Jamaican Judges Grants Bail To Murderers, They Then Kill Cop.

The astound­ing luna­cy of the crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem in Jamaica, and the crim­i­nal lov­ing judges who pop­u­late those courts were on full dis­play this week.

The Court of Appeal has set aside the death sen­tence of 31-year-old Lennox Swaby and 29-year-old garbage truck dri­ver Calvin Powell, who were con­vict­ed in 2009 of the mur­der of Manchester busi­ness­man Richard Lyn and his wife, Julia.The two have been sen­tenced to life impris­on­ment with an order that they must each serve 35 years before they can be eli­gi­ble for parole. The sen­tences are to run from January 20, 2010.Prosecutors Claudette Thompson and Greg Walcolm, in argu­ing the appeal, had asked the court not to dis­turb the con­vic­tions because Justice Marva McIntosh’s sum­ma­tion to the jury could not be faulted.The court upheld the legal argu­ments.DEATH SENTENCE NOT WARRANTED

Defence lawyers Dr Randolph Williams and Elham Bogle had argued on appeal that the case did not mer­it the death sen­tence and the court agreed. The Crown led evi­dence at the tri­al in the Home Circuit Court that the cou­ple were stran­gled between December 9 and 10, 2006, dur­ing a rob­bery at their home in Mandeville. Their bod­ies were lat­er found at a dump site​.In hand­ing down its deci­sion yes­ter­day, the court paid trib­ute to all the par­ties involved in the inves­ti­ga­tion and tri­al of the mat­ter. “The police obvi­ous­ly poured sig­nif­i­cant resources into this effort and worked dili­gent­ly at iden­ti­fy­ing the per­pe­tra­tors,” the court said.http://​jamaica​-glean​er​.com/​g​l​e​a​n​e​r​/​2​0​1​3​0​7​0​6​/​n​e​w​s​/​n​e​w​s​4​.​h​tml

The fact is these demon­ic mis­cre­ants would nev­er be exe­cut­ed as man­dat­ed by law.

Reason being , the Jamaican gov­ern­ment is the biggest law-break­er in the coun­try. With that said, I am absolute­ly flum­moxed. If enter­ing some­one’s home, rob­bing and killing them, then dis­card­ing their bod­ies at a dump site, does not qual­i­fy for the death penal­ty, what the f*** does? These crim­i­nal lov­ing judges sim­ply do not get it .

Let me just has­ten to say Justice Marva McIntosh is a fine and exem­plary jurist. One of the best and more expe­ri­enced in the coun­try bar none. One of the biggest imped­i­ment to jus­tice is high­er court“s con­tin­u­al­ly inter­fer­ing with low­er court’s deci­sion. It brings the sys­tem into dis­re­pute, cre­at­ing the impres­sion of cor­rup­tion, and does not engen­der con­fi­dence in the low­er courts or the system.

There is noth­ing here which says the deci­sion of jus­tice Macintosh was unlaw­ful or improp­er, yet it seem the jus­tices on the court of appeals have decid­ed to use their posi­tions to give favors to the defense team.

There was noth­ing in the deci­sion as far as the report goes that sug­gest that the tri­al judge had erred or act­ed improperly.

To sug­gest that the way the Lyns were slaugh­tered did not rise to the lev­el of what con­sti­tutes the death penal­ty is beyond luna­cy. It flies in the face of the fam­i­ly of these two hard work­ing peo­ple who were so bru­tal­ly killed not because of any­thing they did. Not only is the Appeals court inter­fer­ence an affront to the fam­i­ly , it is an affront to the learned jus­tice who presided over the tri­al. It is an affront to the inves­tiga­tive police team which worked assid­u­ous­ly to bring the mur­der­ing scums to jus­tice. It is an affront to jus­tice in gen­er­al , giv­ing the impres­sion that the low­er courts and judges are incompetent .

Above all, inter­fer­ing with the tri­al court’s sen­tence with­out hav­ing rea­son to change the ver­dict brings the ques­tion of cor­rup­tion into the dis­cus­sion. Nobody wants to ask the ques­tion so I will, ” how much mon­ey is chang­ing hands in these deci­sions with­ing the crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem in Jamaica”? Judges are sworn to inter­pret the law, they are not the law, they are not a law onto them­selves, more and more we see Jamaican judges inject­ing them­selves into areas they have no place being, act­ing as leg­is­la­tors and in some cas­es as defense attor­neys. Justice can­not be open to change because of con­nec­tions between Judges and defense attor­neys or worse the con­nect­ed pay­ing off judges to rule a cer­tain way.

I have no evi­dence mon­ey is chang­ing hands in these deci­sions, but I am absolute­ly con­fi­dent con­nec­tions are play­ing a part. If con­nec­tions are hav­ing an influ­ence in the way these cas­es are decid­ed, what is to stop mon­ey from cor­rod­ing the sys­tem? Judges who drink and social­ize with their defense lawyer friends, can­not be allowed to use those friend­ships to influ­ence how they rule. Justice is big­ger than their lit­tle cliques and fra­ter­ni­ties. This action of the court of appeals is one more in a litany of oth­er deci­sions that we see which is caus­ing chaos in the small nation of 2.7 mil­lion people.

Just this week a Police Detective was mur­dered walk­ing toward his home Corporal Gassop was gunned down by crim­i­nals , The men who mur­dered Corporal Gassop were on mur­der charges, yet they were returned to the streets by the coun­try’s activist judges who are above the laws. The result of their actions, one more dead cop.

This has got to stop, we sim­ply can­not have judges return­ing accused mur­der­ers back onto the streets to kill cit­i­zens and police offi­cers. Worse yet, when they are prop­er­ly con­vict­ed these crim­i­nals lov­ing jack-ass­es who parade as judges have no right return­ing them to the streets.