Jamaica’s Judges Abuse Their Oaths To Aid Murderers And Other Violent Offenders, Fact.….

For years after leav­ing law enforce­ment I have asked the ques­tion of my coun­try’ s lead­ers, “what kind of coun­try do we want to have”?
Are we try­ing to achieve a nar­co-state, a coun­try divid­ed into enclaves like sub-Saharan Africa or Lebanon and oth­er failed states?
Or do we want to make Jamaica the glo­ri­ous state it can be con­sid­er­ing what our coun­try has to offer?
Are we con­tent to con­tin­ue feed­ing the stereo­typ­i­cal per­cep­tions that Blacks are inca­pable of self-gov­er­nance? Since Independence, we have cer­tain­ly demon­strat­ed that we are inca­pable, or at best unwill­ing to make good gov­ern­ing decisions.

Why have polit­i­cal lead­ers of both polit­i­cal par­ties made such hor­ri­ble deci­sions, deci­sions which are anti­thet­i­cal to the oaths they took to pro­tect the nation from all ene­mies for­eign and domestic?
Each and every Government have as their pri­ma­ry respon­si­bil­i­ty, the charge to pro­tect their cit­i­zens using all of the tools at their disposal.
Administrations of both polit­i­cal par­ties have been quick to adopt and sup­port a for­eign imposed mora­to­ri­um on cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment but have been neg­li­gent in uphold­ing the foun­da­tion­al pil­lars of the Bail Act.

Jamaican Judges A Large Part Of The Murder Problem/​Ask Dexter Pottinger

The courts are sup­pos­ed­ly inde­pen­dent arbiters out­side the con­trol of the [peo­ple’s rep­re­sen­ta­tives, such is what many legal schol­ars and many wannabes will have you believe.
The truth of the mat­ter is the courts are there to inter­pret the laws passed by the Parliament, the peo­ple’s rep­re­sen­ta­tives. Therefore if a law is not work­ing it is up to the Nation’s Parliament to take action to ensure that the laws are up to date.
So when the Prime Minister tells a crowd of cheer­ing sup­port­ers that the INDECOM act has been problematic,(something I have argued for years),
then rather than pro­pose a repeal and replace, (a log­i­cal rem­e­dy), the PM promis­es to make more mon­ey avail­able to police for their defense.
In essence that is politi­cians blow­ing smoke up peo­ple’s col­lec­tive ass­es rather than doing what they were elect­ed to do, lead.

When the Minister of National Security final­ly admits that there is a prob­lem because peo­ple are being grant­ed bail and they are return­ing to kill over and over again, it’s start­ing to sound a lit­tle tone deaf when they could have fixed that prob­lem a long time ago.
Revealing that 143 Jamaicans have been mur­dered by men who are on bail for oth­er charges just this year alone Robert Montague said he will be propos­ing leg­is­la­tion that will ensure that peo­ple who com­mit gun crimes or are held with guns do nor receive bail).

That has been my sug­ges­tion for years, why would an alleged mur­der­er be allowed out on bail, yet in the Jamaican courts alleged mur­der­ers are grant­ed bail up to six times after been charged with cap­i­tal mur­der and killed again and again and again.
That kind of brain-dead mad­ness only hap­pens in Jamaica, nowhere else, so much so that Jamaica has become a laugh­ing stock around the CARICOM region and sits atop the mur­der states on the planet.

Despite the fact that the present Bail act is gross­ly out­dat­ed and insuf­fi­cient to deal with the exi­gen­cies of the time, there are strong stip­u­la­tions with­in the act which gives Judges the back­ing they need should they choose to be good stew­ards in the dis­pen­sa­tion of their mandates.
Insofar as that is con­cerned Jamaica’s judges have come up woe­ful­ly short in hon­or­ing their oaths, they have effec­tive­ly turned the crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem into a revolv­ing door, mak­ing a mock­ery of the sys­tem of justice.

Sure, Bail is not sup­posed to be used as pun­ish­ment for an offend­er but the Bail act despite all its frail­ties, gives judges cov­er to keep alleged crim­i­nals in jail where they belong.
There are three spe­cif­ic points in the act which makes it clear that even way back when the act was first con­ceived seri­ous crimes were tak­en rather seriously.
Bail may be refused if…
(1) the offend­er is unlike­ly to show up for trial.
(2) the offend­er may interfere/​kill with witnesses.
(3) The seri­ous­ness of the crimes the offend­er is accused of committing.

There are no log­i­cal argu­ments to be made for what Jamaican judges have done, no jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for the harm they have caused by turn­ing loose seri­ous offend­ers to kill after they have been arrest­ed on homi­cide charges.
It is a seri­ous breach of the pub­lic’s trust, the harm per­pe­trat­ed on the nation by these bureau­crats, unelect­ed by any­one but who wield immense pow­er and influence.
The nation must now begin the seri­ous process of tak­ing the nec­es­sary steps to bring san­i­ty back to our streets and our communities.
Much of which must be done leg­isla­tive­ly. Jamaican can­not con­tin­ue to act out­side inter­na­tion­al norms with­out consequence.
We must say to these thugs once and for all “no more” and mean it.

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