Jamaican Taxpayers Funding INDECOM And Public Defender’s Office In Support Of Criminals As Thousands Are Killed And Injured Annually..

At the time the Tivoli inquiry was com­mis­sioned by Portia Simpson Miller as a polit­i­cal witch hunt, this medi­um was not shy about speak­ing out against it.
The Commission was set up as a sup­posed fact find­ing mis­sion, not a judi­cial court with the pow­er to bring charges.
This medi­um believed then that this com­mis­sion was fraud­u­lent as (1) the wit­ness­es against the secu­ri­ty forces were man­u­fac­tured. (2) The com­mis­sion led by David Simmons, a retired chief jus­tice and for­mer attor­ney gen­er­al of Barbados was biased and dis­re­spect­ful of the Jamaican secu­ri­ty forces. (3) The com­mis­sion head had no under­stand­ing of the crime cul­ture of Jamaica and there­fore was ill-equipped and ill-pre­pared to hear and deci­pher evi­den­tiary data from man­u­fac­tured lies.

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(4) Other mem­bers of the pan­el, retired jus­tice of the Court of Appeal of Jamaica Hazel Harris and Professor Anthony Harriott, direc­tor of the Institute of Criminal Justice and Security at the University of the West Indies not exact­ly friends of the secu­ri­ty forces,went into what was a fact find­ing exer­cise with pre­con­ceived ideas and made up minds. (5) That the mere exis­tence of a com­mis­sion of inquiry into this oper­a­tion by the secu­ri­ty forces was an affront to the sac­ri­fice of the two mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces who died annex­ing that law­less com­mu­ni­ty to the rest of the country.

Nevertheless, I was not sur­prised that the PNP used that hero­ic event by the secu­ri­ty forces as a polit­i­cal football.
It was clas­sic PNP-JLP modus operan­di to use the secu­ri­ty forces to clean up their mess then muster their lying unin­formed sup­port­ers to demo­nize the Police and military.
This time how­ev­er it was dif­fer­ent Simpson Miller went for the jug­gler she brought in a post colo­nial­ist ‑neo­colo­nial­ist inter­lop­er to come into our coun­try to be judge and jury over our long suf­fer­ing secu­ri­ty forces.

Simmons and the pan­el wast­ed no time demon­strat­ing that the so called fact find­ing mis­sion was not going to be a fact find­ing mis­sion but a griev­ance forum to allow lying crim­i­nals and their fam­i­lies to per­pet­u­ate more lies and pro­pa­gan­da against the secu­ri­ty forces. (As seen in video above).

According to a Jamaica Gleaner report in July 2016, the cost to Jamaica tax­pay­ers for high pow­ered lawyers rep­re­sent­ing the var­i­ous agen­cies involved in the inquiry was almost J$150 million.
The report detailed sep­a­rate­ly from doc­u­ments obtained through the Access to Information (ATI) Act that Chairman of the three-mem­ber com­mis­sion, David Simmons, has been paid US$459,170 (J$52.8 mil­lion). Retired Court of Appeal jus­tice, Hazel Harris, anoth­er com­mis­sion­er, was, up to the time of the report­ing [paid US$344,475 of the US$372,300 (J$42.8 mil­lion) she is due under her con­tract. The doc­u­ments showed a bal­ance of US$27,825. Meanwhile, the third com­mis­sion­er, Professor Anthony Harriott, has received his full pay­ment of US$372,300 (J$42.8 million).

It must be remem­bered that Desmond McKenzie, the mem­ber of par­lia­ment for Kingston Western, who was in Opposition then, had him­self called for the scrap­ping of the commission.
After the Kangaroo com­mis­sion con­clud­ed the expen­sive cha­rade it issued a ram­bling report which rec­om­mend­ed among oth­er things that some mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces not be allowed to com­mand in the future.

Tax pay­er fund­ed anti-police cru­sad­er Arlene Harrison Henry has now tak­en over the play­book of Carolyn Gomes who dis­ap­peared in disgrace.

