Jamaica’s New Reality We Warned About For Years Armed Militias In Charge..

Gone are the days when Police will be kick­ing in peo­ple’s doors to go after crim­i­nals”, under my admin­is­tra­tion that’s a thing of the past.”

Andrew Holness

What I took over in the Police Force was lit­tle more than a glo­ri­fied secu­ri­ty guard com­pa­ny.
The JCF was large­ly designed to pro­tect the inter­est of prop­er­ty own­ers “where we trained them for six months in mil­i­tary drill, gave them some dis­ci­pline, gave them a big pine baton and a Lee Enfield rifle and then we com­plain that they shoot or beat up somebody.” 

Horace Chang

If you are aban­don­ing the police you can’t imple­ment a state of emergency”.“Minister, retract. Be strong and retract because what you say can have a neg­a­tive impact on all of us.”
It is wrong. It is ridicu­lous.” 

I look for­ward to the day when every police offi­cer is a human rights activist.”

Antony Anderson CP

When I write truth the hyper-par­ti­san trolls come out in droves to con­demn me for speak­ing the truth out of love for my coun­try.
But I was nev­er one to care about polit­i­cal lack­eys even when I was a con­sta­ble, they were forced to fol­low the law wher­ev­er I was doing police work and that goes to the very top.
Portia Simpson and her band of brig­ands were forced to respect the rule of law because myself and two oth­ers decid­ed that no one was going to steal any bal­lot box­es from the school on White Hall Avenue in 88.

Carl Samuda orches­trat­ed a trans­fer for me along with Deputy Commissioner Ebanks because I demand­ed that he leave the polling sta­tion imme­di­ate­ly in the same year.
That back­fired bad­ly as the peo­ple rose up and all hell broke loose, they want­ed their police offi­cer back.
Ed Bartlett and Ryan Peralto in two sep­a­rate inci­dents were not hap­py when I stepped in to enforce the law, but when I remained firm they stood down.
Trevor Monroe did not like the fact that I was firm that any­one who tried to breach the fence of Jamaica House, with Prime Minister Edward Seaga in office would be shot.
He labeled me a [ter­ror­ist cop], in his com­mu­nist pub­li­ca­tion [the strug­gle].
He lat­er apol­o­gized to me and we set­tled our differences.

I was nev­er threat­ened by politi­cians at the top so I damn sure will nev­er be both­ered by their under­lings.
Who or what par­ty I ulti­mate­ly decid­ed to vote for had noth­ing to do with my crit­i­cisms of the way my coun­try is being run. My vote
and my com­ments are two dif­fer­ent issues.
My love of coun­try needs no val­i­da­tion from any­one regard­less of their sta­tion. I bled for my coun­try, and even if I did­n’t I still would not give a rat’s ass about what some polit­i­cal lack­ey has to say about my views.

It is not just my view that this admin­is­tra­tion has aban­doned the Police. Others have seen it too. KD Knight an Opposition Senator allud­ed to it. I nev­er sub­scribed to KD Knight’ pol­i­tics but he made a cor­rect obser­va­tion in response to Chang’s dis­re­spect­ful com­ments about the police.
Andrew Holness made no attempts to hide his dis­dain for the police.
In his first Zones Of Special Operation des­ig­na­tion in St James, he made it clear that he did not rate the police, he placed the mil­i­tary in charge. Unfortunately, sol­diers are not police so they can­not stop crim­i­nals. Holness’ igno­rance was becom­ing pal­pa­ble.
When it came time to select the Nation’s first National Security Adviser, he chose (Antony Anderson a sol­dier).
When it came time for him to chose a new Police Commissioner, he chose his friend Antony Anderson a sol­dier who has nev­er been in bat­tle. A sol­dier who had zero expe­ri­ence in Law-Enforcement.
When alle­ga­tions arose that a cou­ple of cops had trans­gressed the law and they were from the Mobile Reserve, even though the case is still under inves­ti­ga­tion he ordered Chang to dis­man­tle the back­bone of the nation’s secu­ri­ty, the Mobile Reserve.

There is no ques­tion that for what­ev­er rea­son, this man has decid­ed to destroy the police force by his own poli­cies.
Now his sup­port­ers can call me a PNP all they want, it is their loss that they can only process infor­ma­tion in the nar­row con­fines of polit­i­cal affil­i­a­tions.
What Holness will be sad­dled with are the con­se­quences of his actions.
He will not destroy the JCF and walk away unblem­ished. He will car­ry the scars of all of the killings which occurred on his watch and all that will be forth­com­ing in the future.

Jamaica has become Ciudad Juarez , Culiacán, La Paz, Tijuana,

For years I have warned that our coun­try is on a pre­cip­i­tous slope, I write dai­ly beg­ging the gov­ern­ment to pay atten­tion, that Jamaica is slid­ing into anar­chy and ulti­mate­ly will be declared a failed state if we do not get our act togeth­er.
Rather than pay atten­tion the two polit­i­cal par­ties have ignored warn­ings and have con­tin­ued with busi­ness as usu­al.
I implored this Prime Minister to use the ben­e­fit of his youth to think dif­fer­ent­ly. Notwithstanding, it is clear that he too is a prod­uct of his envi­ron­ment.
I have warned for years that this is not just crime these are now Militias oper­at­ing in this tiny space of 4411 square miles.
I have warned that this was unten­able even before the events of 2010.

The coun­try is awash in high-pow­ered weapons. The young men are empow­ered, hav­ing seen the respect they are giv­en and that they can take what­ev­er they want through the bar­rel of those weapons.
So here is the stark real­i­ty, this will not be han­dled by com­mu­ni­ty polic­ing, I long told you those days are over.
This will not be han­dled by ask­ing them to turn in their weapons.
This will not be han­dled by inter­ven­tion or social pro­grams.
Fuck all of that, these guys are not inter­est­ed in any of that.
Those weapons will have to be plucked from their life­less fin­gers.
Every day that this gov­ern­ment con­tin­ues to send INDECOM Terrence Williams to inves­ti­gate when police ter­mi­nate these scum is anoth­er day that this Government is [COMPLICIT] in the destruc­tion of Jamaica.

These are not ordi­nary crim­i­nals, fight­ing them requires extra-ordi­nary tac­tics.
As a beg­gar nation, Jamaica allowed the United States to manip­u­late it through the Lehi Act into sur­ren­der­ing to crim­i­nals.
The desire to obtain an American visa and be able to trav­el to America have [trumped], the urgency of get­ting the mur­der­ers.
America does not play with its crim­i­nals and ter­ror­ists.
In the end, Jamaicans will still lose the abil­i­ty to trav­el to America when the state Department des­ig­nates our coun­try a failed state.
Neither polit­i­cal par­ty is will­ing to do what is nec­es­sary to stop this and we are now get­ting to crit­i­cal mass.
Every Police offi­cer with a visa should now lay down arms and walk away.
This is the Jamaica they want­ed all along. It is safe to say that the two polit­i­cal par­ties are filled with a bunch of criminals.