Jamaica Constabulary Force Can Do More With What It Has:

Poorly thought out use of police resources helps to create an overall inefficient department
Poorly thought out use of police resources helps to cre­ate an over­all inef­fi­cient department

The Jamaica Gleaner report­ed that the PNP affil­i­at­ed Clansman crim­i­nal gang is suck­ing the life-blood out of legit­i­mate busi­ness­es in the nation’s old cap­i­tal of Spanish Town.
The report con­ced­ed that the reign of ter­ror is not con­fined to Spanish Town but has woven it’s way to Half-Way- Tree and Portmore.
Okay so this is not news, we are mere­ly regur­gi­tat­ing old news because the sit­u­a­tion is so dire.
In it’s Saturday Editorial the Gleaner bemoans the fact that the police know who the crim­i­nals are, know approx­i­mate­ly how much mon­ey they are suck­ing out of busi­ness-peo­ple yet they take no action.

I wrote yes­ter­day about police com­mis­sion­er Carl Williams com­ments that police inef­fi­cien­cy is to be blamed for some of the nation’s crime prob­lems. We were less than rev­er­en­tial to the good­ly Dr, Williams’ com­ments, because we believe it is his job to fix the depart­ments problems.
As we opined yes­ter­day Commissioner Williams was hired to lead the depart­ment in it’s fight against law­less­ness and crim­i­nal­i­ty in the tiny Island nation of 2.7 mil­lion peo­ple, not tell us what we already know.

Cops on ptrol
Cops on patrol

Grandstanding and fin­ger-point­ing will not solve crime. Williams must step up now and imple­ment seri­ous mea­sures which will bring some lev­el of assur­ance to the pub­lic or seek some oth­er employment.

I believe I gave up on the Jamaica Constabulary Force 24 years ago when I walked away after only 10 years.
I walked away because more than half of the serv­ing mem­bers were dead-wood, receiv­ing a salary but hav­ing no impact on crime.
From the most senior kha­ki-clad pot-bel­lied gazetted offi­cers to the last joined con­sta­ble, the depart­ment was a cesspool of inef­fi­cien­cy, out­dat­ed bull-shit and friend look­ing out for friends.
Twenty four years lat­er the depart­ment seem to be lit­tle more than just that.
The agency was always rich on form but a pau­per on substance.
Throughout my brief car­rear there were some over-achiev­ers who toiled end­less­ly, those offi­cers reaped tremen­dous results but were nev­er reward­ed and cer­tain­ly were not sup­port­ed or encour­aged by the department.

Long on form short on substance
Long on form short on substance

Subsequently those offi­cers walked away leav­ing the dead-wood and a cadre of pre­tenders from the UWI who are there only for the paycheck.
That is not to say there are no good cops in the JCF any­more, far from it, the prob­lem is lack of senior lead­er­ship which under­stands how to pro­duce good results.
One of the things we hear con­sis­tent­ly is that the police do not have enough equip­ment , of course that is true it was always true.
Jamaica’s polit­i­cal sys­tem is one which favors the indi­vid­ual , it is not a coun­try of laws.
No Administration is going to ade­quate­ly fund the depart­ment, pay offi­cers well and give them the respect they deserve.
Are you kid­ding me ? most of the coun­try’s politi­cians would be behind bars.
Instead they cre­ate a “yard-bway” sys­tem in the police.(Yard bway)colloquial Jamaican term which means a type of servant.
Officers have to either align with one polit­i­cal par­ty or anoth­er, or they can kiss advance­ment goodbye.
Juxtapose that with ram­pant nepo­tism and abu­sive and incom­pe­tent senior lead­er­ship the JCF is a colos­sal waste of tax­pay­ers money.
A pri­vate com­pa­ny with the rate of returns of the JCF would have been insol­vent decades ago.

Outdated training methods does nothing to equip cops with what they will actually face
Outdated train­ing meth­ods does noth­ing to equip cops with what they will actu­al­ly face

The sim­ple truth is that the inep­ti­tude of the police though part­ly the fault of politi­cians, is large­ly a func­tion of incom­pe­tence in its senior man­age­ment structure.
Most are fat , lazy , half-baked idiots.
The rest which came in from the UWI to prop up senior man­age­ment are there because there are no jobs in they country.
The are not true believ­ers. It takes a cer­tain type of ded­i­cat­ed per­son to be an effec­tive cop peri­od, to do so in a coun­try like Jamaica requires even more grav­i­tas. Those offi­cers are not nur­tured pro­tect­ed and encouraged.

The police can do more that they presently deliver
The police can do more that they present­ly deliver

Like every oth­er arm of Government the police is sim­ply a drain on tax-payers.
The police depart­ment can do a marked­ly bet­ter job with the resources it has it isn’t that difficult.
There sim­ply is a cri­sis of lead­er­ship and will.