Recently we reported on a trend which is happening in the Tourism sector in Jamaica.
Many passenger simply stay on boat when they dock in Jamaica.
This nothing new. I have seen tourist harassment up close and personal as a young police officer who spent countless hours battling that scourge.
The issue of harassment cannot be confused with vendors politely offering their wares for sale in a non-threatening or aggressive manner.
For the most past that cannot be said of the situation visitors face when they enter our shores.
I recount an incident related to me by a female police officer in my city here in the United States. She and her husband narrowly escaped death by vendors in Montego Bay, thankfully they were rescued by other vendors. Their crime ? Daring to turn down an aggressive man who offered unwanted wares.
Tourism Minister Dr Wykeham McNeill is reported as telling delegates attending the sixth Biennial Diaspora Conference in Montego Bay yesterday that cruise visitors are shying away from getting off their ships when they get here because they are being harassed. The upshot, Dr McNeill pointed out, is that the problem is preventing small business operators from earning from tourism. According to the Jamaica Observer.
I’m unsure about the upshot, as Dr, McNeil sees it but we have reported on this very issue time and again pointing to the loss to legitimate businesses and the economy in general.
The truth is that even as Dr. McNeil points to this age old problem, his Administration is allowing it to happen. Not only have they allowed it to happen in Tourism towns, they allow higglers and hustlers to sell wares in front of stores all across down-town Kingston and other major cities across the Island. Business owners complain to their own detriment, they are either killed or wake up to smoldering ruins the next day.
This is the lunacy which has permeated our country. Yet as a friend told me on the phone from Jamaica recently it does not matter what the PNP does to Jamaicans , Jamaica is PNP Country and the people will return them to power.
My friend laughingly told me nevertheless ” if yu cut mi, mi bleed orange blood”.
My friend a rather intelligent man understands the dynamics of the situation, he is more resigned to the realities on the ground than he is a dyed-in-the wool-comrade.
McNeil believes that both political parties should consider it their duty to repeatedly remind their base of the damage that tourist harassment does to Jamaica. This age old problem will not be fixed one bit by begging people not to. In the same way we cannot beg dangerous criminals to refrain from committing crimes , we can in no way expect hungry broke people to stop peddling their wares.
As I have said repeatedly, the problems facing the Jamaican people will not be fixed by this Administration. The methods which are needed to effectively turn around the mindset of Jamaicans are not part of the strategies of the PNP.
The PNP does not aggravate voters.
They win elections by making promises that effectively anything goes, all one has to do is run ‑wid ‑it [sic]
It is all about relative deprivation reference group syndrome.