex­u­al unright­eous and las­civ­i­ous desires may be accom­plished. The Jamaican peo­ple do not assume to dic­tate to oth­er Nations how they may live. As Jamaicans we expect the very same respect.

I sup­port our peo­ple on this prin­ci­pled stand . I sup­port the Church as it keep a watch­ful eye to ensure that elect­ed offi­cials do not abro­gate or cir­cum­vent the direct wish­es of the Jamaican peo­ple. The Jamaican peo­ple will not go look­ing into peo­ple’s bed­rooms to see what they do in the pri­va­cy of their homes. They just do not want to repeal the Buggery Law. We do not believe we should open the door of Homosexual immoral­i­ty on our Nation. The homo­sex­u­al com­mu­ni­ty has pow­er­ful monied and influ­en­tial prac­ti­tion­ers and sup­port­ers in high places . They will be mar­shal­ing their forces with a view to forc­ing Jamaica to sur­ren­der to their dic­tates . They threat­ened us before.

It is a long fight, we should expect to fight, in the inter­est of our principles.