The JCF also did it’s own review under the capa­ble lead­er­ship of Assistant Commissioner of Police Wray Palmer.
That review con­clud­ed that mem­bers of the JCF did noth­ing wrong. It went on to argue ..

The Tivoli com­mis­sion did not iden­ti­fy any spe­cif­ic act of dere­lic­tion of duty or mis­con­duct on the part of any of the named offi­cers,” It fur­ther ques­tioned the integri­ty of the inquiry, say­ing that the tri­bunal — con­sist­ing of two for­mer judges and an inter­na­tion­al crime expert — engaged in spec­u­la­tion and was con­fused and biased in sev­er­al instances.

The review com­mit­tee is cor­rect in its assess­ment, an assess­ment I made in pre­vi­ous arti­cles as I detailed the rea­sons that the Tivoli Commission was an expen­sive far­ci­cal exer­cise intend­ed to defraud and con­fuse the Jamaican people.
Of the huge cost of that inquiry to the tax­pay­ers, it is safe to say hard­ly a pen­ny of those resources came from Tivoli gardens.

The Palmer review has infu­ri­at­ed the usu­al ene­mies of the Police, the tax­pay­er fund­ed Office of Public Defender and its head, atten­tion seek­ing Arlene Harrison Henry and Horace Levy of the so called peace man­age­ment unit start­ed their usu­al mon­grel bark­ing immediately.

Said Henry, “What we have now is the JCF impugn­ing a com­mis­sion of inquiry that was prop­er­ly con­sti­tut­ed under the laws of Jamaica, and this can­not be allowed to stand,

We say they need to with­draw it. It can­not be busi­ness as usu­al when 74 are dead on the pub­lic defend­er’s account and 69 on the police’s account.”
“What we have to ask our­selves as a coun­try is this: 74 dead on the pub­lic defend­er’s account, 69 dead on the police account, so what hap­pened? All these peo­ple were jus­ti­fi­able killings?”

This non­sense inher­ent in this ide­o­log­i­cal zealot’s irra­tional and hor­mon­al tirade is that 69 or 74 peo­ple could not be jus­ti­fi­ably killed by the secu­ri­ty forces.

Horace Levy

Not to be out­done anoth­er media whore the lit­tle mon­grel Horace Levy would not allow a dis­cus­sion to go with­out push­ing his lit­tle snout in.
The review was “dis­grace­ful” and an “insult”. “It is a very bad state­ment. It’s pathet­ic. The evi­dence that they cite for their con­clu­sions is very, very weak, and in many cas­es, non-fac­tu­al.”

Thus far the Commissioner of Police George Quallo has indi­cat­ed he stands by the review.
I salute the police Commissioner and sup­port his stance in stand­ing in defense of the men and women under his com­mand and the orga­ni­za­tion he heads against the lies and smears from these slan­der­ous anti-police demagogues.

I am unaware of any coun­try in which an arm of gov­ern­ment is open­ly hos­tile to law enforce­ment as the office of the pub­lic defend­er is in Jamaica.
I stand to be cor­rect­ed and so I will await respons­es from read­ers on this.

From the cre­ation of the office of pub­lic defend­er, Earl Witter cre­at­ed a decid­ed anti-police stance. That posi­tion is now the path of Arlene Harrison Henry, anoth­er mediocre lawyer who could­n’t cut it at the pri­vate bar much the same way Earl Witter couldn’t.
The atti­tude of INDECOM’s com­mis­sion­er Terrence Williams must be processed in the same light that these utter­ances are.


The Jamaican peo­ple, (out­side the leech­es in the inner cities) will have to make a deci­sion whether they want their tax dol­lars to fund crim­i­nal sup­port­ing anti-police agen­cies and elites while they and their chil­dren are being slaugh­tered daily.
It’s time for Arlene Harrison Henry and Terrence Williams to go.

One thought on “Jamaican Taxpayers Funding INDECOM And Public Defender’s Office In Support Of Criminals As Thousands Are Killed And Injured Annually..

  1. Well writ­ten! The Commissioner of Police George Quallo must have upset the elit­ists and uptown­ers who bat­ted for him because they thought that he was an anti-police commissioner! 

