Why Would Jamaica’s Security Forces Stick Their Necks Out .….….…

In August, 1999, documents were uncovered which indicated that during the raid on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco Texas, the FBI used a limited number of flammable tear gas canisters. This revelation contradicted assertions of the FBI and the Department of Justice that the government had done nothing that could have contributed to the start or spread of the fire. In response, Attorney General Janet Reno appointed a special counsel, former Republican senator John C. Danforth, to reexamine the assault to determine how the fire started and whether there was a cover-up of information implicating law enforcement officials or the Justice Department.
After a raid by the ATF, the Branch Davidian compound near Waco, Texas
After a raid by the ATF, the Branch Davidian com­pound near Waco, Texas

On July 21, 2000, after a 10 month inves­ti­ga­tion, Danforth issued a pre­lim­i­nary report exon­er­at­ing the gov­ern­ment and its agents. His report con­clud­ed that fed­er­al agents did not start the fire, direct gun­fire at the com­plex, or improp­er­ly employ US armed forces. Danforth assigned respon­si­bil­i­ty for the tragedy to the Branch Davidians and David Koresh. According to the report, they con­tributed to the tragedy by refus­ing to exit the com­pound dur­ing the 51 day stand­off, direct­ing gun­fire at FBI agents, shoot­ing mem­bers of the com­pound, and ulti­mate­ly set­ting the fire that burned the com­pound down.

As a result of the siege it is report­ed that 76 peo­ple died includ­ing cult leader David Koresh.

Christopher (Duddus) Coke the head of the infa­mous Jamaican show­er posse was want­ed on a war­rant to be extra­dit­ed to the United States to face var­i­ous crim­i­nal charges. Word leaked to the crime boss that author­i­ties were about to appre­hend him . This cre­at­ed a tense sit­u­a­tion in the cap­i­tal city of Kingston and through­out the entire Island in 2010.
The then Jamaica Labor Party Government head­ed by then Prime Minister Bruce Golding was the mem­ber of par­lia­ment for west Kingston and the Tivoli Gardens strong­hold from which Coke wield­ed con­trol of his crim­i­nal empire.
Coke’s pres­i­den­tial click offices was a qua­si gov­ern­ment onto itself from which orders of all sorts were issued , alleged­ly includ­ing who lived and who died.

Security forces went into the community to execute search warrant
Security forces went into the com­mu­ni­ty to exe­cute search warrant.

The admin­is­tra­tion under pres­sure from Washington DC was forced to acqui­esce and prepa­ra­tions com­menced to enter the heav­i­ly armed com­mu­ni­ty of Tivoli Gardens to arrest the kingpin.
As ten­sions increased between the admin­is­tra­tion and the mili­tias loy­al to Coke, police sta­tions were torched and offi­cers mur­dered. Additionally armed mer­ce­nar­ies from across the Island picked up arms and pledged their sup­port to the Kingpin against the duly con­sti­tut­ed state of Jamaica.
Tivoli Gardens became a ver­i­ta­ble fortress !

On the 23 May 2010 the Island’s secu­ri­ty forces entered the heav­i­ly for­ti­fied , heav­i­ly defend­ed com­mu­ni­ty, to exe­cute the arrest war­rant, most impor­tant­ly to annex the com­mu­ni­ty to the Jamaican state. The for­mer on the war­rant the lat­ter for posterity.
Before attempt­ing the breach the secu­ri­ty forces pro­vid­ed bus­es to trans­port mem­bers of the com­mu­ni­ty away from the emerg­ing conflict.
Members of the com­mu­ni­ty decid­ed to stay in their homes and the mil­i­tary and police went in.
The vio­lence, which large­ly took place through 24 – 25 May, killed at least 73 civil­ians and wound­ed at least 35 oth­ers. Four mem­bers of the security

A picture speaks a thousand words...
A pic­ture speaks a thou­sand words…

forces were also killed and more than 500 arrests were made.
Christopher Duddus Coke was not arrest­ed in that encounter, he was arrest­ed sev­er­al days lat­er as police pulled over the vehi­cle in which he was trav­el­ling dressed in dis­guise in the com­pa­ny of a promi­nent mem­ber of the clergy .
The Clergyman knew Coke was want­ed on a crim­i­nal war­rant. Aiding and abet­ting a want­ed crim­i­nal is a felony, yet he did it any­way. He was even­tu­al­ly charged with aid­ing and abet­ting and is yet to be tried for his crimes over five years later.
This is the crim­i­nal .….Justice sys­tem in Jamaica .
Coke has long tak­en the easy way out by tak­ing a plea and is cur­rent­ly serv­ing time in a fed­er­al facil­i­ty in the United States.

