Jamaica Is Not America’s 51st State..

In a recent (United States State Department) Report on Human Rights the Agency alleged that “The (Jamaican) Government did not restrict or dis­rupt access to the Internet or cen­sor online con­tent. There were cred­i­ble reports, how­ev­er, that the Government mon­i­tored pri­vate online com­mu­ni­ca­tions with­out appro­pri­ate legal authority.”

Jamaica's Government does not spy on it's citizen .. America does
Jamaica’s Government does not spy on it’s cit­i­zen ..
America does

The United States State Department is in brack­ets because I believe there is a mis­guid­ed notion in the United States that the American State Department is the State Department for the rest of the World.
Last time I checked Jamaica was a small but Sovereign Nation, hav­ing to find it’s own way in the world amidst the inher­ent dis­ad­van­tages it faces against larg­er Nations, eco­nom­i­cal­ly and otherwise.
Jamaican Authorities have angri­ly pushed back against this asser­tion by The United States State Department alle­ga­tions. In a strong­ly word­ed response Junior Technology Minister Julian Robinson chal­lenged the US author­i­ties to pro­vide proof of the alle­ga­tions laid against the Jamaican Government. Yesterday, the American Embassy in Kingston respond­ed with a release say­ing that an inac­cu­ra­cy had been published.
Now lets be rea­son­able it is quite nor­mal for humans to make mis­take. It is cer­tain­ly not Okay or cool for Nations to illic­it­ly obtain infor­ma­tion, then smear and malign oth­er Nations with what amounts to noth­ing but lies. Then to add insult to Injury sim­ply say “whoops we made a mistake”.
What right did you have mak­ing the asser­tion in the first place?
How did you acquire the information?
The fact is, all of this infor­ma­tion, cor­rect and incor­rect are gleaned by CIA oper­a­tives , many of whom are brush­ing shoul­ders with Jamaicans at every lev­el of Jamaican soci­ety. They oper­ate out of the United States Embassy, where they con­duct illic­it and un-autho­rized spying.
It’s not okay to sim­ply say …

The US Department of State has now cor­rect­ed the report and, as part of its process to devel­op these reports, the US Government want­ed “a robust exchange” between civ­il soci­ety, the press, and gov­ern­ment lead­ers on the issue. “We wel­come feed­back on the report, with the objec­tive of main­tain­ing the most author­i­ta­tive, com­pre­hen­sive and fac­tu­al review of the glob­al state of human rights,”

Jamaica is not America’s 51st state . The United States needs to pay atten­tion to it’s own trans­gres­sions and breach­es of Human Right which are many , var­ied and egre­gious, par­tic­u­lar­ly under the Patriot Act.
Extra-judi­cial killings by Police.
Illicit spy­ing on it’s own citizens.
And it’s total un-restrained big Government con­trol of it’s own citizenry.
How dare the United States con­tin­ue to inject itself into the affairs of oth­er Nations under the guise of International Human Rights when right here in America the Government engages in ille­gal and uncon­sti­tu­tion­al sur­veil­lance of it’s own cit­i­zens. Engages in Drone Killings(Innocent Casualties be damned).
And oth­er tac­tics designed to silence any­one opposed to it’s operations.
Under the Obama Administration, Whistle blow­ers like Edward Snowden and Wiki-Leaks’s Julian Asange have had to seek Sanctuary in exile to avoid prosecution.
Why ?
Because they dare reveal what the Government is doing against it’s own Constitution, and peo­ple. Under Obama more whis­tle blow­ers have been pros­e­cut­ed than under any oth­er Administration. Those who stand in defense of the Constitution against Government illic­it behav­ior do so at their own peril.
Speaking out against the American Government is not exact­ly advis­able unless one is pre­pared for the consequences.
Where does the State Department gets it’s gall crit­i­ciz­ing oth­er Countries in light of these truths with­out first fix­ing it’s own injus­tices and Governmental intru­sions into peo­ple’s lives?

2 thoughts on “Jamaica Is Not America’s 51st State..

  1. Let us not kid our­selves, America and the American peo­ple think or believe that the world is theirs and they have an inher­ent­ly right to decide what each coun­try and Island on the face of the earth can and can­not do! It is inter­est­ing to see what America’s next move is.

    From all indi­ca­tions, the world is in tur­moil, prob­lems, tur­bu­lence because of men actions want­i­ng to con­trol oth­er people’s lives and their minds. The rebel­lion is com­ing and it is going to get worse. Only men with good hearts and minds can change what is hap­pen­ing, and we can­not look to America or Europe, because his­to­ry has shown us that these peo­ple are the “mer­chants of lies, deceits, dis­rup­tions, fab­ri­ca­tions, dis­tor­tions, and anar­chy.” If you look through­out the world, the only coun­tries that America helps are the white countries.
    Therefore, it is all about “white dom­i­na­tion!” Only a fool would believe that our beloved America is a lov­ing coun­try towards the coun­tries that do not sup­port them and their lies! 

    Now, as they have legal­ized homo­sex­u­al­i­ty in America and Europe the devil’s domain. Countries and Islands like Jamaica, bet­ter be pre­pare for the “eco­nom­ic Terrorism” which will be impose, force, and import­ed on them.
    The so-called whoops, I am sor­ry the American embassy in Jamaica, is not a coin­ci­dence, it was inten­tion­al and delib­er­ate. They con­trol the pro­pa­gan­da machines, the media and they know how to char­ac­ter assas­si­nate any coun­try they want to and the peo­ple are gullible to eat up the lies!

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