Jamaican Government Exactly Right On Abu Bakr

Yasin Abu Bakr,
Yasin Abu Bakr,

Yasin Abu Bakr, Leader of the the Radical Trinidadian Muslim group Jamaat al Muslemeen was on Wednesday denied entry into Jamaica . Jamaican Authorities speak­ing through Deputy Commissioner of Police in charge of Crime Glenmore Hinds, con­firmed that Bakr was in fact denied entry into Jamaica. In 1990, Abu Bakr led more than 100 of his fol­low­ers in a coup attempt against the ANR . The Robinson-led National Alliance for Reconstruction Government. They stormed the Parliament and held the Prime Minister and his Cabinet hostage. Bakr then took to National Television and declared that he in fact had car­ried out a coup. He told Trinidad that he was in nego­ti­a­tions with the Army.

Bakr and his cronies beat and shot Prime Minister Robinson after he urged the Army to attack Bakr and his band of Traitors. In the end Bakr and his men sur­ren­dered after nego­ti­at­ing a deal with the Military. Bakr was arrest­ed and charged. Despite Some 24 lives lost dur­ing the coup attempt, includ­ing that of mem­ber of par­lia­ment Leo Des Vignes, a Kangaroo Appeals Court upheld an amnesty which was offered in exchange for their surrender.

Since being released Yasin Abu Bakr, has not been able to stay out of controversy .


Eleven days after the 911 ter­ror­ist attack on the Twin Towers in New York City, Abu Bakr was detained and inter­ro­gat­ed by police at London’s Heathrow Airport while on his way to an Islamic con­fer­ence in Libya. That same year Florida Police uncov­ered a plot to smug­gle 60 rifles and 10 sub-machine guns to the Bakr’s Muslim group in Trinidad. 

Jamaican offi­cials have con­firmed Bakr was loud and bois­ter­ous when he dis­cov­ered that he would not be allowed to enter the Country. Jamaican Law Enforcement have since moved Bakr to an undis­closed loca­tion until he can be sent back to his native Trinidad. Airline per­son­nel report­ed­ly expressed fear for their safe­ty were Bakr to be returned on the next flight to Trinidad.

In a Country where incon­se­quen­tial guar­an­tees made to mur­der­ing Terrorists would not be hon­ored by a Tribunal, this street Thug would have long been exe­cut­ed for Treason, along­side his cronies. Jamaica has more than enough prob­lems deal­ing with it’s own local thugs , includ­ing those being deport­ed hav­ing com­mit­ted seri­ous crimes in oth­er countries.

The Jamaican Administration denied Bakr entry on the grounds he is a threat to National Security. Jamaica may not be able to keep the destruc­tive cor­ro­sive influ­ence of the likes of Bakr from our shores, but it cer­tain­ly can pre­vent any sym­bol­ism his per­son may convey.