In these blogs I have con­sis­tent­ly called for Jamaicans for Justice(JFJ) to make avail­able the sources of it’s fund­ing and as well as pro­vide to rel­e­vant Authority and the Jamaican peo­ple a detailed break-down how those monies are being spent. Jamaican for Justice presents itself as a legit­i­mate Human Rights Agency. It’s actions and utter­ances how­ev­er has demon­stra­bly indi­cat­ed that it has oth­er moti­va­tions. The lob­by group is head­ed by Carolyn Gomes a pedi­atric Doctor who argued not enough police offi­cers are being killed. She has argued that police shoot­ing are ille­git­i­mate ‚because not enough police offi­cers are killed com­men­su­rate with crim­i­nals killed by police. Not only is that com­par­i­son offen­sive, it is igno­rant. Police Officers are trained to evade get­ting shot, crim­i­nals aren’t. During my time as a police offi­cer, lit­er­al­ly all front line cops were either

carolyn gomesCarolyn Gomes:

shot sev­er­al times, Shot once, or have been lucky not to be killed from being shot at. That does not include the brave heroes who gave their lives in defense of oth­ers, includ­ing Gomes and her cronies.https://​mike​beck​les​.com/​m​y​w​p​b​l​o​g​/​?​p​=​144. No sane per­son should be opposed to any per­son or group of peo­ple who ded­i­cate them­selves to the cause of Human Rights. However not every­one or every group which claim legit­i­ma­cy is legit­i­mate. By it’s actions JFJ has con­sis­tent­ly dele­git­imized itself by it’s sin­gle mind­ed cam­paign to per­se­cute cops. Many of the offi­cers per­se­cut­ed by Gomes and her fraud­u­lent lob­by-group are inno­cent, ded­i­cat­ed heroes of impec­ca­ble char­ac­ter Gomes could only hope for. I have called atten­tion to Gomes offen­sive and incen­di­ary rhetoric in these blogs. I have con­sis­tent­ly shown she man­u­fac­tures alle­ga­tions, innu­en­dos and false­hoods to feed to for­eign Governments and Agency to keep the fund­ing com­ing in.

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Raymond Pryce

Finally some­one else is call­ing for JFJ to open its books to scruti­ny. People’s National Party Member of Parliament for North East St, Elizabeth Raymond Pryce , who is embroiled in a dis­pute with the lob­by group has repeat­ed­ly called for scruti­ny of JFJ’s books. I have no inter­est in the quar­rel or the rea­son for the quar­rel, what I am pleased to see is more calls for clos­er scruti­ny of that group.

Last week, the Government accused the JFJ of using its online peti­tion to dam­age Jamaica’s rep­u­ta­tion and sub­mit­ted the doc­u­ment to the Attorney General to see if any sanc­tions were applic­a­ble. We are thrilled to see that the Jamaican Government has final­ly real­ized that this group is the real ene­my of the state and not the polit­i­cal oppo­si­tion. I applaud Raymond Pryce and the Government for final­ly open­ing their eyes to what we have said for a long time.

How about Treason, sedition, .….….?