Jamaica Becoming Worse Than Haiti Fast:

♦The headlines blare the stories, day in day out.

Gunmen invade community, fire-bomb five houses.

Gunman kills hotel work­er try­ing to res­cue neighbor.

Massive MoBay Raid — Drugs, Cash Seized In 11-Hour Operation; Canadian Held

The coun­try’s nation­al secu­ri­ty Minister indi­cat­ed unwit­ting­ly that the gov­ern­ment was out of ideas, in a speech he said the coun­try need­ed divine inter­ven­tion to solve the crime prob­lem. I con­tend­ed then to much oppo­si­tion, that though I believe in God, I do not believe God is going to inter­vene to stop crim­i­nals and ter­ror­ists from killing , maim­ing and rap­ing in Jamaica, Jamaicans will have to do it with his help.

download (1)Carolyn Gomes Jamaicans for Justice:

Throughout the Bible Jesus and the Prophets showed that if you need­ed a mir­a­cle you bet­ter get up and help in secur­ing it. Go show your­self to the Priest! Go wash in the riv­er! Pick up thy bed and walk ! Go home thy ser­vant is alive! Go thy way and sin no more lest a greater thing befall they! Fill the jars with water! On and on we saw that we had to do for our­selves the things we must and those things we can­not do, the lord will handle.

buntinI say once again the prob­lems fac­ing Jamaica are not insur­mount­able, they require bold lead­er­ship. The first order of busi­ness is that Jamaicans must stop see­ing every­thing with­in the nar­row lens of PNP, JLP. Once we are able to extri­cate our­selves from the shack­les of that parochial­ism, we will have a bet­ter appre­ci­a­tion for lib­er­at­ed views aimed at build­ing our coun­try. I for one have no com­punc­tion about speak­ing my mind. Jamaica belongs to me as much as it does the oth­er guy, so don’t believe for one moment I will be scared of say­ing my piece and doing my part. The sec­ond order of busi­ness is that we stop being pre­ten­tious. That means lets face facts, Jamaica is not a devel­oped coun­try, as such, lets stop act­ing as if we live in the Colorado Rockies, or the Swiss Alps with beau­ti­ful pris­tine moun­tains and we can leave our doors open if we chose to.We have a coun­try that is undaunt­ed with crime and it’s get­ting worse by the day.

We sim­ply have to stop pre­tend­ing and if it means telling Carolyn Gomes and all out­siders to shut the fuck up, then that’s what needs to be done. The Blind, incom­pe­tent polit­i­cal lead­er­ship is not going to change whats hap­pen­ing, they exist because of it. The Commissioner of Police is clue­less as a crime fight­er, Ellington has no clue strate­gi­cal­ly how to fight crime, he was an office clerk, the peo­ple he sur­round him­self with are lack­eys, and ass-kissers, they do not know what they are doing. Ellington and oth­ers before him has forced good offi­cers to leave the police depart­ment even as they use the police depart­ment to pro­vide jobs for their friends and fam­i­ly. It is a shame what Jamaica has become under these peo­ple’s leadership.Where else would a Police Chief be able to keep his job with a 7% clear-up of major crimes, even when crimes are com­mit­ted in view of the police they are unable to secure con­vic­tions based on inep­ti­tude and incom­pe­tence. So the depart­ment is clear­ing up 7% of major crimes and the con­vic­tion rate is even more abysmal, it is clos­er to 1%. This is not just the fault of Ellington, but he is the Police Chief.

The PNP while in Government dur­ing the decade of the 90’s did not train a sin­gle detec­tive, when you fac­tor depor­tees return­ing to the Island with advanced meth­ods of crim­i­nal­i­ty, it’s no won­der crime is at such alarm­ing lev­els. Ellington makes the Force Orders pub­lic for no rea­son, this is atro­cious, he makes Detectives wear vests announc­ing that they are police offi­cers and dri­ve in marked squad cars. Ellington’s lead­er­ship does not serve the inter­est of the peo­ple of Jamaica , he serves the crim­i­nals and the pow­er­ful bour­geois who lives in upper Saint Andrew.

Everyday we read the hor­ror sto­ries where bands of heav­i­ly armed men mur­der rape and com­mit arson at will. Young women forced into pros­ti­tu­tion because a broth­er lost a gun. The only thing the inept Police can do is stay out of their way. As if what hap­pened in 2010 was not warn­ing enough the Prime Minister is mute, she has no idea what the hell she is sup­posed to do and as such she remains silent. Arguably hop­ing things will change if she keeps qui­et. Our coun­try needs action, we need ded­i­cat­ed lead­er­ship that is unafraid to bring jus­tice to these mur­der­ing scums. Miller Bunting and Ellington is not that lead­er­ship, they are car­ry­ing out the dic­tates of elit­ist Carolyn Gomes.

We will be ask­ing the Inter American Commission on Human Rights and oth­er agen­cies which are ded­i­cat­ed to human rights, to tell us in the dias­po­ra, how much mon­ey they give to JFJ, and explain to what end those monies are being used. The fact is, even as Police con­tin­ue to abuse and kill peo­ple in state after state in the most bru­tal ways pos­si­ble in the United State these agen­cies are silent, yet they pro­vide fund­ing for the per­se­cu­tion of Jamaican Police Officers.