JLP A Party Seemingly Hell-bent On Self Destruction…

Members of the par­lia­men­tary oppo­si­tion JLP are sched­uled to meet on Monday to deter­mine the fate of Opposition Leader Andrew Holness.
At issue is the Constitutional Court’s rul­ing last month that Holness act­ed uncon­sti­tu­tion­al­ly when he used undat­ed, unsigned res­ig­na­tion let­ters to oust Tufton and Williams from the Senate.
The Gleaner reports sev­er­al heat­ed meet­ings have been con­vened with a view to deter­min­ing Holiness’s fate.

Andrew Holness  Gleaner photo
Andrew Holness
Gleaner pho­to

Sounds like deja-vu?
Well it is.
At a time when the small nation of 2.8 mil­lion is in a eco­nom­ic nose-dive, it appears that the Jamaica Labor Party has once again allowed self­ish­ness, per­son­al jeal­ousies and pet­ti­ness to get in the way of offer­ing the coun­try a cohe­sive and unit­ed par­ty as an alter­na­tive to the office-worn, out of ideas, klep­to­ma­ni­ac PNP which now forms the Government.
Over the last three decades many observers have argued that the rea­son the Jamaican elec­torate have con­sis­tent­ly cho­sen the PNP to form the Government is because the JLP has not been able to com­mu­ni­cate with the aver­age man on the street.
That the­o­ry seem to be at odds with what tru­ly ails the par­ty of Bustamante.
The par­ty just seem unable to get out of it’s own way.

Many Jamaicans want to see a change from the cor­rup­tion and graft which char­ac­ter­ize the coun­try’s Political Administration under Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller and her band of thieves.
Many of us feel a kind of empa­thy for her know­ing she had great­ness thrust upon her.
The prob­lem is that many who want to see a bet­ter Jamaica can­not cast a vote toward that end.
It is up to the vot­ers liv­ing on the Island to chose their leaders.
Unfortunately for them the JLP seem hell-bent on once again giv­ing them a choice between the PNP and well.….….…..the PNP.

More than enough vot­ers are con­tent to return the PNP to pow­er, rather than try to fig­ure out the mess which seem to be the JLP.