Jamaicans Can’t Even Agree Who They Support.

The Criminal Justice System in Jamaica appears to be trans­lat­ed Justice for crim­i­nals noth­ing for the inno­cent. Let’s take stock of the rea­sons crime and vio­lence are at all time highs on the Island Nation. As we con­tem­plate crime we would be remiss in not try­ing to find the root caus­es, to bet­ter under­stand how to reduce, if not elim­i­nate it. Every Jamaican should have a com­mit­ment to a Jamaica free of or at least, less inun­dat­ed with crime. Unfortunately hav­ing seen views expressed on the sub­ject I am not sure we are all com­mit­ted toward the same goal. It is per­fect­ly okay to dif­fer on strate­gies and pol­i­cy aimed at erad­i­cat­ing the can­cer of crime. When we can­not agree on who to sup­port in the debate, we know the coun­try is in seri­ous trou­ble. Any per­son may con­duct a sim­ple poll on social media, cre­ate your own top­ic eg.( “Man rape and kills 12-year-old child”)You may be sur­prised to find that a siz­able per­cent­age of respon­dents would blame some­one oth­er than the sub­ject in ques­tion. If the con­ver­sa­tion per­sist it would turn to total blame of the Police. How will this coun­try turn around when it is clear that a large, if not over­whelm­ing seg­ment of the 2.6 mil­lion peo­ple sup­port crim­i­nal­i­ty. And those in the dias­po­ra are hard­ly any better.

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Poverty. Politics. Corruption. An Ultra-Liberal Judiciary.an immoral pop­u­la­tion are just some of the prob­lems fac­ing our coun­try. How do we begin to turn around a place which seem to want to self-destruct? Politicians inter­fere in law-enforce­ment. Criminals are embold­ened. Police transferred,demoralized.Criminal arrest­ed , Court grants them bail. Criminal return to kill over and over after receiv­ing bail on a mul­ti­plic­i­ty of sep­a­rate mur­der charges. Police los­es inter­est and do their own thing. The cycle con­tin­ues. The biggest accel­er­ant to crime is know­ing one will not get caught or be made to pay for one’s crime.


The peo­ple in pol­i­cy mak­ing are not total idiots, they under­stand what needs to be done. They also know it’s not in their inter­est to do it. A pro­fi­cient and pro­fes­sion­al Police Department is bad for the health of Jamaica’s politi­cians. So they cre­ate a diver­sion. Allow crime to get out of hand . This caus­es the police to look more inept. Empower (inde­com) to go after the police , crime increas­es. As we watch the watch­man the crim­i­nals have a field day. This is a sim­ple yet effec­tive strat­e­gy which has worked par­tic­u­lar­ly for the par­ty which now forms the Administration. The Tragedy is that the bru­tal­i­ty and dehu­man­iz­ing nature of the crimes being com­mit­ted will increase as crim­i­nals push the enve­lope with each crime they commit.