Jamaican Cops Must Face The Courts Rather Than Be Taken Out:

Carolyn Gomes single-handedly influenced the way the nation was policed the result is thousands dead and dying.
Carolyn Gomes sin­gle-hand­ed­ly influ­enced the way the nation was policed the result is thou­sands dead and dying.

Unless you have walked a mile in my shoes then you can­not know how I feel. I crit­i­cize the Jamaican Police Commissioner’s use of force pol­i­cy, not because it is whole­sale abhor­rent, but because it was for­mu­lat­ed with­out any input from the prin­ci­pal play­ers, police offi­cers fac­ing the criminals.

It is not unusu­al that the Commissioner of police or his pre­de­ces­sors before him would for­mu­late work­ing doc­u­ments with­out any input from the cops on the beat or their rep­re­sen­ta­tives in the fed­er­a­tion. It bears say­ing also, that I was nev­er a fan of cops in the Federation, they cur­ry favor,and look for their own inter­est. Essentially the police in Jamaica are with­out any­one lob­by­ing on their behalf. The Commissioner of Police and mem­bers of the gazetted Ranks are Civil Servants,they serve at the dis­cre­tion of the polit­i­cal direc­torate. Rank and file, from the rank of Inspector to Constable are sub­se­quent­ly reliant on the Federation to look out for their inter­est, yet mem­bers vot­ed into the Federation, has tra­di­tion­al­ly been pup­pets of one or the oth­er polit­i­cal par­ty, they sit and wait to be pro­mot­ed out of there, some­times after nego­ti­at­ing hor­rif­ic deals for their members.

There is heavy human rights ele­ment to the com­mis­sion­er’s new pol­i­cy with a less than ade­quate counter-bal­ance for offi­cer safe­ty. In fact this doc­u­ment seem to have orig­i­nat­ed from the Fagan Avenue Office of Criminal Rights lob­by (JFJ). Owen Ellington is a prod­uct of the University of the West Indies,he holds two degrees includ­ing a Masters in busi­ness Administration from that hot-bed of left-wing ide­ol­o­gy. In short I applaud Ellington for get­ting an edu­ca­tion, but he is not a cop , nev­er was one, it is no won­der then that he pre­sent­ed this laugh­able doc­u­ment as a work­ing doc­u­ment on which offi­cers lives are hinged.

Terrence Willaiams
Terrence Willaiams

Jamaican crim­i­nals are demon­ic and heart­less, they rape and mur­der as a mat­ter of course, police depart­ments in the devel­oped world has found out first-hand the deprav­i­ty and cal­lous dis­re­gard they have for human life.

During the 1980’s when Jamaican cops became seri­ous with crim­i­nals, many ran to oth­er shores, there they demon­strat­ed their scant regard for human life, includ­ing those of law-enforce­ment offi­cers. Legislators and law-enforce­ment pro­fes­sion­als in coun­tries like the USA, Canada, the UK and oth­ers, hasti­ly draft­ed seri­ous and sweep­ing leg­is­la­tion that made it clear that they were not going to tol­er­ate that kind of crim­i­nal­i­ty on their shores and that they were absolute­ly not going to have their law-enforce­ment offi­cers left unprotected.

Federal laws like the Rico statute and on the state lev­el, many states includ­ing New York and California, passed the there strikes and you are out and the Rockefeller laws which gave law-enforce­ment the tools they need­ed to do their jobs. I have spo­ken to many mem­bers of the NYPD who have relat­ed to me how seri­ous they were forced to take the Jamaican crim­i­nals, the cal­lous­ness of these crim­i­nals ‚these cops had pre­vi­ous­ly nev­er seen.

If a cop has to fire a warn­ing shot mis­ter com­mis­sion­er he does not need to pull his weapon. I do not expect you to under­stand this you nev­er had the need to pull a weapon to defend your­self and nei­ther has your close ally Carolyn Gomes.

Several years ago I was a mem­ber of the Rangers Squad based at the Mobile Reserve. Early one sun­ny after­noon four of us were on rou­tine patrol in a Toyota Land Cruiser in the Jacques road area of Mountain View Avenue, I can­not recall all the mem­ber of that patrol team that day but I remem­ber the dri­ver Acting Corporal Berry, a jovial guy who spoke with a stutter.

We were head­ing up Jacques road, for those of you old enough to recall, those land cruis­ers announced them­selves a half a mile away,

Owen Ellington
Owen Ellington

the engine had a cer­tain famil­iar sound. As we round­ed a cor­ner there were a group of about six men sit­ting on a wall, on see­ing the vehi­cle they all rolled off the wall like trained pro­fes­sion­als. In a flash we were out, I was the youngest mem­ber of that team, we raced into the yard after them, M16 at the ready. They round­ed the cor­ner of the house and we stopped abrupt­ly, not intend­ing to run into a hail of gun­fire. Berry being the dri­ver was the last per­son out, he raced to where we were and was about to run around the cor­ner when I grabbed him by the back of his belt and pulled him down.

On my stom­ach I peered around the cor­ner and there was the muz­zle of a gun point­ed to where my col­league Berry would have been. Thank God we did not lose any­one that day. The biggest take-away from that event was that these men were not con­tent to just escape from the police with their ille­gal guns, they want­ed to kill us.

On ever occa­sion that I pulled my weapon as a front line cop for the decade I served, I believed it was nec­es­sary to pre­serve my life and the life of oth­ers. When a pedi­atric doc­tor who has a vendet­ta against law-enforce­ment offi­cers gets to make pol­i­cy, Police Officers die.

Lets be clear, Carolyn Gomes, Terrence Williams, Susan Goffe,and Earl Witter does not care how many Police offi­cers die, in fact they con­tend that instances of police killings are not com­men­su­rate with the num­ber of dead cops, as such they are not credible.

Let me tell you what that means , not enough cops are get­ting killed.

Ellington has not stood with front line cops, police offi­cers are oper­at­ing with prison hang­ing over their heads for doing what they are sworn to do.

This must stop and I will not stop try­ing until I am able to effect change, I will not sit by while this lying char­la­tan, excite, encour­age, sup­port, and empow­er crim­i­nals to kill police officers.