Jamaica Should Exercise Caution. Whoa.….really?

Chris Hobbs
Chris Hobbs

Jamaica should exer­cise cau­tion in con­sid­er­ing more appoint­ments to the con­stab­u­lary from the United Kingdom. This com­ment was made by Chris Hobbs. Hobbs said that there is wide­spread lack of con­fi­dence in cops in the chief offi­cer rank in Britain. At the same time, Hobbs, who said he spent 18 months, between 2002 and 2010, col­lab­o­rat­ing with the Jamaican police, voiced strong endorse­ment of out­go­ing Police Commissioner Owen Ellington and Deputy Commissioner Glenmore Hinds. http://​www​.jamaicaob​serv​er​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​-​B​e​-​c​a​u​t​i​o​u​s​-​_​1​7​1​3​2​971

Yesterday we came out against the call from the usu­al quar­ters in Jamaica. Those who feel the next Police Commissioner should come from a pool which includes for­eign Nationals. Some of these quar­ters are the reg­u­lar Elites who shape and mis­in­form in our Country . They include the Editorial page of the GLEANER and the so called big-men in soci­ety, you know them .

I want­ed to know which Country sources it’s Security Heads from non cit­i­zens. I have not seen one response , nei­ther in these Blogs nor from Social Media. So I assume that issue is settled.


We live in a Global mar­ket­place where the shar­ing of ideas and tal­ents are inte­gral to growth and development.


Yes, but there must be lim­its on what we out­source. That is why it was not a bad idea to bring in new ideas to help upgrade our Investigative capa­bil­i­ties. That is why it was not a bad idea to bring peo­ple in to help with tack­ling cor­rup­tion. It just is a colos­sal ret­ro­grade step to out­source the head of National Security.

For the media Elites at the Gleaner and in civ­il soci­ety who are push­ing this angle, Let’s not stop there, let’s get rid of Portia and bring in a for­eign­er, let’s start at the very top .

It is time that Jamaicans wake up remove their heads from wher­ev­er they have their heads , and rec­og­nize their future is theirs. Why allow a few peo­ple from uptown to dic­tate what you should do. Frankly I could­n’t care less about either of the can­di­dates in wait­ing . What I care about is giv­ing up sen­si­tive posts to peo­ple who have no inter­est , or loy­al­ty to our coun­try. I mean think about it, it is absolute madness!

Hobbs was effu­sive with his praise of the Jamaican Officers, Quote. The British police, could do with senior offi­cers of the cal­i­bre of both Ellington and Hinds. British police morale has nev­er been low­er and indeed we could do with senior offi­cers of the cal­i­bre of Mr Ellington and Mr Hinds in the UK. Take care if con­sid­er­ing fur­ther appoint­ments from the UK,”.

It has been a long time since Slavery was abol­ished. It has been decades since we sup­pos­ed­ly gained Independence from England. I pre­fer to think of it as when we were uncer­e­mo­ni­ous­ly dumped by a dis­in­te­grat­ing power.

The notion that things for­eign are bet­ter is still a shack­le, not on our feet but in our minds. Jamaica can­not progress when it’s lead­ers are still shack­led to regres­sive ideas about the abil­i­ties of it’s own peo­ple. No one will build Jamaica but Jamaicans. There is noth­ing wrong with look­ing at what oth­ers do to see if we can use some things. We can­not give our coun­try away to for­eign­ers and expect to still have it.

Enough harm has already been done. Learn more about Chris Hobbs here. http://​www​.vig​i​lance​-secu​ri​ty​magazine​.com/​i​n​d​u​s​t​r​y​-​n​e​w​s​/​v​i​e​w​p​o​i​n​t​s​/​5​1​8​0​-​t​h​e​r​e​s​a​-​m​a​y​-​b​r​a​v​e​-​a​n​d​-​c​o​u​r​a​g​e​o​u​s​-​y​o​u​-​m​u​s​t​-​b​e​-​j​o​k​ing