Jamaica’s Mad Liberal Judges:

We con­tin­ue in the series as titled above here’s a sto­ry from our friends at the Jamaica Observer.

A motorist accused of attempt­ing to kill a police sergeant with his vehi­cle was yes­ter­day remand­ed into cus­tody when he appeared in the Corporate Area Resident Magistrate’s Court. Accused, Orlando Tucker, a 28-year-old ven­dor of Ambrook Lane in Kingston, was charged with attempt­ed mur­der stem­ming from a traf­fic inci­dent in which the police­man was hos­pi­tal­ized with a frac­ture to his col­lar­bone and mild head injury.

According to police reports, on May 10, about 4:00 pm, Tucker was dri­ving a motor­car along Eastwood Park Road in St Andrew when he was stopped by the police­man for a traf­fic infringement.

But Tucker, while being pros­e­cut­ed, drove off with the com­plainant hang­ing off the side of his vehi­cle. It is fur­ther report­ed that the motorist then drove the car into a light post which result­ed in the com­plainant being flung into the air, before land­ing on the roadway.

The injured man was tak­en to the Kingston Public Hospital where he was admit­ted for sev­er­al days and the accused was arrest­ed and charged.Yesterday, when the mat­ter was raised before Senior Magistrate Judith Pusey, Tucker, who has failed to take up his $200,000 bail, was remand­ed in cus­tody.http://​www​.jamaicaob​serv​er​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​M​a​n​-​a​c​c​u​s​e​d​-​o​f​-​t​r​y​i​n​g​-​t​o​-​d​r​i​v​e​-​o​v​e​r​-​c​o​p​#​i​x​z​z​1​U​j​g​g​X​Jh0

This less than pre­cise­ly writ­ten sto­ry from our friends at the Jamaica Observer is a lit­tle hard to under­stand but I think we can all see what’s important.

This par­tic­u­lar Magistrate is one of those Jurist oper­at­ing in Jamaica that I talk about dai­ly. Note >this Magistrate has a his­to­ry of bad deci­sions.….….…. if you are not a crim­i­nal. This man attempt­ed to kill a Police Officer in the law­ful exe­cu­tion of his duties. Attempted to escape by run­ning over the cop in his bid to get away from a traf­fic cita­tion. Was offered Bail in the sum of J$200’000.00 The equiv­a­lent of US$2’409 00.

That is what the lives of Police Officers are worth in Jamaica, is it any won­der why offi­cers take the laws into their own hands? this low life is in cus­tody only because he can­not afford to pay the measly bond. If a sus­pect is a flight risk, as is clear­ly demon­strat­ed here, how can a mag­is­trate turn around and grant him bail? Activist mag­is­trate Judith Pusey has been tak­ing a wreck­ing ball unchecked to Jamaica’s jus­tice sys­tem for a long time. 

This is the same mag­is­trate that refused to recuse her­self from the Kern Spencer light bulb tri­al, a move that would have allowed the tri­al to pro­ceed and Justice done. She has set her­self up as the Attorney of Spencer, mak­ing the tri­al a mock­ery, tak­ing over the duties of defense attor­neys for Spencer from the bench. That tri­al is still lan­guish­ing in the sys­tem as Pusey con­tin­ues to fight with the DPP over periph­er­al issues, not allow­ing the case to progress. 

There is a litany of oth­er out­ra­geous cas­es where she has done ter­ri­ble harm to what obtains for jus­tice in Jamaica. Judith Pusey the dar­ling of the tri­al Lawyers has struck again. Notice there is not a peep from the frauds at Jamaicans for Justice,. If Police Officers are killed it’s no big deal, just don’t kill crim­i­nals. What a bunch of frauds.

3 thoughts on “Jamaica’s Mad Liberal Judges:

  1. Attractive sec­tion of con­tent. I just stum­bled upon your weblog and in acces­sion cap­i­tal to assert that I acquire actu­al­ly enjoyed account your blog posts. Anyway I’ll be sub­scrib­ing to your aug­ment and even I achieve­ment you access con­sis­tent­ly rapidly.

  2. One of the dif­fi­cul­ties of law enforce­ment, in devel­op­ing coun­tries espe­cial­ly, is to get ‘informed sources’ to use the term ‘alleged’ in describ­ing infrac­tions by those who sup­pos­ed­ly are in vio­la­tion of the law.
    The report from which the sup­posed facts of this inci­dent has been gleaned is admit­ted­ly sparse in its descrip­tion of the event. However to its cred­it it did say that the motorist was ‘accused’ of attempt­ing to kill a police­man while said police­man was engaged in the exe­cu­tion of his duties.There is no proof yet that this was fac­tu­al­ly the case. Such proof would have to be adduced at tri­al. No one can pos­si­bly know what the motorists intent was until tes­ti­mo­ny is tak­en and evi­dence pro­duced at tri­al. If evi­dence of intent to harm the police­man is gained at tri­al then sure­ly this will cor­rob­o­rate the more seri­ous charges brought.
    As regards the issues of flight risk and bail the court is man­dat­ed to con­sid­er a whole slew of fac­tors regard­ing the defen­dants famil­ial, social and oth­er com­mit­ments, not mere­ly whether he attempt­ed to flee the imme­di­ate scene in the heat of the moment (often influ­enced by the use of alco­hol or oth­er drugs).
    The issue of amount of bail seems to this observ­er to be appro­pri­ate­ly observed. In the view of some it seems that they would have bail set in Jamaica as if the defen­dant is an American viz-a-viz the infer­ence as to the US-Jamaica rate of exchange. The court is man­dat­ed to observe the tenet that bail should not be exces­sive. In any event the pros­e­cu­tion can make a motion to increase bail if it wish­es. This is an area that some­times prop­er­ly requires a hearing.
    It is some­times dis­heart­en­ing to note that those who empathize with or are asso­ci­at­ed with the law enforce­ment com­mu­ni­ty often devel­op a blind eye to the rights of the aver­age citizen.
    I myself have seen many many instances, in that very coun­try, of defen­dants rights being cal­lous­ly over­rid­den. In fact I was myself involved in at least one such incident.
    Could it be that Magistrate Judith Pusey is a lone voice cry­ing out in the wilder­ness of destroyed defen­dant rights?

  3. The bail act clear­ly stip­u­lates that if an offend­er is a flight risk that offend­er should not be giv­en bail . This guy was pre­pared to kill a cop to avoid pros­e­cu­tion, , does any­one think this moron is inter­est­ed in show­ing up for a trail?
    In this case his state of mind is imma­te­r­i­al, his actions are so egre­gious he should be kept in cus­tody until trial.He is clear­ly a dan­ger to the public.

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