It’s “Party Business” When Trouble Brews In PNP, “chaos And Crisis Of Leadership” When It’s The JLP..

Lloyd B Smith MP (pnp) central St. Jamaes
Lloyd B Smith
MP (pnp) cen­tral St. James

Lloyd B Smith out in St. James cen­tral, Raymond Pryce out in St Elizabeth, Dr Lynvale Bloomfield in Portland Eastern, Lisa Hanna in per­il up there in St. Ann, and Damion Crawford in St Andrew for the PNP . Gregory Mair out in NE St. Catherine for the JLP. Additionally there are count­less oth­er squab­bles brew­ing in both Political par­ties. In a Democracy this could be con­strued to mean the demo­c­ra­t­ic elec­toral process is at play and the voice of the peo­ple are being heard.
Not so in Jamaica for either Party.

Raymond Pryce
Raymond Pryce

The only con­stant in all of this is that it is rea­son­able to con­strue that nation­al elec­tions are not too far away. Some elec­tion watch­ers have pre­dict­ed the Country may see nation­al elec­tions before the end of this year.
When attempt­ing a seri­ous cri­tique of Jamaica’s polit­i­cal real­i­ty one has to do so from the most base per­spec­tive. This is true because every­thing done polit­i­cal­ly in Jamaica is done for the most base self-serv­ing rea­sons. People are not forced out because the par­ties want to purge non-per­form­ing dead-wood from their ranks. People are purged because oth­er peo­ple in posi­tions of pow­er want them out for their own rea­sons. The ulti­mate sin in Jamaican pol­i­tics is mem­bers with minds of their own. 

Having an inde­pen­dent mind is a no no. You nev­er crit­i­cize the par­ty no mat­ter how wrong it’s poli­cies are. Speaking out is polit­i­cal suicide.

Damion Crawford
Damion Crawford

Lloyd B Smith a for­mer JLP mem­ber who went over to the PNP spoke out recent­ly against cor­rup­tion with­in the par­ty. Smith ought to have know that crit­i­ciz­ing the PNP was polit­i­cal sui­cide par­tic­u­lar­ly as a mem­ber who does not have “deep roots” in the par­ty, a kind of nice term die-hards use pejo­ra­tive­ly to style non-orig­i­nal-cult mem­bers of the PNP like Smith.

Lisa Hanna
Lisa Hanna

Patrick Atkinson the Attorney General also tran­si­tioned to the PNP after con­test­ing nation­al elec­tions on the JLP tick­et twice. Atkinson bolt­ed then bolt­ed to the PNP in 2007 where life has been peach since .Politics is all about grasp­ing the moment, seiz­ing the oppor­tu­ni­ty and noth­ing to do with ser­vice. Recently Joan Gordon Webley jumped the Labor ship and sought mem­ber­ship in the Governing PNP.
Comrades feel­ing invad­ed by the hordes[sic] of laborites jump­ing ship as Donald Trump feels about Mexicans invad­ing the US south­ern bor­der, howled in con­dem­na­tion at the influx of laborites to their cult. As a result Webley is now in lim­bo her appli­ca­tion to join the par­ty was decid­ed against by the National Executive Council of the PNP which sent her appli­ca­tion back to the exec­u­tive for reconsideration.
Does that migra­tion of laborites mean they have giv­en up on the JLP ever assum­ing office again? Or does it mean they have final­ly sur­ren­dered to the nar­ra­tive that “Jamaica a PNP coun­try”?
Or maybe both ?

Gregory Mair
Gregory Mair

People’s National Party del­e­gates have also shown Raymond Pryce the door and the Nation’s first elect­ed Rastafarian Damion Crawford is in per­il up there East Rural St. Andrew.
Crawford may be in dan­ger for doing the unthink­able hav­ing words of sup­port for the Jamaican Police. However his stri­dent cri­tique of (inde­com) may be the rea­son the Party is being nudged to remove him. At least for Crawford this may be big­ger than the parochial­ism of PNP trib­al pol­i­tics , but may even come from more pow­er­ful forces out­side the coun­try who are major sup­port­ers of (inde­com).
One thing is notice­able though were the Labor Party expe­ri­enc­ing this lev­el of dis­uni­ty, there would be major glee that nar­ra­tive being that the Labor par­ty has come apart at the seams. Not so when the PNP goes through it’s pains , it’s just inter­nal business. 
Maybe Jamaica real­ly is “PNP country” !!