Jamaica Govt. To Police Refuse To Work, We Confiscate Your Property.….

Patrick Atkinson
Patrick Atkinson

The Jamaican Government through it’s Attorney General Patrick Atkinson, has secured an Injunction from the Supreme Court intend­ed to force sick police offi­cers back to work.
The gist of the Injunction is that the police is to cease and desist from it’s indus­tri­al action for a peri­od of 28 days and return to the bar­gain­ing table with the Government.
Sounds like a fair bit of adju­di­ca­tion right?
Not so fast… Atkinson buoyed by what he thought was the final blud­geon­ing tool with which he would crush the low­ly rank-and-file cops, declared that fail­ing to com­ply with the Injunction would be tan­ta­mount to con­tempt of court with penal­ty includ­ing Government con­fis­ca­tion of police offi­cers property.
Clearly this cor­rupt Government of the intel­lec­tu­al­ly chal­lenged Simpson Miller is look­ing to start a civ­il war in the Island nation.

Raymond Wilson
Raymond Wilson

Simpson Miller and her band of incom­pe­tents, must know that despite plac­ing it’s func­tionar­ies in crit­i­cal posi­tions of civ­il soci­ety , includ­ing the courts, that it would be ask­ing for war were they to try to enforce that Injunction.
In fact the Jamaican Newspapers are report­ing that over 1,000 cops had report­ed sick out of a force of 12.000. After the Injunction was issued over 3.000 offi­cers report­ed sick.
News flash to the lack­eys on the Supreme Court, if a Doctor say the cops are sick, guess what ?
They are sick and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.
What cheek?
Confiscation of property?
This Administration, just wel­comed Barack Obama the President of the United States to Jamaica. The Central Intelligence Agency is patent­ly aware that Jamaica is inher­ent­ly cor­rupt. The Agency is also aware that the régime does not sup­port or respect police offi­cers and the rule of law.
Why did Obama legit­imize the Portia Simpson Miller Government by vis­it­ing Jamaica at this time?
There is no oth­er expla­na­tion oth­er than his desire to push the Homosexual Agenda on Jamaica.

The Police Federation, the Union which rep­re­sents Rank and file mem­bers of the depart­ment had already indi­cat­ed it“s will­ing­ness to go back to the bar­gain­ing table to dis­cuss the issue of salaries and ben­e­fits. The Government for it’s part, had all the time in the world to come up with a pack­age for pub­lic sec­tor work­ers that was less insulting.
Using the courts as an intend­ed tool of intim­i­da­tion to pub­lic sec­tor work­ers is dis­grace­ful. It’s also illu­mi­nat­ing to the nation the con­tempt the Kleptomaniac inept admin­is­tra­tion has for ordi­nary work­ing people.

Peter Bunting Minister of National Security Obviously not in command of the facts shows himself less than capable once again
Peter Bunting Minister of National Security
Obviously not in com­mand of the facts shows him­self less than capa­ble once again

According to a reli­able sources the infla­tion rate in Jamaica was record­ed at 4.40 per­cent in April of 2015.
Over a 12 month peri­od Jamaica’s Inflation rate fluc­tu­ates between a low of 4 and a high of 9.7%.
A pay increase of 3% in the first year does not even cov­er the cost of inflation.
Adopting a pos­ture of a plan­ta­tion own­er to pub­lic sec­tor work­ers is not exact­ly a pre­scrip­tion for social order.
It is impor­tant that these very Police Officers, Nurses, Teachers and oth­er pub­lic sec­tor work­ers, remem­ber the way the Government respond­ed to their legit­i­mate demand for a liv­able wage.
The cops demand is even more just, in light of what they face daily.
They should nev­er for­get nor for­give this out­ra­geous affront.