John McCain: Trump Scandals ‘Reaching Watergate Size And Scale’

Sen. John McCain (R‑Ariz.) just used the “W” word when talk­ing about the grow­ing scan­dals sur­round­ing President Donald Trump.

We’ve seen this movie before. It’s reach­ing Watergate size and scale,” he said at a Republican event on Tuesday night, accord­ing to GOP strate­gist Ana Navarro. “This is not good for the country.”

However, despite the Watergate com­par­i­son, McCain also said he was against appoint­ing a spe­cial pros­e­cu­tor, accord­ing to New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman.

McCain was speak­ing to Bob Schieffer of CBS News at the International Republican Institute din­ner hours after news broke that Trump report­ed­ly asked James Comey, who was FBI direc­tor at the time, to drop his inves­ti­ga­tion into for­mer nation­al secu­ri­ty advis­er Michael Flynn.

According to The Daily Beast, Schieffer asked McCain what advice he would give to Trump.

The sen­a­tor told the for­mer “Face the Nation” host that he would tell the pres­i­dent “the same thing that you advised Richard Nixon, which he didn’t do… get it all out… it’s not going to be over until every aspect of it is thor­ough­ly exam­ined, and the American peo­ple make a judg­ment. And the longer you delay, the longer it’s going to last.”

McCain also called Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov “an old KGB appa­ratchik stooge.”