Jamaican Govt Declares War On Police Department..


The Attorney General of Jamaica wish­es to advise that an injunc­tion was tonight obtained from the Supreme Court against the Executive Members of the Jamaica Police Federation and all mem­bers of the Federation.

Pursuant to the Order of the Court per­mit­ting the order to be broad­cast over a com­mer­cial broad­cast­ing sys­tem oper­at­ing in Jamaica, or by pub­li­ca­tion in at least one dai­ly news­pa­per cir­cu­lat­ing in Jamaica, the Attorney General now pub­lish­es the terms of the order as follows:
1. The Respondents be appoint­ed to rep­re­sent the mem­bers of the Jamaica Police Federation.

2. The Respondents be restrained from con­tin­u­ing any indus­tri­al action in the form of with­hold­ing their ser­vices or otherwise.

3. The Respondents and all the mem­bers of the Jamaica Police Federation be restrained for a peri­od of twen­ty eight (28) days from caus­ing and/​or attempt­ing to cause and/​or car­ry­ing out acts to cause dis­af­fec­tion amongst the mem­bers of the Constabulary Force and/​or induc­ing and/​or attempt­ing to induce and/​or car­ry­ing out acts to induce mem­bers of the Constabulary Force to with­hold their services.

4. A manda­to­ry injunc­tion instruct­ing the mem­bers of the Force who are with­hold­ing their ser­vices by way of “sick out” and/​or oth­er indus­tri­al action to report for their shifts/​for work as and when sched­uled or due to do so until fur­ther order of the court or for a peri­od of twen­ty eight (28) days whichev­er is earlier.

5. The Order here­in be pub­lished, either by broad­cast­ing same on at least two sep­a­rate occa­sions over a com­mer­cial broad­cast­ing sys­tem oper­at­ing in Jamaica, or by pub­li­ca­tion in at least one dai­ly news­pa­per cir­cu­lat­ing in Jamaica and that this be deemed ser­vice of Notice of the said Order on the Respondents and all the said mem­bers of the Jamaica Police Federation.

6. The appli­ca­tion will be fur­ther con­sid­ered by the Court on the 18th day of June 2015 at 10:00 a.m. or so soon there­after as coun­sel may be heard.

The Attorney General reminds the Executive and Membership of the Jamaica Police Federation that fail­ure to com­ply with the terms of the Supreme Court Order will result in them being in con­tempt of court and liable to hav­ing their assets being confiscated.