Jamaica’s Crime Problem A Function Of Corrupt Governance

Jamaica's Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller and Leader of the Opposition Andrew Holness
Jamaica’s Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller and Leader of the Opposition Andrew Holness

A few days ago we took the lib­er­ty to com­ment on year-end crime sta­tis­tics sup­plied by Jamaican law-enforce­ment and trum­pet­ed by the coun­try’s nation­al secu­ri­ty minister..
Authorities informed the coun­try, Murders dropped 16 per cent, shoot­ings were down 12 per cent, rape had fall­en by 23 per cent and aggra­vat­ed assault by 17 per cent. Of note is the fact that Police killings have dropped a pre­cip­i­tous 54% against the last cor­re­spond­ing peri­od See: https://​mike​beck​les​.com/​1​6​-​r​e​d​u​c​t​i​o​n​-​i​n​-​m​u​r​d​e​r​-​r​a​t​e​-​c​o​m​m​e​n​d​a​b​l​e​-​y​et/
s we cel­e­brat­ed the fact that over 250 less Jamaicans were mur­dered than the last cor­re­spond­ing peri­od , we cau­tioned on January 3rd that we did not nec­es­sar­i­ly see low­er crime num­bers as a trend .

Reason being , despite the efforts of the Minister, and the police with the help of the mil­i­tary to under­take cer­tain com­mu­ni­ty out­reach pro­grams and raids, we did not see any­thing new which would lend itself to a sus­tain­able drop in crime. In fact we warned that we may yet see a dra­mat­ic spike in crime because there is no proven for­mu­la com­ing from law enforce­ment which can be direct­ly proven to decreas­ing crime. Coupled with the ane­mic econ­o­my and down­ward pres­sure on lot­to scam­mers , we believed then and now the envi­ron­ment is rife for a mas­sive spike in crim­i­nal­i­ty in the country.
The fact of the mat­ter is that inso­far as the JCF is con­cerned it appears low­er crime num­bers are pure­ly a func­tion of luck.
Don’t get me wrong I am all for luck keep­ing 256 more peo­ple alive. What we are say­ing is sim­ply that we have to find more sci­en­tif­ic and prag­mat­ic ways to keep more peo­ple alive, pre­vent more women from get­ting raped, pre­vent more peo­ple from get­ting shot and across the board reduce and elim­i­nate lawlessness.
As if to show author­i­ties that they are pow­er­less to stop crime, Jamaican crim­i­nals are on a tear , killing a report­ed 21 peo­ple over the first 6 days of the new year. Those report­ed killed may not nec­es­sar­i­ly be the only peo­ple mur­dered. That rep­re­sents only those which are report­ed to author­i­ties. At this pace the coun­try is once again on pace to see rough­ly 1,300 cit­i­zens slaugh­tered by year end. Poof there goes the 16% reduc­tion in murders.
The JCF has at it’s head now a PhD , many of the senior com­mand struc­ture have under­grad­u­ate and grad­u­ate degrees. We were once told this was need­ed to keep crime under control.
We too believed the cal­iber of peo­ple being recruit­ed into the JCF had to improve. We believed train­ing need­ed to be more reflec­tive of the sophis­ti­ca­tion of crim­i­nals and should be ongo­ing. We believed that the pri­ma­cy of the Agency’s push should be (1 Community Policing and (2 an effec­tive Criminal Investigations Branch, which would work hand-in-hand with com­mu­ni­ty policing.

Simpson Miller
Simpson Miller

Simply put, gain­ing the trust of com­mu­ni­ties cre­ates intel­li­gence streams which places crim­i­nals in jeop­ardy. When peo­ple are afraid of being caught they think twice about com­mit­ting crimes.
Fewer crimes, low­er num­bers. Those who do com­mit crimes would have to deal with the real­i­ty of know­ing they will be held account­able. Again, less crime because more peo­ple are held account­able for their actions.
Crime will not be reduced from 103 old hope road. It will depend on a com­mit­ment from whichev­er admin­is­tra­tion is in pow­er. It will depend on that admin­is­tra­tion hav­ing an under­stand­ing that crime eats away at the stan­dard of liv­ing of it’s peo­ple. It requires an admin­is­tra­tion which is itself above board, not steeped in corruption.
More than any­thing else it requires an intel­li­gent leader who under­stand that con­struc­tive crit­i­cism and advice is not an invi­ta­tion to engage in brawls befit­ting of vira­goes in Kingston 13 tenements.
It requires a leader who is not mere­ly con­cerned with being prime min­is­ter, bliss­ful­ly un-nerved as Rome burns.
It requires lead­ers with the basic under­stand­ing that crime chas­es away investors.
As long as Jamaicans con­tin­ue to elect and re-elect old-style gar­ri­son thugs to the par­lia­ment then they must be pre­pared to con­tin­ue to wash away the blood.