JCF Rank And File Should Reject A MoU Even Before It Is Released , It Is Intended To Recommit Them To Crime Fighting Without Addressing Their Real Concerns.…

Since the creation of (indecom)the supposed independent commission of investigations which is tasked with investigating alleged improprieties by members of the police , military and correctional department I have been in opposition to it because it is fundamentally flawed.

Over the years I have writ­ten more about this than any oth­er sub­ject mat­ter impact­ing the Island of Jamaica.
No one is naïve enough to believe that the afore­men­tioned Government agen­cies do not need to be prop­er­ly monitored.
What I have con­sis­tent­ly said is that these agen­cies are the three agen­cies staffed by the aver­age per­son com­ing from the rur­al parish­es. In oth­er words these offi­cers are from the poor­er dark­er class of Jamaicans . They are being scape­goat­ed to cov­er up for the incred­i­ble cor­rup­tion and fail­ings of the Island’s two polit­i­cal par­ties which are mere­ly two crim­i­nal gangs.

No one can deny that mem­bers of all three branch­es of the secu­ri­ty forces have done immea­sur­able harm to their respec­tive agen­cies. It is equal­ly unde­ni­able that by their actions they cre­at­ed the need for oversight.
What can­not be laid at their feet is the gross incom­pe­tence and cal­lous dis­re­gard with which the elit­ists design­ers of the (inde­com act) went about draft­ing a bill that they knew would be dis­as­trous to mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces.

It would be a stretch to assume that those elit­ist archi­tects of the law had the intel­lec­tu­al capac­i­ty which would have allowed them to fore­see the unin­tend­ed con­se­quences the law would have on the lives of inno­cent Jamaicans.
Unfortunately for Jamaicans they end­ed up with a law which is so destruc­tive that major crimes includ­ing homi­cides has gone through the roof.
I hate to sound cav­a­lier in my char­ac­ter­i­za­tion , each sta­tis­tic is a human life lost.
Unfortunately for the police they have seen a marked increase in assaults on their per­sons to include lethal assaults.
The end result of the (inde­com) fias­co is that the elit­ist who run the apple cart has proven their point. There is a marked decrease in police shootings.

There is no deny­ing that . Officers are well aware that the law is pro­tec­tive of crim­i­nals. They are also aware that the intent of the law was exact­ly to ren­der them impo­tent in the exe­cu­tion of their duties. They are not clue­less to the fact that the crim­i­nals are in Gordon House , more so than down in grass yard.
What the Government and (inde­com) tells you though is that the law is work­ing . The ques­tion is “work­ing for whom”? The police, not total­ly dumb have sim­ply refused to be hauled before a crim­i­nal sup­port­ing agency , to be maligned and incrim­i­nat­ed by a Napoleonic egomaniac.
An ego­ma­ni­ac who want­ed a high court job but did not get one. An ego­ma­ni­ac who want­ed to be DPP but did not get that job either.
So his crony Bruce Golding , sup­port­ed by Seaga, James Robertson,Portia Simpson Miller, Delroy Chuck and a bunch of oth­ers came up with the (inde­com) débâcle.

If the Elites want to have a supe­ri­or police force over and above that which exist , let them give guns to (inde­com) and let them deal with the killers since they can do a bet­ter job of appre­hend­ing them with­out shoot­ing them.

The fact that these crea­tures sup­port­ed the law should send a seri­ous shiv­er down the spines of decent law abid­ing Jamaicans, not cause them to feel comforted.
What they will nev­er do is attest, much less admit, to the fact that less crim­i­nals are get­ting killed by police while more inno­cent Jamaicans are get­ting killed by criminals.
So when the Jamaican Government of either side tell you that (inde­com) is a suc­cess believe them, just under­stand that they are telling you that the lives of the blood­thirsty killers are more valu­able than yours.
If you fail to rec­og­nize that, then you are more stu­pid than they think you are.

Years ago peo­ple rose up en-mass dur­ing Barack Obama’s first term when he sug­gest­ed that Americans earn­ing half a mil­lion dol­lars or more should pay a lit­tle more in taxes.
The T‑Party was born, peo­ple came out in the mid-west­ern region of the coun­try , lit­er­al­ly with pitch forks and guns to protest the President’s pro­pos­al. Experts revealed that the medi­an income in those areas was around forty thou­sand dol­lars annually.
Not a sin­gle per­son earn­ing the half a mil­lion dol­lar was out there demon­strat­ing, it was the poor peo­ple out mil­i­tat­ing against their own self interest.
Yes kin­da like the coal-min­ers who vot­ed Trump and now are pet­ri­fied of los­ing their Obama care.
They nev­er even knew or both­ered to find out who was behind the T‑party façade.
Funding the T‑Party are two of the rich­est men in America, Charles and his broth­er David Koch , mul­ti bil­lion­aire own­ers of Koch Industries. Men who called them­selves Libertarians but are rather greedy Industrialists who do not mind destroy­ing the plan­et so they can stack up zeros on their bank accounts while pay­ing work­ers next to noth­ing for their labor.

