Jamaica’s Criminal Loving Judges Shows Disdain For Cops By Overturning Death Penalty Of Cop-killers:

In most locales in the devel­oped world, Appellate Courts do not dis­turb low­er courts’ rul­ings unless a tri­al judge erred egre­gious­ly in a way that prej­u­diced a defen­dan­t’s case tilt­ing the case toward the pros­e­cu­tion. In fact, Appellate Courts sel­dom tam­per with the low­er courts’ deci­sions but may ask the low­er court to clar­i­fy a par­tic­u­lar ruling.
Unless there is new/​exculpatory evi­dence, Appellate Courts gen­er­al­ly side with low­er courts’ find­ings. Essentially, doing no harm. Constant med­dling by Appellate Courts brings the com­pe­tence of low­er courts into ques­tion, opens the court to ques­tions of cor­rup­tion and skewed affil­i­a­tions, and gen­er­al­ly erodes con­fi­dence in the rule of law. Jamaica is a prime exam­ple of this; she has excep­tion­al­ly high crime num­bers derived from sev­er­al issues, the least of which are pover­ty, archaic/​inadequate laws, and lib­er­al judges who sup­plant com­mon sense and the laws for their own emo­tion­al lean­ings. I am not a lawyer, so I will leave the legalese to oth­ers to argue. I will attempt to talk about anoth­er par­tic­u­lar case in a sim­ple, com­mon-sense way that every­one may understand.

Nothing, in my opin­ion, has caused more harm to our coun­try than the lib­er­al Judges, most of whom are Alums of the University of the West Indies. The lat­ter has been a hotbed of lib­er­al Marxist/​Leninist the­ol­o­gy from as far back as the 1960s. No one can pass through those doors untaint­ed by the cor­ro­sive poi­son of lib­er­al-social­ist dog­ma. Many Jamaicans point to pover­ty and lack of social inter­ven­tion as rea­sons for our coun­try’s high inci­dences of crime. To them, I say two words, Vietnam, and Indonesia. These two nations in Asia had tremen­dous­ly sup­pressed wages and low liv­ing stan­dards, yet their crime sta­tis­tics are much dif­fer­ent from ours. The Jamaican Nation is soft on crim­i­nal behav­ior. Jamaican laws encour­age crim­i­nal­i­ty. The coun­try’s judges are crim­i­nal-cod­dling elit­ists Jack-ass­es. There has been no short­age of out­cry from me in this medi­um about the crim­i­nal enabling Judges who pop­u­late the coun­try’s courts. As such, I have con­sis­tent­ly called for truth in sen­tenc­ing which essen­tial­ly removes the abil­i­ty of judges to cir­cum­vent the laws with their lib­er­al social­ist agen­da of social engineering.

Jamaican tri­al lawyers oppose manda­to­ry min­i­mum sen­tenc­ing for cer­tain crimes, which is a good indi­ca­tor of the rule of law. Of course, the pre­ten­tious nation and the crim­i­nal-lov­ing politi­cians would nev­er seri­ous­ly con­sid­er putting teeth into the nation’s penal code out of fear they become ensnared by it. So the coun­try saun­ters along with the old laws, lib­er­al judges, and a mon­u­men­tal­ly high crime rate. A few of the Judges actu­al­ly attempt to show fideli­ty to the laws, rec­og­niz­ing the nation­al secu­ri­ty impli­ca­tions. However, for the most part, the oth­ers go out of their way to be activists, using the bench to insti­tute their lib­er­al views on the coun­try.

Gilbert Kameka, a 48-year-old assis­tant com­mis­sion­er of Police, was shot and killed at a house in Irish Town, St Andrew, when he vis­it­ed his then 18-year-old girl­friend, who had pre­vi­ous­ly had a rela­tion­ship with Adams. The cop was shot by Adams and robbed of his ser­vice revolver. Adams had planned with his ex-girl­friend the day before the mur­der that “we will come up there to get the gun,” and she agreed.http://​jamaica​-glean​er​.com/​g​l​e​a​n​e​r​/​2​0​1​3​1​2​0​1​/​n​e​w​s​/​n​e​w​s​5​.​h​tml

