John McCain Requests Former Rivals, Barack Obama, George W. Bush To Eulogize Him At Funeral

Back when President Barack Obama had black hair (L) with Sen. John McCain (R‑AZ) dur­ing a meet­ing with a bipar­ti­san group of Senators and mem­bers of Congress in the State Dining Room at the White House June 25, 2009, in Washington, D.C. Obama host­ed the bipar­ti­san group of Senate and House mem­bers to begin a dia­logue on immi­gra­tion with the hope of start­ing the debate lat­er this year​.Photo: Chip Somodevilla (Getty Images)

I’m of the con­tention that we should gen­er­al­ly be judged or even rat­ed as humans by the best — and not worst — thing we’ve ever done. So I have no prob­lems with the recent­ly deceased Senator from Arizona, John McCain, a flawed, fal­li­ble white man from America, being assessed honestly.

But frankly, I’m hav­ing the biggest kiki over McCain giv­ing President Petty Bonespurs a great big fat fin­ger from the grave.

In life, McCain noto­ri­ous­ly left his sick bed to help cast the death knell for the repeal of Obamacare; he also chose not to pan­der to his racist base when some ques­tioned Obama’s alle­giance to America. In this writer’s mind, that lev­els out his choice of Sarah Palin as his run­ning mate, and vot­ing against mak­ing Martin Luther King Jr.’s birth­day a nation­al hol­i­day in his first term in Congress. In gen­er­al, and despite his polit­i­cal par­ty, McCain has, for the most part, act­ed with decen­cy and integri­ty, attrib­ut­es all but ghost from today’s Capitol Hill.

In that vein, CBS News reports that McCain request­ed that for­mer Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush deliv­er eulo­gies at his funer­al. McCain died on Saturday at age 81.

Former President Obama, who defeat­ed the six-term Senator in 2008 pres­i­den­tial race, issued a state­ment short­ly after McCain’s death say­ing that he and his for­mer rival shared “ a fideli­ty to some­thing high­er.” Obama continues:

We saw our polit­i­cal bat­tles, even, as a priv­i­lege, some­thing noble, an oppor­tu­ni­ty to serve as stew­ards of those high ideals at home, and to advance them around the world. We saw this coun­try as a place where any­thing is pos­si­ble – and cit­i­zen­ship as our patri­ot­ic oblig­a­tion to ensure it for­ev­er remains that way.

Few of us have been test­ed the way John once was, or required to show the kind of courage that he did. But all of us can aspire to the courage to put the greater good above our own. At John’s best, he showed us what that means. And for that, we are all in his debt. Michelle and I send our most heart­felt con­do­lences to Cindy and their family.”

George W. Bush, who defeat­ed McCain for the GOP nom­i­na­tion in 2000, issued a state­ment also, hail­ing McCain as “a man of deep con­vic­tion and a patri­ot of the high­est order.”

Former pres­i­dent Jimmy Carter said: “John McCain was a man of hon­or, a true patri­ot in the best sense of the word. Americans will be for­ev­er grate­ful for his hero­ic mil­i­tary ser­vice and for his stead­fast integri­ty as a mem­ber of the United States Senate. Rosalynn and I extend our sin­cere con­do­lences to Senator McCain’s fam­i­ly and to the peo­ple of Arizona whom he rep­re­sent­ed so forth­right­ly for so many years.”

The New York Times reports that McCain’s body will lie in state in both the Arizona Capitol in Phoenix and Capitol Rotunda in DC, receive a full dress ser­vice at the Washington National Cathedral and will be buried at Annapolis.

Donald Trump, McCain’s some­times bit­ter rival, was not invit­ed to McCain’s funer­al, accord­ing to reports. Under pre­vi­ous­ly announced plans, Vice President Mike Pence will attend instead.

In hav­ing at least two — and prob­a­bly all liv­ing — pres­i­dents besides the sit­ting one, at his funer­al, McCain remains “the maverick.”