Jamaica, A Leaderless Nation?



Eternal Father, Bless our Land,

Guard us with thy mighty hand,

Keep us free from evil powers,

Be our light through count­less hours,

To our lead­ers, great defender,

Grant true wis­dom from above,

Justice, truth be ours forever,

Jamaica, land we love, Jamaica, Jamaica, Jamaica, land we love.


Teach us true respect for all,

Stir response to duty’s call,

Strengthen us the weak to cherish,

Give us vision lest we perish,

Knowledge send us Heavenly Father,

Grant true wis­dom from above,

Justice, truth be ours forever,

Jamaica, land we love, Jamaica, Jamaica, Jamaica, land we love.

To Portia Simpson Miller

To the Prime Minister of Jamaica, Portia Lucretia Simpson Miller, please note, above are two things I would like to intro­duce to you.

(1) The Jamaican flag:

The most rec­og­niz­able sym­bol of our nation, it is the sym­bol that we hold dear, irre­spec­tive of par­ty or oth­er affil­i­a­tions, it is the sym­bol of our nation-hood. It evokes pride in us wher­ev­er we are domi­ciled, it is the sin­gle most com­mon thing that ties all of us togeth­er and cor­rect­ly so. 

Madam Prime Minister our flag is not JLP , it is not PNP . It does not belong to you or any­one else, it belongs to us, all of us.

(2) The nation­al anthem:

The nation­al anthem I would like you to acquaint /​re acquaint your­self with it, we the Jamaican peo­ple want our coun­try to be for all Jamaicans, not for JLP, and cer­tain­ly not for PNP. Our coun­try Mrs Miller does not belong to you, it damn sure isn’t PNP coun­try. We are tired of you and your min­ions divid­ing our coun­try into polit­i­cal enclaves, inorder that you and your cronies may fat­ten your pock­ets. Have you no shame?

A PNP hack defaces the Jamaican flag , a Councillor lies impugn­ing the char­ac­ter of a hard-work­ing busi­ness man and all you have to say is this.

However, speak­ing at a ground break­ing cer­e­mo­ny in Hellshire, Portmore, St. Catherine this morn­ing, she said her par­ty has already addressed the issue and she has noth­ing fur­ther to add.
She point­ed out that she gave instruc­tions for a state­ment to be issued by the par­ty and that was done.
Simpson-Miller said as a leader (jamaican​glean​er​.com)

Madam prime Minister I am sor­ry to dis­abuse you of your view that the PNP speaks for the Jamaican peo­ple. Yes you won the elec­tions and it mat­ters not that you won with the low­est vot­er turn out in the his­to­ry of our coun­try. It mat­ters not that most peo­ple are so fed up with the polit­i­cal par­ties in the coun­try that they stayed home. None of that mat­ters, what mat­ters is that you are the elect­ed leader of Jamaica, for bet­ter or worse. You need to under­stand that the des­e­cra­tion of the Jamaican flag is a seri­ous issue no one wants to hear from your damn moron­ic par­ty , you were elect­ed to lead. Don’t you think that you should.….….. lead? You have a propen­si­ty in the face of major foul ups to inso­lent­ly tell peo­ple to talk to the PNP. You have a lot of mouth when you are seek­ing pow­er, now when there are issues which requires lead­er­ship you are con­ve­nient­ly silent. As was the case with Trafigura, your enor­mous cab­i­net, and now this dis­grace­ful dis­play by your cult fol­low­ers, you have the gall and temer­i­ty to sug­gest that you gave the par­ty instruc­tions to address the mat­ter and you have noth­ing to add. Who the hell do you think you are? Just a few months ago you were run­ning around beg­ging for votes but now you are above address­ing a mat­ter of impor­tance to our peo­ple and our coun­try. We know you are not very smart, actu­al­ly we know you are not smart at all, but you damn sure owe the nation some respect , you owe the nation an expla­na­tion why your fol­low­ers think it is okay to deface and dis­grace our flag and anoth­er min­ion lie on a mem­ber of the pub­lic to cov­er his ass.

Your party,and all of you are noth­ing but a colos­sal dis­grace, 100 days since you took office and what piece of leg­is­la­tion have your gov­ern­ment passed? Nothing!!! Ask your­self this ques­tion, “Have I earned the salary I took since I have been in this office I am not qual­i­fied to hold”?