The court found that although the mur­der entailed a planned, cold-blood­ed killing, it could not be regard­ed as falling with­in the most extreme or excep­tion­al cas­es. Justice Hazel Harris, Justice Hillary Phillips, and Justice Patrick Brooks held that the judge failed to con­sid­er the sig­nif­i­cant fac­tor as to whether there was any rea­son­able prospect of reform­ing the appel­lant. The court referred to the fact that Adams was gain­ful­ly employed up to his arrest.
The social inquiry report said that mem­bers of his com­mu­ni­ty had expressed sur­prise that he com­mit­ted the mur­der, and there were excel­lent reports of his good char­ac­ter. There was also a view Adams had “aca­d­e­m­ic poten­tial,” which the Appeal Court said all weighed favor­ably to sup­port his reformation.

This is the most nau­se­at­ing sum­ma­tion I have ever heard. If you can read, get some peo­ple to say they are sur­prised that you did it, you may go out and kill any cop you want to get his gun or what­ev­er rea­son you may have. That is exact­ly the mes­sage the three crim­i­nal-lov­ing trol­lops sent in over­turn­ing the death penal­ty for this pre-med­i­tat­ed slaugh­ter of a police offi­cer. As I argued dur­ing the con­clu­sion of this tri­al, it was an insult and an affront to the fam­i­ly of Gilbert Kameka that the woman behind it all was reward­ed with three years sus­pend­ed sentence.

A three-year sus­pend­ed sen­tence means you spend not one day in prison, despite hav­ing agreed to and helped orches­trate a pre-med­i­tat­ed mur­der. It mat­ters not what her con­tri­bu­tion was to the pros­e­cu­tion’s case, be it the total­i­ty or oth­er­wise; she should have received a 25-year sen­tence for her com­plic­i­ty and duplic­i­ty. With that said, these three men­tal retards have shown once again what smart police offi­cers have known for decades. These Elitists who pop­u­late the bench have no respect for the Jamaican peo­ple, no respect for the laws, and no respect for those who enforce them. That, my dear friends, is a big part of the rea­son I am writ­ing about this, hav­ing left the depart­ment after only 9 12 years of ser­vice. It is a dis­grace and a damn shame that the fam­i­ly of Gilbert Kameka is fur­ther trau­ma­tized by those who are sup­posed to pro­tect them. The points in sum­ma­tion by the above three must shame Judges every­where. These are not judges; they are left-wing functionaries…





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com. 

4 thoughts on “Jamaica’s Criminal Loving Judges Shows Disdain For Cops By Overturning Death Penalty Of Cop-killers:

  1. The Family might have to live in fear for the rest of their lives. that is one rea­son am glad I left cause I know how long he would spend in free­dom when he comes out. We must remem­ber that nor­mal cit­i­zens do not know any bet­ter, but the police­men and women are stan­dard bear­ers and so we draft up laws to imprison them for long stretch­es of time as they have no aca­d­e­m­ic prospects and were not work­ing at the time of any offence he or she may have com­mit­ted. This is more than a laugh judges come from crim­i­nal back­grounds too you know. Maybe it is now time to do back­ground checks on all Politicians, lawyers, Judges, psy­chol­o­gists, psy­chi­a­trists and the likes of them all.

    • Mister Stewart back­ground checks should have been a huge part of the process for all pub­lic offi­cials, bar none. From the PM down it mat­ters not who the PM is, they have access to state secrets and National Security infor­ma­tion which they should only be able to divulge at the per­il of Imprisonmemnt.

  2. I agree..This is a great insult to our judi­cial sys­tem and the fam­i­ly of the policeman’s
    fam­i­ly. It is dis­grace­ful that those who should be pro­tect­ing the cit­i­zens of a coun­try is in fact,
    part of the prob­lem of crim­i­nals run­ning our streets..There is no jus­tice in the courts..That is why many in the rur­al areas are using vig­i­lante justice..So sad..

    • My sen­ti­ments exact­ly Ms. Green, I fail to under­stand how they ignore the obvi­ous con­se­quences of their actions. Particularly when they live in the same soci­ety where these mau­rad­ing mur­der­ers roam with­out con­se­quence, in that lit­tle space of 4’411 square miles.

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