Jamaican Government Support Murderers At The Expense Of Law Enforcement:

I hate to say I told you so. I am refer­ring to the PNP gov­ern­ment, Yea, yea, I know I sound par­ti­san, that’s the sim­plis­tic way to think. I prob­a­bly will not be able to change the minds of those of you who think that way. If your minds are already made up, a mind made up will learn noth­ing new. I urge you to put that aside and be objec­tive for a minute. Study my posi­tions a lit­tle clos­er, I crit­i­cize both polit­i­cal par­ties, the PNP more than the JLP because I feel that the PNP at its core is a far more destruc­tive par­ty for our coun­try. On every occa­sion that I have crit­i­cized the PNP I have pre­sent­ed doc­u­ment­ed ver­i­fi­able fac­tu­al basis for doing so. My posi­tions have noth­ing to do with polit­i­cal affil­i­a­tion , the truth is I care about nei­ther polit­i­cal par­ty in Jamaica, I care about Jamaica. It mat­ters not who is in charge, as long as they make deci­sions that are in the best inter­est of Jamaica.

There is a debate rag­ing in Jamaica as we speak at the heart of this debate is this image below:

(Jamaica Gleaner photo)

This is a pic­ture of Livity Coke , broth­er of Christopher Coke ‚dis­play­ing what has been ruled super­fi­cial wounds received at the hands of mem­bers of the mil­i­tary who are in charge of secu­ri­ty at the Horizon Remand cen­ter In Kingston.

Livity Coke is in jail await­ing tri­al on charges of shoot­ing at police offi­cers stem­ming from the incur­sion into Tivoli Gardens by mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces to arrest his broth­er Christoper (dudus) Coke on gun run­ning and nar­cotics charges to which he has sub­se­quent­ly pled guilty in the United States. This charge would have been a very seri­ous charge in any oth­er coun­try which respects the rule of law. let me point out, this is not so in Jamaica, even if he is con­vict­ed, which is a 7% pos­si­bil­i­ty, he may very well get a sus­pend­ed sen­tence, if that much. Such is the state of crim­i­nal jus­tice in Jamaica. At the cen­ter of this non­sense is a group of gang lead­ers who want sol­diers removed from enforc­ing dis­ci­pline at Horizon, so they may return to the care of inept large­ly cor­rupt, intim­i­nat­ed cor­rec­tion offi­cers(prison warders ) where they know they will be able to con­tin­ue run­ning their gangs that are on the outside.

Coke and oth­ers now have high-pro­file lawyers fil­ing brief in Jamaica’s Supreme Court on their behalf, argu­ing that they are being abused. The Government is falling all over itself to have INDECOM the Jamaican FBI (sic), Criminal rights activists, Earl Witter the so-called pub­lic defend­er and every force they can pos­si­bly Marshall to fight the sol­diers on behalf of these filthy scum bags.

I could wan­der off and actu­al­ly tell the world that INDECOM was cre­at­ed to inves­ti­gate the police while crime surges. Which is real­ly a smoke screen while politi­cians involve them­selves in all kinds of crim­i­nal actions. But I won’t.The dif­fer­ence is that the FBI can actu­al­ly inves­ti­gate, and does inves­ti­gate crim­i­nals. INDECOM’S man­date is to inves­ti­gate police offi­cers , they have no man­date to inves­ti­gate seri­ous crimes, not so in Jamaica.

But I won’t talk about that, that’s a dif­fer­ent conversation.

According to prison offi­cials the men at the cen­ter of this dis­rup­tion are crim­i­nals already con­vict­ed of very seri­ous crimes, most are infa­mous, and some even though not yet con­vict­ed , are known to have com­mit­ted mul­ti­ple mur­ders. Prison Officials are con­tend­ing some of these vio­lent acts have been cap­tured on secu­ri­ty cam­eras that were recent­ly installed at Security Post 11 where some of the most high-risk inmates are housed.

That list includes Tesha Miller, Christopher Linton, Joel Andem, Kevin Tyndale and Michael McLean — “very dan­ger­ous indi­vid­u­als”, Prendergast charged that “many of them vio­lent­ly oppose” prison rules.

You think?

Christopher \'Dog Paw\' Linton(por­trait for Tyndale and Mclean not available)

These are some of the most dan­ger­ous crim­i­nals in the entire world. They have no com­punc­tion about gun­ning down any­one ‚any­where, at any­time, and if they are unable to do so them­selves, have their oper­a­tives do so on their behalf.

Yet after law enforce­ment have safe­ly and effec­tive­ly removed these filthy scum­bags from the streets, with­out hurt­ing them , the Government of the coun­try in league with the crim­i­nal rights fra­ter­ni­ty are falling over them­selves to defend these degen­er­ates. They com­plain about extra-judi­cial killings, if these low lives are killed in the process of appre­hend­ing them. When they are appre­hend­ed and locked up, and they con­tin­ue to mis­be­have the gov­ern­ment per­se­cute those tasked with the dan­ger­ous job of keep­ing them locked up. It is clear that the Government wants these men on the streets where they may con­tin­ue with their geno­ci­dal rampage.

