Jamaica Needs New Prisons, Strong Laws And Real Judges…

If the Jamaican Government is [not] build­ing addi­tion­al jail cells to house mur­der­ers, not build­ing new court hous­es and hir­ing more staff to pros­e­cute crim­i­nals, and not recruit­ing, train­ing, and pay­ing the right peo­ple to be police offi­cers, how can it seri­ous­ly claim to be fight­ing crime?
By the way, do you know why Jamaica has become so vio­lent and crime tol­er­ant? Corrupt polit­i­cal lead­er­ship that has refused to put the full bootheel of the state on the neck of vio­lent crim­i­nals!!!
If you have chick­ens, you need chick­en coops, and dogs need ken­nels. Criminals need jails.

Whenever the top­ic of jails and pun­ish­ment comes up, some peo­ple oppose the con­struc­tion of jails.
My ques­tion to them is, what do you pro­pose we do with the crim­i­nals mur­der­ing entire fam­i­lies, includ­ing babies?
What, if any­thing, are your sug­ges­tions for the ever-grow­ing num­ber of peo­ple who have decid­ed that a life of crime is the path they want for themselves?
Should we allow them to con­tin­ue to do as they please, as we have basi­cal­ly done with our crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem since Jamaica sup­pos­ed­ly became inde­pen­dent and has earned the dubi­ous title of the mur­der cap­i­tal of the world?
“Yes, I said the mur­der cap­i­tal of the world’. I said what I said!!!

Have you noticed that politi­cians oppose more scruti­ny of how tax­pay­er funds are allo­cat­ed? Under what cir­cum­stances does an employ­ee gets to tell his employ­er the para­me­ters for employment?
Huh, Delroy Chuck?
If you do not like the rules find anoth­er line of work.
You are not enti­tled to pub­lic ser­vice; serv­ing is an hon­or, and you are not a king. That goes for Chuck and oth­ers, regard­less of polit­i­cal par­ty, who believe that they have the right to deter­mine whether there is trans­paren­cy in our government.
The only peo­ple served by the sys­tem in JAMAICA are the vio­lent mur­der­ers, their cohorts, and defense attor­neys who make a liv­ing from them.
No one both­ers to ask where the mon­ey comes from to pay the high-priced vul­tures who rep­re­sent those killers with vim and vig­or? The gen­er­al under­stand­ing is that the shot­tas have the dough to pay for their defense.
Despite all of this, nei­ther the gov­ern­ment nor the PNP, which has oper­at­ed as a sup­port group for the Island’s crim­i­nals, has tak­en proac­tive steps to get out ahead of this scourge legislatively.

Our coun­try is seri­ous­ly com­pro­mised. On the one hand, there are peo­ple like Delroy Chuck call­ing on cit­i­zens to tell what they know and mak­ing the case in June for more intel­li­gence gath­er­ing using CCTV and oth­er meth­ods, while he is direct­ly involved in let­ting mur­der­ers off the hook if they only plead guilty.
Delroy Chuck’s approach allows mur­der­ers to plead guilty, and fifty per­cent of the penal­ty they would received is removed. We all know that a mur­der­er is most like­ly to receive sev­en years for tak­ing a life, so fifty per­cent leaves the mur­der­er with three and one-half years to serve. If that mur­der­er served a year in jail before being let out on bail by the crim­i­nal-lov­ing judges, he would receive time served for that, so he is down to two and one-half years, and with good behav­ior, that scum­bag is out in a year.
Welcome to the dystopia we call Jamaica. Jamaica, no fuck­ing problem.
We spend a great deal of time laud­ing our ath­letes as we should. They con­tin­ue to car­ry the nation’s flag high, but some pre­tend that ath­letes win­ning races eras­es the coun­try’s danger.
It does not!!!!