    There is no jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for the Jamaican gov­ern­ment that is strapped for cash keep cre­at­ing more gov­ern­ment agen­cies t the expense of the tax­pay­ers to pro­tect the crim­i­nals. It is the stu­pid­est thing that a gov­ern­ment has ever done! Those who are sup­port­ing crim­i­nals, let them find mon­ey from with­in and out­side of Jamaica to cre­ate enti­ties to pro­tects, pro­motes, and sup­ports the Jamaican crim­i­nals, it should not be done at the expense of the tax­pay­ers. You are work­ing, pay­ing tax­es, and when the crim­i­nals breach your human rights, it is your same tax mon­ey is pro­tect­ing him. Let’s face it; Jamaica is one of the hard­est, most dan­ger­ous, and a known criminal’s par­adise in the Caribbean Sea. 

    Earl Witter, the “idiot lawyer!” He start­ed and is respon­si­ble for the anti-police rhetoric out of his office, expe­ri­enced the hand of crim­i­nals in East Kingston, when they put a 9mm pis­tol to his nose, took off his gold chain and then box him at one of his reg­u­lar spot where he thought he was a part of them! He learned his les­son and was shamed by them!

    Jamaica is a law­less soci­ety, and some­thing must be done about these crim­i­nal cud­dlers, sup­port­ers, and financiers because they are destroy­ing the lit­tle of the island. I remem­bered parish­es, where the mur­der was unheard of, is a hot bed where crim­i­nals roam freely.

    When you have a soci­ety that makes it a point of duty to put a cer­tain mech­a­nism in place to pro­tect the crim­i­nals. Eventually, even the politi­cians will be tak­ing orders from them! Wait and see that short­ly one of their elect­ed politi­cians will feel the hands of these par­a­sites and that is when they are going to wake up them.

    To high­light these peo­ple dis­hon­est, uncon­scionable, and uneth­i­cal stance against the police, they do not men­tion how many guns were recov­ered from Tivoli Gardens after the shoot­ing subsides.If the watch­man sees the dan­ger and does not warn the peo­ple, the blood of the peo­ple will be in the hands of the watchman.
    Commissioner of Police George Quallo is an Ex-cadet and a firm leader who is not behold­en to any guy uptown, elit­ists, or politi­cians alike. He is an own man, and he is doing what is right for Jamaica. It is a pity that the police force has so many ene­mies with­in the soci­ety, espe­cial­ly those who should be anti-crim­i­nals, are pro-crim­i­nals because they are bene­fac­tors of “blood mon­ey” in Jamaica.

    In Jamaica, to be pop­u­lar and loved by the pop­u­lace, one must be a crim­i­nal sup­port­er and a known police hater. Without these traits, your career with the major­i­ty of illit­er­ate obnox­ious, and crim­i­nal mind­ed peo­ple won’t take off in any way or form. Look at out artists? If they don’t burn fire on the police and called them all kind of names, the pop­u­lace won’t give them any credence. 

    There are no data, jus­ti­fi­ca­tion, or rea­sons for the gov­ern­ment hav­ing two agen­cies being fund­ed by the tax­pay­er’s mon­ey. And in the end, the same agen­cies are look­ing out for the peo­ple who are caus­ing, grief, sor­rows, and sad­ness to their lives, Why they do not demon­strate against the waste of the resources that are spent on polit­i­cal oper­a­tives who can­not suc­ceed out­side of the gov­ern­ment because they have no talent?

    Finally, Jamaica is a place where nepo­tism and crony­ism are rife with­in the gov­ern­men­tal sys­tem. The gov­ern­ment of the day is tasked with putting capa­ble and qual­i­fied peo­ple at the var­i­ous depart­ments, but they make sure that the politi­cians who are mem­bers of the par­ty or par­ty sup­port­ers are mak­ing sure that jobs are cre­at­ed for them because of their loy­al­ty. Jamaica is a criminal’s par­adise in the Caribbean Sea and the Somalis in the making.

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