February 11th.2013 010

About 5 Months ago retired Superintendent Of Police Anthony Hewitt was uncer­e­mo­ni­ous­ly gunned down as he embarked from his motor car report­ed­ly to vis­it his son some­where in the White Hall avenue area.

To date no one has been held respon­si­ble for the killing of Hewitt,a man who has giv­en yeo­man’s ser­vice to his country.

Yesterday Retired Deputy Superintendent of Police Denzil Boyd was gunned down as he returned to his home with his wife from church.

tony hewitt


No pic­ture of Denzil Boyd:

Jamaica is run by a Government that is large­ly made up of self­ish igno­rant half crim­i­nals, as blood con­tin­ue to run the lead­er­ship of the coun­try con­tin­ues to look for IMF mon­ey to solve the coun­try’s fis­cal problems.

There is no plan to grow the econ­o­my by low­er­ing, if not elim­i­nat­ing crime. The present Administration, led by Portia Simpson Miller is lit­er­al­ly inca­pable of even com­pre­hend­ing what is required to pull Jamaica out of the decay­ing morass.PortiaA20100415NG_2


Listen, there are many capa­ble female lead­ers who have great vision for their peo­ple. History is filled with them, Ben Gurion the famous Israeli leader famous­ly said Gold a Meir was the only sol­dier he had. Golda Meir went on to become Prime Minister of Israel and a damn good one at that.

No one for­gets Margaret Thatcher the iron lady of Britain, Presently the peo­ple’s repub­lic of Germany is in the capa­ble hands of Chancellor Angela Merkel.

So the issue is not gen­der, it is not of female com­pe­tence, the issue is one of com­pe­tence peri­od, Portia Simpson Miller is incompetent.

As a result, Jamaica is mired in a down­ward spi­ral ‚even as oth­er car­ribean Island nations pull them­selves from the ten­ta­cles of this pro­tract­ed world reces­sion and are mov­ing their peo­ple to first world status.

Miller is stuck. intractably stuck, in the pol­i­tics of con­fronta­tion. Rather than seek­ing to find com­mon ground, she would rather cre­ate con­fronta­tion where there is no need for ran­cor, her bel­li­cose approach to every issue is a throw-back to anoth­er time in our history.

Many argue that her con­fronta­tion­al style is a cov­er that masks her lack of intel­lect and com­mand of issues.

Essentially, it is the same type of parochial 3 miles, Spanish Town Road pol­i­tics which we were used to in the 7o’s that now forms the heart of our nation­al discourse.

As more Jamaicans run for oth­er shores, those deter­mined to stick it out do so at the per­il of their lives.

Sadly, the incom­pe­tents who run the clown-show have police pro­tec­tion, until they are touched the blood let­ting continues.