AUGUST 191It behooves the American peo­ple to stop and fig­ure out what is behind the mas­sive cam­paign to demo­nize, de-fund and do way with Obama Care? Why have the Koch broth­ers invest­ed mil­lions in Ad cam­paigns to get young peo­ple not to sign up? Why have their tools in the Republican cau­cus been so dead set on destroy­ing the coun­try just to repeal a law which has been cer­ti­fied con­sti­tu­tion­al? Why do Republicans want to do away with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)? What’s behind their cam­paign to move moun­tains to make sure that the Keystone Pipeline is approved, who stand to ben­e­fit? Why have Republicans denied sci­en­tif­ic evi­dence that man has done sig­nif­i­cant dam­age to our envi­ron­ment? Why do they pre­tend not to see notable changes in tem­per­a­tures around the world and huge deple­tion of the Polar ice caps?

Have peo­ple stopped to won­der who is behind this relent­less cam­paign to keep Immigrants out? Who wins when Black and Latino Americans are pre­vent­ed from vot­ing? Does Nullification ben­e­fit cit­i­zens in states which does­n’t obey Federal law? Who ben­e­fits when lunatics on the right talk about seces­sion? A whole is no more than the sum of its partsSo how does America ben­e­fit when some talk about lov­ing their coun­try while simul­ta­ne­ous­ly talk­ing about dimin­ish­ing it with seces­sion and nullification? 

There is a kind of brain-dead stu­pid­i­ty which runs the gamut of the Republican right fueled by hatred of President Obama. This removes com­mon sense from every con­ver­sa­tion. This begs the ques­tion, is this blan­ket obstruc­tion based on pol­i­cy dif­fer­ences, or is it a clear attempt to nul­li­fy Obama’s Presidency? There is a clear feel­ing among the right that Obama is attempt­ing to redis­trib­ute wealth to his peo­ple. Mitt Romney’s 47% com­ment behind closed-door was an indi­ca­tion of that. The demo­niz­ing of Food-stamp recip­i­ents. Not pass­ing a new Farm Bill . Opposition to the afford­able Care Act. Opposition to Immigration Reform, are more than enough evi­dence to con­vince any­one not sure of Republican motives.

How do you nul­li­fy 8 years of American his­to­ry? You can’t. You can­not un-kill Osama Bin Laden. You can­not un-end the Iraq war. You can­not un-end the war in Afghanistan. You can­not undo the mir­a­cle which has hap­pened to the 3 big car com­pa­nies. You can­not undo the resur­gence of the stock mar­ket. You can­not undo what Obama did to save the American econ­o­my. You can­not undo the dec­i­ma­tion of Al-Qaeda. You can­not undo the things which Obama has done so far. What you can do is to gum-up the works which in their esti­ma­tion will reduce him to a fail­ure. How can they reduce some­one already a phe­nom­e­nal suc­cess, by any stan­dard to fail­ure? They can’t . Such is the luna­cy of racial big­otry, it is root­ed in absolute igno­rance. That is exact­ly what they are doing, it’s more than politics.