
It seem we Jamaicans get high on being con­trar­i­an. Never mind that we have pre­cious lit­tle to show for defy­ing log­ic. How else can one explain Jamaica say­ing the econ­o­my was fine as the world’s econ­o­my took a nose-dive? Explain Jamaica’s econ­o­my doing bad­ly when most of the worlds’ nations are expe­ri­enc­ing eco­nom­ic recov­ery ? How do you explain­ing forc­ing a con­ser­v­a­tive par­ty with the eco­nom­ic know-how to cre­ate pros­per­i­ty and the track record to boot, replac­ing it with a pseu­do-social­ist par­ty whose time has long past? How do you explain forc­ing out an Economist,replacing him with a total fly-by-night ding­bat? How do you explain not under­stand­ing that crime destroys stan­dard of liv­ing and makes every­one except the crim­i­nals poor? How do you explain allow­ing real­ly com­mit­ted smart police offi­cers and detec­tives to leave the depart­ment because of nepo­tism, unfair prac­tices and incom­pe­tence ? How could you not see that the Police would then be pop­u­lat­ed with criminals?


How can a nation allow it’s tele­vi­sion and radio air-waves to be used to dis­re­spect the rule of law, and then won­der at the har­vest of anar­chy? How do you chase away the mid­dle-class and expect growth and devel­op­ment? How does gov­ern­ment expect to be the biggest employ­er, where will the mon­ey come from to pay the salaries? How do you keep work­ers up at night with blar­ing, gar­ish nois­es, dis­guised as music then expect them not to sleep on the job? How do you allow zinc and card-board shanties to encroach on every com­mu­ni­ty and then won­der why crime is out of con­trol? How can unions, gov­ern­ment and oth­er extor­tion­ist chase away com­pa­nies, then lament the lack of jobs? How can some schools be des­ig­nat­ed top schools , and some dump­ing-grounds, then won­der why the dump­ing-ground turns out shottas?


Don’t talk about the ath­letes some are an inspi­ra­tion, most Jamaicans includ­ing the gov­ern­ment had noth­ing to do with nei­ther their per­son­al nor col­lec­tive suc­cess. If you sow peas you do not reap corn. Jamaica chose to be a non-con­formist coun­try. Crime is allowed to grow, Good cops allowed to go. Leaders with vision vot­ed out and kept out, We are enam­ored with every­thing oth­ers shun, we allow elit­ists to tell us that good is bad and bad is good. Many of us ran away, but even more of us will have to stay. Oh and by the way if you believe the con­se­quences of giv­ing the PNP 18 12 years in one unprece­dent­ed stretch, then put them back after just a 4 year break will be con­fined to just the destruc­tion you can see, wise up. The Chinese are com­ing , Portia and her friends are sell­ing out Goat Island to them with­out await­ing the out­come of the com­mis­sioned eco­log­i­cal study. Ask your­selves what’s the rush? The Chinese sup­pos­ed­ly want Goat Island for what is char­ac­ter­ized as a hub. Well just so you know, the Trinidadians you Jamaicans love to hate told the Chinese where to go when they want­ed to pay them off for their wharves. Simply put this hub will be noth­ing more than a rest-stop for cheap copied Chinese garbage to be dumped on the Caribbean and Latin America. If you believe it is bad now, just you wait. The Chinese will tell you all where to stand in your own coun­try. That’s what Portia is doing for you. Welcome to Jamaica every­thing irie man.


  1. You are absolute­ly right..Politicians have sold out
    Jamaica to for­eign­ers and then try to fool some
    of the peo­ple about the econ​o​my​.It is a lose/​lose
    sit­u­a­tion for the Jamaican peo­ple. The PNP rhetoric
    is prey­ing upon the igno­rance of those who they can
    brain-wash to believe their lies and deception.They
    have noth­ing new to con­tribute in the rebuild­ing of
    Jamaica’s econ­o­my. They don’t want those who genuinely
    have the ideas and can imple­ment them to be a part of
    the government..I have been away the past 36 years, and
    the Island has dete­ri­o­rat­ed since then because of those
    who run the government..Yes, there are many unanswered
    ques­tions, but who is going to answer when the leadership
    is corrupt..

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