JAMAICAN PM DOES NOT SPEAK TO PRESS:How Can A Servant Of The People Refuse To Answer To The People?


Jamaican Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller has stead­fast­ly refused to answer ques­tions from the Press on any of her pol­i­cy deci­sions. The Prime Minister who has called for remov­ing the Queen of England as head of State has been chid­ed with hav­ing monar­chist desires of her own. As the chief ser­vant of the peo­ple the Prime Minster is duty bound to answer ques­tions posed by the Press . The peo­ple have a right to acqui­esce or dis­agree with her pol­i­cy deci­sions and direc­tions, after all Jamaica is sup­posed to be a Democracy,.…..right?


Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller.

Refusing to answer ques­tions smacks of the actions of a Monarch who Rules by decree. It is not the first time that Miller has demon­strat­ed her dis­dain for the peo­ple by refus­ing to answer ques­tions even regard­ing the most seri­ous issues of National import. Trafigura, Cuban Ligh-bulb, Richard Azan are just a few of the cru­cial issues which any world leader would be forced to respond to, or step aside if they chose not to. In one case Mrs Miller told reporters to go ask the PNP in ref­er­ence to her par­ty which she heads. Who bet­ter to ask than the Party’s Head and Prime Minister? Mrs Miller gives ammu­ni­tion to crit­ics who argue she is inca­pable of artic­u­lat­ing a pol­i­cy posi­tion and as such she shuns the cam­eras. Additionally she stat­ed that she will not talk her way out of office. Ironically Portia in Oppposition was nev­er at a loss for words. There nev­er was a short­age of inart­ful crass coarse lan­guage com­ing from her.

Under no cir­cum­stance is it accept­able for a ser­vant of the peo­ple ‚who acts on behalf of the peo­ple to refuse to explain to them, actions she/​he takes on their behalf. In the case of Mrs Miller it is even more imper­a­tive that she makes her­self avail­able to the Press, that the peo­ple may have a feel for her pol­i­cy direc­tions. The fact is Portia Simpson Miller has lim­it­ed or ques­tion­able skills, as such the peo­ple have a right to say “yes or no ” to the deci­sions she makes sup­pos­ed­ly on their behalf.

The ques­tion then becomes, “why does she show such dis­re­gard for the Press and by exten­sion the peo­ple, know­ing full well that the office comes with the annoy­ing Press ask­ing ques­tions on behalf of the peas­ants, I mean the peo­ple? I believe the answer is sim­ply because she can!! The Jamaican peo­ple have been immense­ly gen­er­ous to Mrs Miller, they have reward­ed her with the high­est polit­i­cal office in the coun­try, an office many includ­ing myself believe she is gross­ly ill-equipped for . Let me has­ten to say my belief in her unsuit­abil­i­ty has noth­ing to do with the fact that she does not have a Masters or a Doctorate. There are more than enough fools hold­ing those Degrees. I look at the con­stituen­cy she has rep­re­sent­ed for decades and I fun­da­men­tal­ly believe that she did not deserve a pro­mo­tion. I lis­ten to her and she has no con­cept of pol­i­cy. I watch her and she has no direc­tion for the country.

Because she has been so lucky, she owes it to the peo­ple who unwit­ting­ly empow­ered her, to show them some regard. Or does she believe she will be ele­vat­ed to Monarch as she was to PM mere­ly by kiss­ing babies and telling the mass­es she cares? One thing is cer­tain, with Jamaicans you nev­er know , she may know some­thing I don’t. It is time the Jamaican peo­ple take their future into their own hands and stop cheer­ing the Empress in her no-exis­tent new clothes.

2 thoughts on “JAMAICAN PM DOES NOT SPEAK TO PRESS:How Can A Servant Of The People Refuse To Answer To The People?

  1. I am glad that the body guard offend­ed a mem­ber of the press and that she dis­re­gards them total­ly under the oth­er par­ty the press was most instru­men­tal in get­ting them out of pow­er claim­ing that Warmington dis­re­spect­ed them and noth­ing came of it. Portia Simpson miller said in as much word it could not hap­pen in her par­ty and all well think­ing Jamaicans should shun the JLP. Well, well, well, here is the Big Bad Tiger. No one can ask her any­thing, she is nei­ther for the peo­ple or by the peo­ple she is Portia Simpson miller, the one who defends her mem­bers astute­ly whether they are wrong or right, the same one who cuts salaries while buy­ing expen­sive SUVs to tour con­stituen­cies. The same one who is going to stand by and watch the police force and teach­ing fra­ter­ni­ty falls to pieces. Have any one get a chance to read the draft for the teach­ing coun­cil that will be set up to gov­ern the teach­ers, try and get a copy it makes for good read­ing I sug­gest that good and bad teach­ers bet­ter start seek­ing oth­er employ­ment before that bill of right is passed.

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