Its nev­er the so called upper class who are being mur­dered in the streets, its nev­er they who are being mur­dered in their homes.
Terrence Williams and (indecom)are about the pro­tec­tion of the sta­tus quo.
When was the last time you heard one of the elit­ist get­ting shot?
Yet it is always the poor­er class mil­i­tat­ing for these shack­les on police.
You know why?
Because poor peo­ple believe in crime , they see crime as a means to an end they fig­ure they can ben­e­fit from crime regard­less of the consequences.
Unfortunately they nev­er stop to think that ulti­mate­ly crime dimin­ish­es and impov­er­ish­es all except a select few.

So now the Island’s clue­less Minister of nation­al secu­ri­ty dis­clos­es that the sug­gest­ed and much antic­i­pat­ed Memorandum Of Understanding which is sup­posed to alle­vi­ate the con­cerns of the secu­ri­ty forces will be signed as a part­ing gift to out­go­ing com­mis­sion­er of police Carl Williams.

Said Montague: “We are mov­ing to com­plete the MoU with INDECOM and the JCF and I want to have it signed before the sixth, in hon­or of Dr Carl Williams. That is my going away gift to him.”
“Understand clear­ly that INDECOM is part of the leg­isla­tive frame­work of the land. It is a stand­ing com­mis­sion of Parliament, it is not going any­where. So don’t do any­thing bad, you have noth­ing to fear.”
The nerve of this buf­foon !!!

So even though the details of this sup­posed MoU has not yet been made pub­lic we are told that lawyers will be pro­vid­ed for offi­cers hav­ing to deal with (inde­com), big whoopie !!!
You are still at risk of being per­se­cut­ed for doing your job but we will add anoth­er lay­er of our friends to this eat-a-food débâ­cle.
In essence your ass may still go to jail for shoot­ing the punk shoot­ing at you but at least we pro­vid­ed you with a third rate legal defender.

The fact that the Government, or whomev­er, the select par­lia­men­tary com­mit­tee which over­sees the (inde­com) débâ­cle agreed that there is a need for a MoU is proof that what I have stat­ed over the years is exact­ly cor­rect. What offi­cers still serv­ing has said is exact­ly correct.
Here’s the facts which they will nev­er tell you or concede.
(1) A poten­tial MoU is a con­ces­sion that the law is inher­ent­ly flawed.
(2) Hearing of the prob­lems as out­lined by DCP Novelette Grant awhile back, one mem­ber of the par­lia­men­tary com­mit­tee hear­ing tes­ti­monies argued ‚“maybe the prob­lems (inde­com) pos­es can­not be fixed with a Memorandum of understanding”.
(3)If there is an intel­li­gent assess­ment which con­cludes that there needs to be a bridge between the two agen­cies. And if the con­clu­sions are that at the bare min­i­mum there needs to be a fix , albeit an insuf­fi­cient MoU ‚why not con­cede that the law was not ade­quate­ly dis­cussed , debat­ed , and craft­ed before enactment?
(4) And in lieu of the fore­gone, why not pass a law repeal­ing the (inde­com act) then get down to the busi­ness of redo­ing the act?
Only this time cre­ate a law which serves the pur­pose of pro­tect­ing inno­cent cit­i­zens from state abuse while allow­ing our law-enforce­ment agen­cies to do their jobs with­out the specter of prison hang­ing over their heads?

A Memorandum of Understanding is not a fix to a bad law, it will not encour­age a sin­gle cop to go after a man with a gun and risk get­ting shot while risk­ing prison for doing what he swore to do.
Neither will it pre­vent a sin­gle embold­ened crim­i­nal from rethink­ing his mur­der­ous ways.
So whats the point of a MoU?
I’ll tell you, it is an appease­ment smoke-screen, intend­ed to re-com­mit offi­cers to expos­ing them­selves to per­se­cu­tion for going after crim­i­nals with no change in the law, but offers up the per­cep­tion of cov­er to cops which is mere­ly a mirage.
One which says we won’t change this bad law but when you get indict­ed by it we will pro­vide you with a third rate lawyer who does­n’t give a shit about you.
Sure bad cops should be pros­e­cut­ed, what we do not need is the per­se­cu­tion of good police officers.

The rank and file of the police depart­ment must reject this affront to their intel­lect even before they see it .
It will retain the dia­bol­i­cal (inde­com act) while blow­ing smoke up their ass­es when they get indicted.
The law is inher­ent­ly bad , repeal it, no more lives needs being lost because peo­ple are too arro­gant to say we fucked up.