Here’s how Officials of the Prisons explain what these men have been up to in the facility.

The JDF, in dis­miss­ing the alle­ga­tions, sug­gest­ed that it was a ploy by the inmates to force prison offi­cials to trans­fer them back to the gen­er­al prison pop­u­la­tion where they can con­tin­ue their crim­i­nal activ­i­ties.As we con­tin­ue to frus­trate their attempts to influ­ence their gangs, inmates have resort­ed to doing every­thing in their pow­er to have them­selves removed from JDF cus­tody and incor­po­rat­ed into the gen­er­al prison pop­u­la­tion,” said Captain Basil Jarrett, JDF civil/​military co-oper­a­tion offi­cer.Jamaicagleaner​.com

Captain Basil Jarrett, sin­gu­lar­ly, by this state­ment alone, has demon­strat­ed that he is heads and shoul­der above any­one in the Administration of Portia Simpson Miller.

My only crit­i­cism with the process as artic­u­lat­ed by mem­bers of the JDF is that these degen­er­ates must be iso­lat­ed from each oth­er. My crit­i­cism how­ev­er is not made with any knowl­edge of the geo­graph­i­cal lay­out or capa­bil­i­ties of the facil­i­ty. As such I am not sure that my cri­tique is even a fair one, in light of the afore­men­tioned admis­sion. Knowing the inad­e­qua­cies of the jus­tice sys­tem in Jamaica I would haz­ard a guess that facil­i­ty does not have com­mon sense capa­bil­i­ties that would argue for the safe­ty of offi­cers or the secu­ri­ty and effec­tive con­tain­ment of accused criminals.

Here we have crim­i­nals who are known ser­i­al mur­der­ers who under­stand the system.

They have mon­ey to hire the most cel­e­brat­ed high-pro­file (vul­tures) called defense lawyers to push their agendas.

Gaming the system.

And whip­ping up reli­able, depend­able sup­port from the polit­i­cal left which sup­ports them in the country.

This Government is a dis­grace, a shame­ful exam­ple of how Governments in small devel­op­ing coun­tries like Jamaica are them­selves vic­tims when they acqui­esce to the far left dic­tates from Agencies like the Inter American com­mis­sion on Human Rights, The United Nations com­mis­sion on Human Rights, Amnesty International and the pletho­ra of oth­er so-called Human Rights Organizations around the world.

These far left Agencies along with prox­ies like Jamaicans for Justice, have pres­sured small coun­tries into aban­don­ing cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment, even though pub­lic opin­ion over­whelm­ing­ly sup­ports these mea­sures in their fight against demon­ic crim­i­nals who are hell-bent on may­hem and mur­der. These far left Elitist oper­ate in coun­tries like the United States, Canada among oth­er devel­oped coun­tries. In each of the coun­tries from which they oper­ate they do not get to dic­tate to nei­ther State nor Federal Officials how nation­al secu­ri­ty, or crime is han­dled. They take their scare tac­tics to the United Nations where they tie loan and aid guar­an­tees to acqui­es­cence of their rad­i­cal far left agen­da. It is a vicious form of coher­sion that lit­er­al­ly guar­an­tees that small­er depen­dent states will con­tin­ue to be inun­dat­ed with crime. No investor wants to do busi­ness in a crime rid­den coun­try, coun­tries like Jamaica, Mexico, or Colombia with high crime rates are tar­get­ed. Mexico has oil, Columbia has Cocaine, Jamaica has.…..

So they stay poor and depen­dent on the satel­lite states. Check mate.

One would rea­son­ably assume that politi­cians run­ning for office, or hav­ing being elect­ed to office, would real­ize that their pri­ma­ry duty is to pro­tect cit­i­zens. Not so in Jamaica, politi­cians in Jamaica are large­ly crim­i­nals, Judges are so lib­er­al with sen­tenc­ing and the lat­i­tude they give defense attor­neys , it rais­es eye­brows as to whether most of them are not taint­ed with blood mon­ey. And that does not even begin to address the crim­i­nal defense attor­neys who rep­re­sent the most despi­ca­ble ser­i­al mur­ders. Oh by the way most of the defense attor­neys dou­ble as Legislators. The coun­try has been caught in this vicious cycle for decades. The coun­try’s entire nation­al secu­ri­ty pol­i­cy may be summed up in a sin­gle sen­tence” Spend what­ev­er it takes to pro­tect the most mur­der­ous crim­i­nals” Jamaica has nev­er seen a char­ter it does­n’t want to sign, they have nev­er seen a piece of paper being float­ed in International cir­cles that they take a pass on.