After the débâ­cle of the Coke affair the JLP was vot­ed out of office. The PNP’s Portia Simpson Miller Government decid­ed to waste uncon­scionable sums of mon­ey in a witch-hunt called the Tivoli Inquiry. This inquiry has already cost the impov­er­ished island way in excess of ($100m )one hun­dred mil­lion dol­lars with no end in sight.
The inquiry is dead set one way or anoth­er at find­ing impro­pri­eties in the way the secu­ri­ty forces did their jobs while under fire.
At the cen­ter of this colos­sal waste of mon­ey is the insa­tiable quest of the com­mis­sion­er of INDECOM to exert influ­ence over the secu­ri­ty forces oper­a­tional specifics. Since the incep­tion of INDECOM, the com­mis­sion­er Terrence Williams, has shown a rapa­cious desire for pow­er and a seem­ing­ly strange desire to destroy the Island’s secu­ri­ty forces abil­i­ty and will to pur­sue the Island’s blood thirsty criminals.

Terrence William commissioner of (indecom)
Terrence William com­mis­sion­er of (inde­com)

Shockingly the Agency was grant­ed a war­rant to search the Jamaica Defense Forces facil­i­ties for mor­tars which INDECOM alleged were used in the assault on Tivoli Gardens.
That war­rant was not exe­cut­ed as the then Minister of National secu­ri­ty Peter Bunting gave the JDF immu­ni­ty from a search by INDECOM. This was with­in the pow­er of the Minister of National secu­ri­ty to do.
The crime enhance­ment Agency is now telling the judi­cial review court that the Minister relied on emer­gency pow­ers which expired more than five years ear­li­er to grant immu­ni­ty from pros­e­cu­tion to mem­bers of the Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) who used mor­tars in the Tivoli operations.
Member of the secu­ri­ty forces car­ry out the orders they were giv­en . That order was to go out and arrest a crim­i­nal who wield­ed incred­i­ble influ­ence and pow­er and had tremen­dous fire­pow­er at his dis­pos­al, enough to top­ple the state.

Not a sin­gle crim­i­nal has been impris­oned for killing mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces, nor for burn­ing police sta­tions. To date the so called cler­gy­man who was dri­ving Coke when he was arrest­ed has not even been tried for his crimes.
Yet the Jamaican Government , through the crime facil­i­tat­ing agency (INDECOM) , is dead set on going after the mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces and now the for­mer Minister for doing their jobs.
The INDECOM Act is a poor­ly thought out mon­stros­i­ty which have increased crime and con­tin­ues to cost the lives of Jamaicans. It has been a tremen­dous suc­cess in sav­ing the lives of crim­i­nals and feed­ing the ego of the nar­cis­sist who lead the agency.
The Agency should under no cir­cum­stances have the pow­er to enter any JDF facil­i­ty to effect any search.
The Military and Police did what had to be done to annex Tivoli Gardens to the Jamaican state.….….…. Job well done !

The United States Government stood with and hon­ored it’s offi­cers who did their jobs in Waco Texas .
The Jamaica Government threat­ened with over­throw was saved by the secu­ri­ty forces. The Military and Police wrest­ed con­trol from mil­i­tants and hand­ed total con­trol back to Jamaica’s filthy immoral politi­cians, sev­er­al lost their lives in the process.
The pre­vi­ous admin­is­tra­tion decid­ed to play pol­i­tics with their sac­ri­fice instead of trum­pet­ing and hon­or­ing their ser­vice to country.
There is no mon­u­ment in their honor.
There is noth­ing to hon­or the ulti­mate sac­ri­fice they made in ser­vice to their country.
Instead what they get is a witch-hunt spear­head­ed by a for­eign­er hos­tile to our val­ues , our secu­ri­ty ser­vices and our way of life.
Welcome to Jamaica where crim­i­nal rights and the ego of nar­cis­sist trumps secu­ri­ty and the rule of law.

One thought on “Why Would Jamaica’s Security Forces Stick Their Necks Out .….….…

  1. You speak such truth sir. When Jamaicans real­ize that the coun­try is head­ed to being over run with crim­i­nals that’s when police will final­ly get the respect they deserve. When peo­ple start dying like flies and cant walk, sleep or do any­thing in piece with­out a gun in their face then they will see that inde­com has done no favors for the coun­try. All they’ve done is cas­trat­ed the police’s author­i­ty to fight crime.

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