Jamaica’s Dominance And The Jealousy Of It’s Detractors.

Jamaica have through­out the London Olympics,demonstrated that it is one of the most suc­cess­ful nations in the world of ath­let­ics. This how­ev­er has not gone with­out sus­pi­cion and innu­en­dos from some. They either hate the fact our dom­i­nance had no assis­tance from them or, are just bad-mind­ed and jeal­ous of our achievements.

Recently Carl Lewis, who had ques­tioned whether our ath­letes were indeed drug-free sub­se­quent to the Beijing Olympics, renewed that pronouncement .

We must, how­ev­er, not be too con­cerned about this nar­cis­sist who has no moral author­i­ty to point fin­ger at any ath­lete as a drug cheat, because he him­self was test­ed on two occa­sions pri­or to the 1984 Olympics.

Carl Lewis then and now 

Unlike oth­er Sports per­son­al­i­ties Lewis did not attract lucra­tive endorse­ment con­tracts, many argue this lat­est sal­vo from him is an oppor­tunis­tic attempt to gar­ner some atten­tion. A crass attempt at re-ener­giz­ing his non-exis­tent career. Others point to plans Lewis has to run for the US Congress as a rea­son for his self serv­ing out­burst. It does­n’t stop there , recent­ly International Olympic Committee mem­ber Dick Pound in an inter­view with Reuters Television claimed that the (IOC) was expe­ri­enc­ing dif­fi­cul­ties find and test­ing Jamaican athletes.

Of course the local Anti Doping body in Jamaica, The Anti Doping Commission (JADCO) debunked those assertions,through an exec­u­tive mem­ber won­dered whether such sus­pi­cion would have been direct­ed at a devel­oped coun­try like the United States. Dick Pound is a white male from Canada.

Jamaica is a proud Nation which have stamped it’s pres­ence on the world stage, detrac­tors ‘who seek to gar­ner atten­tion from our suc­cess by cast­ing asper­sions should know that this lit­tle rock of 2.8 mil­lion is as we say (“wi likkle but wi tallawa”) trans­la­tion , we are small but we are a force to be reck­oned with.

Errol McLeish.