This is a coun­try that is run by those schooled at what the late Wilmott )Mutty) Perkins called the “intel­lec­tu­al ghet­to” The University of the West indies. They are a cadre of pre­tenders, first and sec­ond gen­er­a­tion of blacks who have final­ly clawed their way out of abject pover­ty . They have gained edu­ca­tion and they want to be asso­ci­at­ed with the ways of their for­mer mas­ters whom have long retreat­ed to Europe. they are the new bour­geoise’ and they are damn sure going to let every­one know it.

Only prob­lem with this, is they pre­tend that Jamaica is Switzerland,or Denmark, so they live in some dis­tant place in their minds, as the killings sur­round them. They bar­ri­cade them­selves in their homes, hav­ing to breach lay­ers and lay­ers of iron grille for­ti­fi­ca­tion which sep­a­rate room from room. And as they sur­vive day-to-day they are lulled into believ­ing that this is the way to live, they tell them­selves Jamaica is not bad, there is crime everywhere.

They con­vince them­selves that the prob­lem is with the police and sol­diers who in their minds are spoil­ing the nar­ra­tive in their mind,disrupting their fan­tas­tic utopia,causing inter­na­tion­al con­ster­na­tion of their Island par­adise. The par­adise they rule.….….

Then they awake from their dream and sep­a­rate them­selves from their prison room by room, and they watch their new­ly crowned Empress naked in igno­rance and they mar­vel at her new clothes.

2 thoughts on “Jamaican Government Support Murderers At The Expense Of Law Enforcement:

  1. Mike Beckles ,
    I admire the pas­sion you have artic­u­lat­ed in your pieces, par­tic­u­lar­ly when it comes to our birth place Jamaica, the rule of law and the agents of enforce­ment of those laws, the Police.

    Some of the views expressed, obvi­ous­ly lack an under­stand­ing of the facts and the inner work­ings of the law in Jamaica. That is under­stand­able, par­tic­u­lar­ly because you are speak­ing from the per­spec­tive of a lay­man, lack­ing the under­stand­ing of how judges dis­pense jus­tice in our courts.

    I urge you to be respon­si­ble in your pro­nounce­ments. In case you are not aware of this , allow me to remind you, that you wield a pen with immense influ­ence which is poten­tial­ly dan­ger­ous , as your read­ers might be lead to arrive at neg­a­tive con­clu­sions by your informed or mis­in­formed position . 

    I will not be address­ing every issue Highlighted in your piece, this would be an exer­cise that might bore your read­ers and besides, for the most part, I agree, essen­tial­ly, with most of what you had artic­u­lat­ed. Indeed, it was worth­while reading.

    However what I will say is, I have con­fi­dence in the judges that over­see the cas­es pre­sent­ed to them. They, like many oth­er pro­fes­sion, are guid­ed by rules and sen­tenc­ing pro­to­cols that’s glob­al­ly uti­lized in sen­tenc­ing pro­ce­dures and the sen­tenc­ing guidelines. 

    You expressed the view that even if Livity Coke is con­vict­ed he would get a slap on the wrist, quite the con­trary. In fact , the charges against him are very seri­ous , he is charged with shoot­ing at the Police , ille­gal pos­ses­sion of Firearm and ammu­ni­tion which car­ries heavy sen­tences , in his case and rep­u­ta­tion which will be con­sid­ered at the sen­tence hear­ing , will get a stiff sen­tence , I can assure on that .

    On the point of the lawyers of Coke and the oth­er crim­i­nals, they have an oblig­a­tion to rep­re­sent their clients inter­est, that’s their duty and they will tell you they are mere­ly uphold­ing the tenets of the pro­fes­sion. What it boils down to is the lawyer’s per­son­al moral posi­tion as far as rep­re­sen­ta­tion for these thugs. Can they sleep well at nights know­ing these men are mur­der­ers yet defend them? I wouldn’t if I were a defense lawyer, but they obvi­ous­ly can sleep so it doesn’t affect their moral and eth­i­cal posi­tion, as far as I am con­cern these crim­i­nals should not be breath­ing the same air that I have been breath­ing , but that’s a dis­cus­sion for anoth­er time .

    INDECOM, can­not be equat­ed to the U.S’ FBI, that’s erro­neous, they are sim­i­lar to inter­nal affairs with core duties to inves­ti­gate fatal shoot­ings of the Police and the army in some instances . The FBI, in the U.S, is a National Police Force with spe­cif­ic duties to inves­ti­gate issues such as kid knap­ping bank rob­beries etc. I guess you were prob­a­bly writ­ing in a cyn­i­cal tone and it got lost somewhere.

    I nev­er once got the impres­sion that you are speak­ing or writ­ing from a polit­i­cal plat­form. The tone of your writ­ing does not sug­gest that. 

    Keep writ­ing my friend, your views are stim­u­lat­ing and engag­ing. We do not all agree with your pro­nounce­ments but that’s what makes thoughts interesting.

    Errol Mc Leish

  2. If you con­clude that the Judges are guid­ed by the rules, then you fun­da­men­tal­ly agree that the shit-stem has failed the peo­ple allow­ing the revolv­ing door which pass­es for a crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem there.

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